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Big Vote Tomorrow In Ohio

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I say !@#$em. If this is what Ohio wanted, good.


And next time I see some unemployed Ohio couple standing in front of their shithole house in their shithole town the municipality and state cant afford the upkeep for, becuase most of its budget is going to pensions for some "worker" who banked ten years of sickdays, I can simply point at the TV and laugh.


Congrats Ohio! A real "win" for the middle class!

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Ohio democrats should be proud.



A poll worker in Ohio accused of biting a voter's nose during an Election Day argument has been charged with assault.


Police say 53-year-old James N. Williams of Cleveland was charged Thursday and jailed to await a court hearing Saturday.


He's accused of head-butting and trying to bite off the nose of a voter who helped a campaign volunteer in an argument over signs posted near a Cleveland polling place Tuesday. Greg Flanagan needed hospital treatment.

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