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Zombie Survival Thread


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Make sure you are in a group with a few slow people you don't like. Avoid cities. Stockpile weapons and ammo from readily available calibers .22 .223 12 gauge .45 etc.. try to fabricate some type of body armor to protect you from bites and a 4wd would never hurt. Double as transportation and a zombie crusher

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Make sure you are in a group with a few slow people you don't like. Avoid cities. Stockpile weapons and ammo from readily available calibers .22 .223 12 gauge .45 etc.. try to fabricate some type of body armor to protect you from bites and a 4wd would never hurt. Double as transportation and a zombie crusher

I have been working on a design of a spring loaded machete on a crossbow frame, kind of like a clay pigeon thrower.


Wouldn't need ammo, but requires close proximity for use.



Chain mail would be a must.

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-stay quiet when moving

-use guns only when absolutely necessary

-blades dont need to reload

-wear tight clothing

-keep your hair cut very short

-eat healthy and exercise

-when using blades, try for decapitation. blades get lodged very easily into the skull.

-never separate from the group

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Hide in the roof cavity.


Wait, but wouldn't it be better to go out into the streets? To find more non infected humans I mean


I have been working on a design of a spring loaded machete on a crossbow frame, kind of like a clay pigeon thrower.


Wouldn't need ammo, but requires close proximity for use.



Chain mail would be a must.


Good idea. I've been thinking up a design for some artificial claws attached to your hand. Good for close ranged combat especially since knives can be lost. Also thinking up some machete and chainsaw arm blades. Chainmail is a good idea too. Great for stopping chomping zombie teeth.


-stay quiet when moving

-use guns only when absolutely necessary

-blades dont need to reload

-wear tight clothing

-keep your hair cut very short

-eat healthy and exercise

-when using blades, try for decapitation. blades get lodged very easily into the skull.

-never separate from the group


All necesities for zombie survival. ESPECIALLY never seperate from the group.


get to remote location, weapons, high walls, fortified compound....survive ANY end of the world scenario...


Like a military base? Maybe a police station.


The most important thing to remember about a Zombie Apocalypse is that time is on your side. Any species whose food source doubles as their method of reproduction is not going to last that long


Not to mention their ONLY method of reproduction. Zombies can't have sex.

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Hide in the roof cavity.

Wait, but wouldn't it be better to go out into the streets? To find more non infected humans I mean


I should have explained the whole hiding in the roof cavity a bit....


When a zombie hoard is trundling towards the house where you are holed up in, don't bother with boarding up the windows and trying to defend it like a fort.....just get in the roof cavity.


Zombies can't fly & typically can't think.


Sit safe and sound in the roof cavity of a house and shoot them down at leisure. You can even remove some roof tiles for more entrances.


I've watched quite a few Zombie movies in my time and I invariably end up yelling at the screen....

"Just find the manhole and get in the damned roof you morons!!"

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  • 5 months later...

Always carry a solidly made machete or parang. It never runs out of ammo. And make sure your arm is in good shape.


Actually, you want something a little lighter, and a stabbing weapon. A slashing weapon, if it's heavy enough to be useful (i.e. lop of a head in a couple of strokes) will tire you out too quickly, AND stands a good chance of getting hung up in a slice (yes, you don't need to reload a blade...you can, however, lose it when you can't remove it from a wound). Most people would be better off with something lighter that can stab rather than slash, and be removed reliably. Like a Roman gladius or similar.

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Don't be the slowest person in the group. Get out of cities and population centers. Besides the obvious gathering of weapons also stock up on non perishable food, fresh water, gasoline, radios, batteries etc... don't use lights at night keep everything blacked out, find a large 4x4 for escape and if needed running zombies over just make sure you reinforce the front to avoid damaging the radiator. Just a few bits of advice

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DC Tom I agree that it would be a bad idea to solely rely on a heavier weapon like a machete or parang. They are good to have but yes having a lighter stabbing weapon has it's advantages too. Good point on that. When dealing with pesky zombies one must be quick on his/her feet and adapt in a moments notice.


I believe this was first posted on TSW by someone ...


Either way, it's a hilarious read.


Poor zombies wouldn't stand a chance. Awsome link.

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Actually, you want something a little lighter, and a stabbing weapon. A slashing weapon, if it's heavy enough to be useful (i.e. lop of a head in a couple of strokes) will tire you out too quickly, AND stands a good chance of getting hung up in a slice (yes, you don't need to reload a blade...you can, however, lose it when you can't remove it from a wound). Most people would be better off with something lighter that can stab rather than slash, and be removed reliably. Like a Roman gladius or similar.


Like a Kukri or a Falcata or a machete? Thos things are BA! My fav lightweight melee weaponms


Planning on training how to use samurai weapons like the kanabo when I get older, so im not screwed.

Edited by SelmonSmith6378
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I have a flock of trained vultures - they eat dead flesh so the zoombies will have to deal with them.



Lol smart thinkin! Make sure they are trained to not venture too far from your defensive perimeter. A pack of trained hyaenas is a good complement as well.

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Grab my emergency zombie apocalypse response kit, my DVD of the Comeback Game (to preserve our culture and all), and high-tail it for my survival condo in an old missile silo in Kansas - - well, at least I want you to think it's in Kansas:




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