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Those silly Greeks with their wacky ideas of democracy

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It's the most irresponsible, insane decision a leader could have made under these circumstances. Not only has he basically scuttled the entire deal, that Merkel and Sarkozy helped craft (which they received intense scrutiny within their own countries for bailing out the greeks), but now just about every single investor on the planet that is still in the markets is now in the mercy of his decision. It's almost unfathomable that he could make such a decision. The worst part of all this is that they don't vote on it until January, so there is this cloud of uncertainty that could roil the markets until then.


They, they being the northern europeans should consider some sort of contingency plan for the most orderly default possible and give Papainidiot a notice that he needs to go through with the plan ASAP or suffer a forced default and expulsion of the EU.

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It's the most irresponsible, insane decision a leader could have made under these circumstances. Not only has he basically scuttled the entire deal, that Merkel and Sarkozy helped craft (which they received intense scrutiny within their own countries for bailing out the greeks), but now just about every single investor on the planet that is still in the markets is now in the mercy of his decision. It's almost unfathomable that he could make such a decision. The worst part of all this is that they don't vote on it until January, so there is this cloud of uncertainty that could roil the markets until then.


They, they being the northern europeans should consider some sort of contingency plan for the most orderly default possible and give Papainidiot a notice that he needs to go through with the plan ASAP or suffer a forced default and expulsion of the EU.

What do the Greeks not understand about a 50% write down of their debt? Are they insulted by this arrangement and wish to pay the whole thing? Apparently, the general sentiment among the Greek populace is that the bail out is a bad deal. I guess a bankrupt state is a good deal in their eyes. Given how they've run their country up to this point, that very well may be the case.

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What do the Greeks not understand about a 50% write down of their debt? Are they insulted by this arrangement and wish to pay the whole thing? Apparently, the general sentiment among the Greek populace is that the bail out is a bad deal. I guess a bankrupt state is a good deal in their eyes. Given how they've run their country up to this point, that very well may be the case.

Bankruptcy is coming for Greece sooner or later- probably the Greek population doesn't see the advantage of 6-18 months of austerity and privatization of commons before the fall. Greece needs out of the EU period, they need a cheaper currency to help exports and tourism. In the end Greece will take quite the AZZ kicking but better take an Azz kicking now and retain sovereignty.

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Bankruptcy is coming for Greece sooner or later- probably the Greek population doesn't see the advantage of 6-18 months of austerity and privatization of commons before the fall. Greece needs out of the EU period, they need a cheaper currency to help exports and tourism. In the end Greece will take quite the AZZ kicking but better take an Azz kicking now and retain sovereignty.

How can you use the word "sovereignty" in the same sentence, or book for that matter, as Greece? Sovereignty implies the ability to make decisions for yourself. It also implies that you are actually a real country. It also implies that other countries respect you enough to recognize your right to sovereign determination.


Greece can't make decisions for itself. They have been trying to make socialism work, and now, they apparently are run by mobs of blatant idiots. How's that sovereignty?


Greece isn't a real country. How many Greeks would be willing to fight for Greece? How many would protest the war, and protest being asked to fight, instead? How many are willing to accept less handouts to help their country? How many actually care about solving their country's problems, both short and long term, more than they care about their handouts? What about these people makes them a "country" and not merely a collection of lazy azzholes that just happen to live near each other? Greece is what happens when the far left is allowed to be in charge = your country ceases to exist in any way that matters.


Greece's sovereignty is a joke to everyone. If it wasn't, then why the deal they got? If your sovereignty isn't recognized or respected by anyone, it doesn't exist.


Sovereignty? Shirly, you can't be serious.


And finally, the EU, and all its FAIL, is also what happens when you allow the far-left to be in charge.


The only reason Greece hasn't been tossed out years ago? The far-left politicians in France and Germany don't want to admit their massive mistakes. They want to blame everybody else for their FAIL, as per the far-left methodology.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Now they are saying there will be no Greek Vote. If that is the case, I would venture to guess that he did get some threats of their country getting expelled from the Euro zone.


Link? Just checked the Bloomberg and there was no news on that...

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Now they are saying there will be no Greek Vote. If that is the case, I would venture to guess that he did get some threats of their country getting expelled from the Euro zone.


I don't know about this, but I did see hints of a no-confidence vote / collapse of his coalition gov't.


OC: Greece isn't a real country. How many Greeks would be willing to fight for Greece?


They'd just hire someone to fight their war for them. Lord knows they've been doing that since the dawn of democracy.

Edited by UConn James
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