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Ya, cause the Buffalo media never writes anything negative about the Bills.


Ignorant topic.



agreed that buffalo media can certainly be hard on the bills. but can't remember something so explicitly negative. "5 reasons why the Bills will soon run out of gas" it should have read "5 reason why the bill may run out of gas." beside Buffalo media is free to say what they want. They live here. It's a bit different when we're supposed to be supported by our "friends" up north. But thanks for your insight and opinion.


Go Bills.


Before giving any credence to the article, check out the poll to it's right.


Who do you think is the early season favourite for NFL MVP?

Aaron Rodgers, GB

Drew Brees, SD

Tom Brady, NE

Someone else




you have to understand that a prerequisite to being a Toronto sports writer is to be as negative as possible. I'm sure these guys weren't hugged enough as a child or something but if you think sully is negative, there are about 30 of these idiots in toronto who try to out do each other. it's best just to ignore it all

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