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our defense looked good

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When you consider how longer and often they were on the field....


Only game up 3 points in the first half....


Then in the 3rd qrt.... after the 50 yard kick off return... they held....

after the offense was pin down at the and the Jets only needed 50 yards to go... they held the Jets to a 50 yard FG..... 6pts

Then Fred fumbles....on our 20....and Buress(gets away with a push)down to the one 13pts

then the pass interference that holmes wasn't going to catch anyway lead to 20pts


And after the offense can't convert 4th and inches ...... well u know the rest....


All and all the defense played well enough to win this game...and I think the jets only had like 30-40 yards rushing in the 2nd half..... the offense was just horrible

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Say what you want about how the Bills played, but the Referees made this game easier for the Jests, plain and simple. If you saw the Wilson interception on HD like we did, the ball never touched the ground in any way, and the BS the jests receivers got away with was ridiculous.


It's one thing to lose a game, but when the refs keep dry docking you, as a fan you start to hate the game.

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Say what you want about how the Bills played, but the Referees made this game easier for the Jests, plain and simple. If you saw the Wilson interception on HD like we did, the ball never touched the ground in any way, and the BS the jests receivers got away with was ridiculous.


It's one thing to lose a game, but when the refs keep dry docking you, as a fan you start to hate the game.


I agree with the Wilson INT. Anyone who watched the Ravens vs Steelers game saw Bouldin get awarded the exact same play......through the on field call AND replay.

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Say what you want about how the Bills played, but the Referees made this game easier for the Jests, plain and simple. If you saw the Wilson interception on HD like we did, the ball never touched the ground in any way, and the BS the jests receivers got away with was ridiculous.


It's one thing to lose a game, but when the refs keep dry docking you, as a fan you start to hate the game.


I agree but with the way our offense was playing unless our defense scored we had no chance....the offense was soo limited like we was playing in a preseason game

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In what universe did the Bills D look good?

Holy crap, the Jets had their way with the Bills all day.

The only reason the score was close at halftime was Sanchize giving the Bills a couple gifts.

There were two reasons the Bills D was on the field so long.

1) The Bills offense could do nothing with the short game taken away by the Jets D.

2) The Bills D had no answer for the Jets offense, running or passing.


Simple as that.


The Bills D looked good you say????? :wallbash:


The game was like an arm wrestling match with the Jets winning at the end. But it was close for a half. Some dubious ref calls made it seem worse.



Oy vey. Always is that way huh, win or loss it seems. I wonder why that is. :rolleyes:

Edited by CodeMonkey
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When you consider how longer and often they were on the field....

All and all the defense played well enough to win this game...and I think the jets only had like 30-40 yards rushing in the 2nd half..... the offense was just horrible


You have got to be kidding me.




Yes, they only gave up 3 points in the first half.


They let the Jets hang onto the ball 10 FREAKIN minutes on their first drive. 6 FREAKIN first downs.


Not only does that suck, it sends two very bad messages:

1) It tells our offense, the pressures on you mates, 'cuz we can't stop a nosebleed today. Go 3 and out, and you'll be getting stiff on the bench

2) It tells their offense, "you can have your will with us and we're going to lie back and take it"


Later in the half, they allowed a 5 1/2 minute drive featuring 3 first downs.


Note: I am not absolving our offense. Our offense sucked. But the offense had nothing to do with the D spending 15 1/2 minutes on the field on just those two drives.


Anyone who can describe a D that allowed the opponents to stay on the field 40 minutes and convert 54% of their 3rd downs as "looking good", needs to learn more about football.


Sorry, calling it like I see it. We sucked on both sides of the ball from what I could see and the cold hard facts of the play by play back me.

Edited by Hopeful
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In what universe did the Bills D look good?

Holy crap, the Jets had their way with the Bills all day.

The only reason the score was close at halftime was Sanchize giving the Bills a couple gifts.


The Jets basically had two good drives. The first ended in the Byrd pick, and the second was their last TD drive late in the game (which was aided by a bizarre PI penalty by McGee at the 4).


Other than that, I thought the Bills defense did a solid job yesterday. They stopped the run. They were pretty good against the pass (Holmes only had 25 yards receiving, for example).

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In what universe did the Bills D look good?



