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Ummm, let's see...The Wolfman, District 9, Captain America, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Rocketeer and King Kong...THAT'S why.

I meant Johnston more than Jackson. (But neither one directed District 9)


Johnston is a Spielberg protege but he over does the schmaltz even more than his mentor. Where as JJ was (obviously) inspired greatly by Spielberg but he brings his own instincts and sensibilities to his stuff. Johnston is very mechanical with extra dollops of sugar thrown in when he doesn't know what's missing.


I dug Captain America, I was really impressed. But it played to his strength (old fashion stories told in an old fashioned setting). The Rocketeer and Jumanji (in its way) worked on the same principle. His films in a modern setting: JP3, Honey I Shrunk the Kids both = :sick:.


If you gave him the keys to the Transformers kingdom people would be wishing for Michael Bay.


On Breaking Dawn@ WHat ever happened when werewolf/vampire wars actually meant something like in "Underworld"?

Relax, there's a new Underworld movie coming out in January.

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