San Jose Bills Fan Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 As others have so poignantly stated - what is it that the guy did wrong here?!? (other than being a Patriot) You'd have to ask the Patriots* organization. They appear to be the only ones who have a problem with it.
shibuya Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 so much for freedom... if he wants to pose with a porn star that is his right to do so
ieatcrayonz Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Wait. I'M a random guy! Whatever dude but be careful. If Ennifer finds out, the porn chick will be a goner and you will be he next Bobbit.
stony Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Gronkowski shouldn't have to apologize for anything. I don't care if he was %#+*ing her or not. It's his business and nobody elses. But this Twitter $%it has to stop. What the hell is happening to younger kids and even older people now? Do we really want to know what Donte Freaking Whitner had for breakfast? Or give a crap about a friend getting his brakes done? Twitter is a joke and nothing but a problem. People are more obsessed with how many followers they have than thier bank account numbers. I wish people would just quit this dumb fad......and post more on Facebook. You do realize Facebook is 10x worse than Twitter with it consuming people's lives. Talk about being consumed by "friends" errr, followers.
AReed Deep For 7 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Is there a Full Feature Film? No? Than who gives a flying sh*t. Start a thread when we can see that
San Jose Bills Fan Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I was just listening to Rome in the car a few minutes ago. He did make one good point… Bi Bi Jones posed with a Patriots* jersey on. That jersey is property of the team and the league, and represents the team and the league. In that regard, Gronk may have shown bad judgement… it's almost like me taking the company truck to the gentlemen's club, for instance.
ieatcrayonz Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I was just listening to Rome in the car a few minutes ago. He did make one good point… Bi Bi Jones posed with a Patriots* jersey on. That jersey is property of the team and the league, and represents the team and the league. In that regard, Gronk may have shown bad judgement… it's almost like me taking the company truck to the gentlemen's club, for instance. It's actually worse. It's like you taking a stripper into the company truck and putting a bumper sticker on the back that says: If this trucks a rockin the don't come a knockin.
The Senator Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Facebook isn't much better. A couple of weeks ago, I overheard a conversation where one idiot was bragging about how many "friends" on Facebook he had as opposed to the other guy. He also just started a Google+ account was excited about how "friends" he could get there. Couldn't agree more - you have good reason to be 'Cynical' This ridiculous 'social networking' phenomenon is the slow or the 'dumb-ification' of America. I'm reminded of the Toyota Venza commercial, where the pallid, laptop-tethered, teenage gal worries about her healthy, happy, active, outdoorsy, vibrant. athletic, adventurous, mountain-biking parents - as she opines about her own Facebook-based vicarious life, "This is living." The amount of time wasted that could be better-spent experiencing life is bad enough. (And believe me, the fact that I have over 10K posts on TSW is very disturbing to me) . But even more frightening is the idea that all these idiots are naively putting their entire lives, including even the most intimate personal details, out there on the 'net where it will remain archived forever in multiple, redundant, Zeta-byte storage servers secured in a hardened-bunker-based data center - just waiting to be data-mined through a parametric database search by marketeers, government agencies, or some even more sinister entity. 'Idiocracy' - whether thru our television sets or cyberspace - is truly upon us already.
KD in CA Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Now THIS is an example of the ridiculous over-PC mentality that has consumed football and our society at large (as opposed to the case of the idiot HS coach getting fired).
BillsFanNC Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Wait. I'M a random guy! Yes you are. There is not a guy on this board that she would not bang.
Lurker Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 The amount of time wasted that could be better-spent experiencing life is bad enough. (And believe me, the fact that I have over 10K posts on TSW is very disturbing to me) . Pot, meet kettle...
The Senator Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 (edited) Pot, meet kettle... Uh, yeah, I think that's basically what I just stated - in my own self-deprecating way - but thanks for at least trying to keep up . Edited October 27, 2011 by The Senator
BillsFanNC Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 'Idiocracy' - whether thru our television sets or cyberspace - is truly upon us already. Speaking of that, Beavis and Butt-head make their return tonight on MTV.
John in Jax Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 (edited) I was just listening to Rome in the car a few minutes ago. He did make one good point… Bi Bi Jones posed with a Patriots* jersey on. That jersey is property of the team and the league, and represents the team and the league. In that regard, Gronk may have shown bad judgement… it's almost like me taking the company truck to the gentlemen's club, for instance. +1. After viewing the photo, I immediately thought that the NFL/Patriots would have a problem with this, and I didn't have to listen to another egomaniac (Rome) to come to that conclusion. lol Edited October 27, 2011 by John in Jax
Momma Pecoraro Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 What distinguishes a porn 'star' from a porn 'actress'. For instance, if someone is credited as 'girl three' in an orgy double penetration scene, is that the not the equivalent of being 'Chanel counter girl' in the Devil Wears Prada? Or is porn like youth soccer where everyone is a star?
stinky finger Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 What distinguishes a porn 'star' from a porn 'actress'. For instance, if someone is credited as 'girl three' in an orgy double penetration scene, is that the not the equivalent of being 'Chanel counter girl' in the Devil Wears Prada? Or is porn like youth soccer where everyone is a star?
The Senator Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 What distinguishes a porn 'star' from a porn 'actress'. For instance, if someone is credited as 'girl three' in an orgy double penetration scene, is that the not the equivalent of being 'Chanel counter girl' in the Devil Wears Prada? Or is porn like youth soccer where everyone is a star? The Buffalo Snooze calls her an ' adult-film performer ' 'New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski says he didn't intend to hurt the team's reputation when he posed for photographs with an adult film performer.' (Link - Gronkowski* never intended to hurt Pats* reputation*)
KD in CA Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Speaking of that, Beavis and Butt-head make their return tonight on MTV. http://www.washingto...An3L_story.html Thanks for the heads up. I need to watch it at least once for old times sake. What distinguishes a porn 'star' from a porn 'actress'. For instance, if someone is credited as 'girl three' in an orgy double penetration scene, is that the not the equivalent of being 'Chanel counter girl' in the Devil Wears Prada? Or is porn like youth soccer where everyone is a star?
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