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Why this years Bills team will win the Super Bowl

Buffalo 66

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If they did win it all this year (Which is unlikely given the lack of playoff experience) it would be a Disney movie.


Seriously a team coming off of a 4-12 record with a bunch of castoffs manning the helm winning it all would have to be the next Money Ball type movie. This team has the characters but lets just worry about making the playoffs first.

"Anything is possible if you just believe" is from Walt Disney 1940 classic, Pinocchio. Enjoy!


Read more http://www.kgbanswers.com/what-disney-movie-is-the-quote-anything-is-possible-if-you-just-believe-from/4401498#ixzz1cW0ahJYl

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All I will say is that the Bills have shown they are a team that CAN beat anyone. Will they? Maybe not. But they have yet to be overwhelmed in any game they've played, and they earned their record against the toughest schedule in the NFL so far.



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Some of us are old enough to remember that teams that were really good dominated the regular season, won their 2 playoff games and took the Super Bowl or World Series or whatever. These days, parity and interminable playoff systems with way too many teams allow whatever team is hot at the end of the season to take the championships. The Cardinals sure did take care of business, but should never have been in the playoffs.


Maybe it's more interesting to know that any team can have a magical season, but I sure do hate it when the best teams get knocked out of a playoff "tournament." It's why I don't care at all about college basketball.

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I thought the only reason we play football is to win the Super Bowl? Correct me if I am wrong

True words.


Didnt the Saints win one against Manning?


If the Saints can win one WE can win one and if they beat the Jets well I don't see why it cant happen because we can play with anybody...and win.

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I thought the only reason we play football is to win the Super Bowl? Correct me if I am wrong

Everybody should get the trophy. Its only fair. Then we can march in OWS and demand the money from the filthy rich.

Of course it is about winning. I was a little league coach and we played every game with the prize of champs in mind. We went to the playoffs undefeated because we played each game to win. We lost the final game because we thought we should be the winners. So yes the Bills need to play to win the SB.

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They've done it so far, week after week, against the most difficult schedule in the NFL up to this point. Even the games we lost, we were in it until the very last.




I heard he is level 85. He is still a noob though.



level 85 mage?

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Anything is possible, but the 2011 Bills squad is a little short on depth, needs a better pass rush (I'm throwing out last week's 9-sack performance) and we have no proven backup at QB. I'd love to see the Bills finally bring home the Lombardi Trophy, but I think we are still a season away.


and if we lose Sunday everyone will say we are doomed and paid too much for Fitz. ah to be a fan

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Looking at the other teams in the AFC, I really think we have a legit shot at making the SB. Winning it, is another story. We just have to hope someone in the NFC can take out Aaron Rodgers before the SB. I don't think stand much of a chance vs him. He's playing on another level.

Long way to go. Let's just hope we can continue to play well and make the playoffs. Then we'll see where it takes us. Not worried at all about the Super Bowl at this point in the season. Too many games left to be played.

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At this point, aside from the Packers, anyone else we beat should not be considered a big upset. If we beat the Patriots at NE in the last week of the season that might be a bit of an upset but I don't think it should really shock anyone (though I'm sure there are still skeptics out there who's jaws would hit the floor if we did). I BILLeive we have just as good a shot to at least make it to the Superbowl as any of the top tier AFC teams right now.

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