You can only hold the line for so long if the cavalry doesn't show up. The Bills defense kept the Jets offense out of the endzone for the better part of the game. It's not their fault the offense decided not to get off the bus.

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And its only the Bills opponents that do it and get away with it ... every week. Yup, sure thing. :thumbsup:

All I'm saying is the Jets WRs played like PI is legal. It looked like two-hand touch on one TD play. But the D got a PI on an uncatchable ball.



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In what universe did the Bills D look good?

Holy crap, the Jets had their way with the Bills all day.

The only reason the score was close at halftime was Sanchize giving the Bills a couple gifts.

There were two reasons the Bills D was on the field so long.

1) The Bills offense could do nothing with the short game taken away by the Jets D.

2) The Bills D had no answer for the Jets offense, running or passing.


Simple as that.


The Bills D looked good you say????? :wallbash:



Oy vey. Always is that way huh, win or loss it seems. I wonder why that is. :rolleyes:


I'm sorry, but I don't know how anyone can call our defensive performance good yesterday. We could not stop a mediocre offense at all. There were some questionable calls, such as Wilson's INT overturn, but in the grand scheme of things, we were owned on both sides of the ball.

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You can only hold the line for so long if the cavalry doesn't show up. The Bills defense kept the Jets offense out of the endzone for the better part of the game. It's not their fault the offense decided not to get off the bus.

I'm not saying the offense was not to blame as well. They certainly showed nothing. But to blame how the Jets offense walked down the field time after time, including at the beginning of the game where fatigue could not be blamed, on the Bills offense is nonsense IMO.


It's not the end of the world. The Bills got beat by a better team is all.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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You can only hold the line for so long if the cavalry doesn't show up. The Bills defense kept the Jets offense out of the endzone for the better part of the game. It's not their fault the offense decided not to get off the bus.


Dude, you can only hold the line so long because sooner or later, after you allow their offense to march down the field converting to 1st downs at will, the endzone comes in sight and they either score, or you catch a break and get out of it with 3 or with 0


We were one endzone INT, a dumb 12-man-on-field Jets penalty that put them in a hole, and a couple good plays by Wilson away from going into the half 21-0


And believe me, Rex Ryan spent part of halftime pointing that out to them, a factor that likely had much to do with the 24 points they scored in the 2nd half.


I'm not saying the offense was not to blame as well. They certainly showed nothing. But to blame how the Jets offense walked down the field time after time, including at the beginning of the game where fatigue could not be blamed, on the Bills offense is nonsense IMO.



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We were one endzone INT, a dumb 12-man-on-field Jets penalty that put them in a hole, and a couple good plays by Wilson away from going into the half 21-0





But they DIDN'T. It was 3-0 and the offense still couldn't pull its head out of its ass in the second half. Look I'm not saying the Bills Defense was the 85 Bears out there yesterday, but if you're looking to point the finger and blame someone for the loss I don't think you start with the defense.

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The Jets open drive lasted 10 mins and they game away with zero! ... I saw the same thing happen to the ravens last week they gave up a 8 min drive but it produced no points.... there first 3 scores was do to turnover and great field position from the offense.... the only time they really looked defeated was after that 4th and inches that we didn't get on offense

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As others have indicated, the defense didn't lose this game. Playing sans Williams and Kelsay, they didn't allow a TD until it was a 20-yard field and they played the run well. The 50-yard PI call against McKelvin was bush league, as was the non-call of offensive PI against Burress. Both plays led to TDs, and both were roundly criticized by Dungy, Patrick, and Harrison on NBC's pre-game show last night. If the score is 9-3 rather than 20-3, Buffalo kicks a FG rather than going for 4th down and it's a 9-6 game with most of the 4th quarter remaining. In several games this year those plays have gone the Bills' way -- yesterday they did not.


Buffalo did not play well enough on offense to win this game, regardless, but defensively, they were not embarrassed (which could not be said for either of the two games last year).


Next week at Dallas is a very winnable game. The Cowboys can't stop the run, and their pass defense is nowhere near the caliber of NY's. Expect a minimum of two picks out of Romo.


They'll get back on track in the Lone Star State.


By the way -- who else is glad Miami got their first win yesterday?

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