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This is a test, this is only a test....

Just Jack

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Had this been an actual emergency, you would be instructed to dance....


Some DirecTV subscribers said their TV sets played the Lady Gaga song "Paparazzi" when the test was underway.





Wouldn't the assualt on your ears be a defacto emergency?

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Had this been an actual emergency, you would be instructed to dance....


Some DirecTV subscribers said their TV sets played the Lady Gaga song "Paparazzi" when the test was underway.




Is it wrong that I like that song?


It's not a "failed" test. Tests are supposed to catch faults. That's why you run tests.

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My felow Americans. Let me be clear.


This is a test. This was only a test. Had this been an actual emergency, the instruction to dance would have been replaced with an explanation as to how this emergency is George W Bush's fault.


Thank you, God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America

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My felow Americans. Let me be clear.


This is a test. This was only a test. Had this been an actual emergency, the instruction to dance would have been replaced with an explanation as to how this emergency is George W Bush's fault.


Thank you, God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America


Please note that this was a "test." The idea was to see what would work and what didn't. Since this was the first test of this scale ever held glitches are not a surprise.


Tune into Fox News tonight as Sean Hannity explains how this test is a massive plot to indoctrinate Americans.



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since her performance on Howard Stern, I have actually enjoyed listening to a couple of her songs, under the glitz and nonsense, she is an amazing singer.


and isn't that comment about tests a bit off? are you saying that the educational system is trying to show failures and not progress? maybe its just a half full, half empty discussion....


Is it wrong that I like that song?


It's not a "failed" test. Tests are supposed to catch faults. That's why you run tests.


well said, i see you got your teleprompter back...rick perry could have used it last night....


My felow Americans. Let me be clear.


This is a test. This was only a test. Had this been an actual emergency, the instruction to dance would have been replaced with an explanation as to how this emergency is George W Bush's fault.


Thank you, God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America

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and isn't that comment about tests a bit off? are you saying that the educational system is trying to show failures and not progress? maybe its just a half full, half empty discussion....



It's an entirely different kind of testing altogether, numbskull.


Nevermind that if the educational system was run with any semblance of trying to educate, that is how they'd use tests.

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and isn't that comment about tests a bit off? are you saying that the educational system is trying to show failures and not progress? maybe its just a half full, half empty discussion....



i suppose you could say as much as benchmarking what kids do know and have learned, you are also trying to find out what needs to be addressed more thoroughly/better. there are two sides to that coin.


in this system test you are trying to benchmark what has worked and figure out what hasnt so you can fix it before emergency.

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i see you got your teleprompter back


Let me be clear.


If this warning system had been in place the emergency of which you speak may have been averted.


We wanted to issue an Amber Alert but were informed those were only for children. We were also told that we had to wait 24 hours before reporting the teleprompter as missing. 24 hours? Do you know how many speeches I make during that time?

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We wanted to issue an Amber Alert but were informed those were only for children. We were also told that we had to wait 24 hours before reporting the teleprompter as missing. 24 hours? Do you know how many speeches I make during that time?


Yeah, but it's pretty much the same speech every time: "Hope! Change! Evil rich people! Republicans hate jobs!" Don't know why you haven't memorized it yet.

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