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Roller Coasters


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I remember the first time I went to Disneyworld, they had this theater where you stood in the middle of a huge room and you were surrounded by a 360 degree movie where you were in a first person standpoint while going very fast. Once minute you'd be on a motorcycle racing through traffic, then it's behind the wheel of a speedboat, etc. But the one that was always my favorite was the first person roller coaster footage. You know what I mean...the sort of footage where you feel as if you're actually in the front car riding the thing.


Well I installed a 120" projector screen a week or two ago, and I was reminded of this type of footage. I checked out Amazon to see what I could find, and sure enough there were a few products worth looking at. I settled on a series called "Roller Coasters in the Raw" and just received my first DVD today. Well, long story short, it's exactly what I was looking for. They visit about 30 coasters around the world per volume, and they have not only great footage of the coaster, but also historical information as well as complete first person footage of one full ride on each coaster. So far I'm really having fun with it, and it was $10 well spent.


The experience isn't quite the same on a smaller screen, but if anyone likes this sort of thing, check it out.


Amazon Link to Volumes

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I'll have to wait til after work to see what you posted...nothing but a big blank space in your post...wish they'd update the browsers here! :(

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I thought you were posting about this....




Wow! That would be a blast to put something like that together...

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AJ..which volume did you order? These look like a good Christmas gift for the boy..who one true goal in life is to be a roller coaster engineer.


I got Vol.2, which has a bunch of woodies on the first disc and some really cool steel coasters on the second disc, many of which are from Europe and ASia, and they are pretty intense. Your kid would really like it I think, cause the way it's structured is as follows: There are about 30 coasters featured. First they give you the name of the coaster, the date it opened, the designer, and some pertinent stats such as its height, length, and top speed. Then they sort of give you some shots from a distance for perspective, and then the payoff comes when they plop you down in the front seat of the thing and you get to go on a full ride from start to finish. It's just raw, to-the-point coaster footage. There are also some nice documentary DVDs I saw on Amazon, so pairing one of these up with a doc might be a really great way to go if he's really into the deseigning/history aspect. They have like ten volumes on DVD, and the amazon pages for each one list all the coasters that are covered on that particular volume just in case you have any favorites. They also have a bluray version, so I'll chime back in when I check that one out, too. But I think it's $10 well spent :thumbsup:

Edited by ajzepp
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I got Vol.2, which has a bunch of woodies on the first disc and some really cool steel coasters on the second disc, many of which are from Europe and ASia, and they are pretty intense. Your kid would really like it I think, cause the way it's structured is as follows: There are about 30 coasters featured. First they give you the name of the coaster, the date it opened, the designer, and some pertinent stats such as its height, length, and top speed. Then they sort of give you some shots from a distance for perspective, and then the payoff comes when they plop you down in the front seat of the thing and you get to go on a full ride from start to finish. It's just raw, to-the-point coaster footage. There are also some nice documentary DVDs I saw on Amazon, so pairing one of these up with a doc might be a really great way to go if he's really into the deseigning/history aspect. They have like ten volumes on DVD, and the amazon pages for each one list all the coasters that are covered on that particular volume just in case you have any favorites. They also have a bluray version, so I'll chime back in when I check that one out, too. But I think it's $10 well spent :thumbsup:

This is a great write up..thank you. There will certainly be some of these under the tree ..And he is all into the designing and building..every freaking show with rollercoaster gets recorded LOL



Saw Volume 5 has the Intimidator 305 from Kings Dominion..that SOB at 305 foot way fun..front seat on that coaster is well worth it

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This is a great write up..thank you. There will certainly be some of these under the tree ..And he is all into the designing and building..every freaking show with rollercoaster gets recorded LOL



Saw Volume 5 has the Intimidator 305 from Kings Dominion..that SOB at 305 foot way fun..front seat on that coaster is well worth it


I really like how your kid thinks. I could imaging someone saying they want to RIDE roller coasters all day, but your boy loves them so much that he wants to CREATE them. His interest and fascination transcends the enjoyment of the end product, he wants to study them from the ground up. That's really cool :thumbsup:

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And a nightmare for Dad to assemble.


I sure hope your taste in coasters is better than your taste in football teams!!! :devil:

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I think my taste is decent. My favorite is The

Texas Giant here at Six Flags over Texas here

in Arlington Texas.


Cool, I'll have to see if that coaster is featured on any of the videos...I've seen a few Six Flags parks so far, so it's probably on one of them. Is it a woody or a steel coaster?

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Cool, I'll have to see if that coaster is featured on any of the videos...I've seen a few Six Flags parks so far, so it's probably on one of them. Is it a woody or a steel coaster?


It is a woody. It was recently remolded. It was a rough ride

and it was brusing it's riders.

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