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Voting online

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What the hell? Is it that hard to set this up?


I have thought that for years.... I got a message on my door telling me if I just filled out my ballot for Denver, they would pick it up and deliver it to the polling location. IT is really sad more people do not vote, and for it not to be online, it kind of silly.

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What the hell? Is it that hard to set this up?

After you click "Start New Topic," there's a button that allows you to set up online voting. It's big and blue and right in the middle of the page. Pretty easy to find, actually.


Let me know if you need help with anything further.

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What happens when there's a DoS attack on Election Day? Or someone hacks the system and starts changing votes? There's no Constitutional provision for a redo.


It's far easier for a group to affect an online election than it is to affect actual tangible votes (with a paper trail) at traditional polling stations.


Though it might be fun for Ralph Wiggum to actually be elected president...

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I don't think giving idiots more access to voting is a good idea. Voting should be more difficult, if anything.


I agree, and think we should start by making it a requirement that, to vote, you have demonstrate the ability to poke a pointy stick through a piece of paper...

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I renewed my passport online. There are a million things I can do online that threaten security.

A million things that threaten the security of your identity.


How do you verify the person casting the vote is really the voter?

Provide SSN and mothers maiden name, or some other PII that somebody else can easily obtain and pose as the voter?

Have the Feds issue every voter in America their own PKI cert?


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Have the Feds issue every voter in America their own PKI cert?



Only way I can think to secure it reliably...


...from a technical standpoint. Given that most people can't even secure their own identity (and most security practices require such bull **** "two-factor" authentication as "What's your mother's maiden name...because there's no WAY anyone can find that out!"), most people are going to be completely unable to secure a "voter registration" PKI cert.


Never mind that "PKI disenfranchises the poor and minorities!" Which someone will certainly complain about. Hell, I can probably google that phrase right now and find some unwashed, stinky whack-job banging on a drum and bitching about it.

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A million things that threaten the security of your identity.


How do you verify the person casting the vote is really the voter?

Provide SSN and mothers maiden name, or some other PII that somebody else can easily obtain and pose as the voter?

Have the Feds issue every voter in America their own PKI cert?



I filled out a mail in ballot. I connected some lines with a pen signed it and off it went. How did they certify that signature was mine. I filled my wife's out and said "here sign this." Unless there is a DNA test on where I licked the envelope how the hell do they know I filled it out?

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I filled out a mail in ballot. I connected some lines with a pen signed it and off it went. How did they certify that signature was mine. I filled my wife's out and said "here sign this." Unless there is a DNA test on where I licked the envelope how the hell do they know I filled it out?

Another insecure method of voting. This method relies on the honesty of the voter.


Would you trust to the honesty of anyone on the Intarwebs? Captain McGillicudy wants to know

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Another insecure method of voting. This method relies on the honesty of the voter.


Would you trust to the honesty of anyone on the Intarwebs? Captain McGillicudy wants to know


And walking into the rickety booth, closing the curtain and flipping levers that did who knows what was secure? It's never been secure folks.

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