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peyton manning killed primetime football this year


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So only offence matters when it comes to winning games? Wouldn't Fraser have just as much of an advantage as Jackson seeing as how they were both co-ordinators with thier current teams before becoming HC's? Only difference is one has a similar offence, while the other a similar defence?


SF gets a new HC, and was a bad team last year and couldn't win a weak division, but they get the the prime time over Seattle who atleast made the playoffs (and made it past the 1st round?).


If you look at the schedule, they give prime time "preference" to teams that made the playoffs the previous years, and to interesting games with sub-plots or rivalries. They also give preference to teams with a marketable Star player, such as Brady, Manning, Brees, etc. At the start of this season, an Indy NO game would have looked like a great game to watch, along with the Eagles vs Giants game. When the schedule was made earlier this year, all SF had done was sign Harbaugh as the HC, how is that enough to make them more worthy to be on prime time then a playoff team from last year?

I'm not going to repeat myself a 3rd time.


Let me however say this: any reader can make the attempt to understand the other viewpoint or they can choose not to make that effort.


As I said before, you don't have to agree with my opinions. And that's fine. As long as you make a good faith attempt to understand them first as opposed to just being argumentative.



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Is there any doubt who the best player in football has been over the past decade after watching the Colts implode without Manning? This is pretty much the same team that went 10-6 last year and now they look like the worst team in football.

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Bills at Jets would be the most likely flex game on 11/27, but they'd replace Pitt at KC. To appease Steelers fans, they should move Pitt and Cincy to replace the Colts and Patriots on 12/4. Manning's injury did kill prime time this season. Have to say, Polian has had what, 13 or so years to find a suitable backup. Kinda dropped the ball there Bill. Your lustre as a top GM has taken a beating this year.

Edited by buffaloaggie
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The NFL is turning into MLB with its primetime display of 4-5 select teams every season. You'd think they'd learn their lesson seeing how different teams are always moving up and down year in and year out.


Except MLB actually has the flexibility to show whatever teams / games they think will be interesting to fans (even if it's not what you want to see.) The NFL has no leeway until late in the season.

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Maybe I am on the only one here, but I love me 1.00pm Sunday Bills games..and hate night games. That was the only, and i mean only, positive of the suckitude of the last 10 years..98% 1.00pm games :thumbsup:


Agreed. Lunch-Bills-Nap is a fine, fine Sunday afternoon, and so far this year, I've been able to keep things in that order.

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Speaking of baseball, ESPN just ran about 8 minutes of commercials (out of 11 total minutes of show), since the start of their 11pm "Sportscenter", so that as soon as the WS game ended, they could go "live" to their crew outside of the ballpark in Arlington, TX. I've never seen them do something like that, ever. IMO, they have rrrreaaalllyyy gone downhill over the past couple of years.




As someone who travel a LOT, I think that Steeler nation would have something to say about that.....and I would side with the Steelheads too.

Only because the Steelers have won more recently. 15 years ago, alot of those people wearing Steeler jerseys were wearing Cowboy Jerseys, and probably 49er jerseys before that.


I'd rather stand in line at the grocery store than watch MLB.

Me too, and I was a huge MLB fan prior to the strike in 1994. Just can't get into it much anymore. Before the strike, I never missed a World Series game no matter who played, I go home now and forget it is even on.


That's really your loss. As usual, the postseason has been great. Pujols is Babe Ruth and showed it last night, and the Rangers pitched a gem tonight.....I love it, and wish the NFL would go back to not scheduling their main prime time game against it.....But, I know my numbers are getting smaller while the NFL just keeps getting bigger.

It isn't the NFL that has to worry, normally a regular season game gets better ratings than the World Series does anymore. This weekend was the exception because of the crappy matchup with the Colts, and MLB bragged about it for 3 days that they got better ratings than that bad game. Normally the NFL can put almost any REGULAR SEASON game against the WORLD SERIES and beat them bad in the ratings.

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As someone else suggested, maybe the answer is in flex scheduling. The first half of the season can be scheduled based on last year's performance and the second half based on this season's performance. That way we dont have to look for things to do at 9 pm on Sundays, by which time the games are pretty much decided.

It is not that simple though to just say go ahead & flex half the season. You think CBS & Fox want to give up their best game every week to NBC for half the season. They would have a real problem with that. I really do not think you could flex the Monday night game. Being that your actually moving it to a different day if you would flex it(move a Sunday game to a Monday night) the logistics would never work out. ESPN right now has such crappy games because it is my understanding that there pickings is very slim. I think Fox & CBS get to protect a certain amount of games & NBC I think gets 1st pick most weeks so after that is all said & done you get the Jets/Miami, Giants/Rams for the ESPN game. At that point they probably don't care how good the teams are they just go after the biggest which is probably their best hope of getting decent ratings.

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It is not that simple though to just say go ahead & flex half the season. You think CBS & Fox want to give up their best game every week to NBC for half the season.


Thats a good point. Networks wont voluntarily want to give up a good matchup to a competitor. This problem continues to serve the network at the expense of the viewer entertainment. I don't readily have a solution at hand but in the interest of keeping viewership high, I would think the NFL can work something out with the networks. Maybe every week CBS and Fox can alternate giving up one game every week and that week can be decided by which network has a viable alternative game which is equally intriguing.

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Only because the Steelers have won more recently. 15 years ago, alot of those people wearing Steeler jerseys were wearing Cowboy Jerseys, and probably 49er jerseys before that.



Me too, and I was a huge MLB fan prior to the strike in 1994. Just can't get into it much anymore. Before the strike, I never missed a World Series game no matter who played, I go home now and forget it is even on.



It isn't the NFL that has to worry, normally a regular season game gets better ratings than the World Series does anymore. This weekend was the exception because of the crappy matchup with the Colts, and MLB bragged about it for 3 days that they got better ratings than that bad game. Normally the NFL can put almost any REGULAR SEASON game against the WORLD SERIES and beat them bad in the ratings.


Then it's your loss, too. This World Series has been nothing short of compelling.

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The NFL's scheduling is designed to reach out to our emerging fans, those who might not be familiar with all 32 teams. Naturally we want to encourage them and give them ample opportunity to become fans of the Colts, Steelers, Packers, Cowboys, Jets, Eagles, Saints, Ravens or Patriots.


We thank the loyal die hard fans for your continued patronage and know that you are looking forward to our next national broadcast that will not feature your favorite team.

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The NFL's scheduling is designed to reach out to our emerging fans, those who might not be familiar with all 32 teams. Naturally we want to encourage them and give them ample opportunity to become fans of the Colts, Steelers, Packers, Cowboys, Jets, Eagles, Saints, Ravens or Patriots.


We thank the loyal die hard fans for your continued patronage and know that you are looking forward to our next national broadcast that will not feature your favorite team.

Best name on this board

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