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T Tech stuns OU.

Offside Number 76

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I guess I've been wrong for saying that Okla. shouldn't have fallen from no. 1 while idle.


I have never quite understood this argument. UGA fans made the same argument a few years ago.

The rankings are dynamic and are based on games played up to that point.

The team wasn't "penalized" for being on a bye, it's that the teams "resume" wasn't nearly as good as the other teams to that point.


This shakes things up quite a bit. Boise or OSU for no. 3? (And I see OU beating OSU later this year, which might be enough to FINALLY put Boise in a title game.


At this point in the season, I do not put much emphasis on rankings.

I'll start worrying about them come mid to late November, as the season winds down.


There are still games to be played, and each one could impact the final rankings.

Right now, I see BSU being #3.


Assuming OU beats OSU later this year, the only way I see BSU making the NCG is for Clemson to take a loss.


If Boise St and Clemson both finish the season undefeated, I can see Clemson getting the nod over Boise St.

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Don't forget that there's still an unbeaten Stanford in the mix. As well as K-state. I don't care how you look at it, no undefeated AQ school should be shafted out of the NC game for a patsy like boise.



Although I don't agree with your assessment that Boise St is a patsy, I think your right about an undefeated AQ school getting the nod. Right now, my guess is Oklahoma ST/LSU/Alabama that control their destiny. I don't think Clemson runs the table(in fact I could see them getting beat @ Georgia Tech this week). I think Stanford has a decent chance of running the table although they do have to play @ SC this week & still have Oregon's visit to Palo Alto later next month. Okie St still needs to beat K ST & Oklahoma but at least they get OU in stillwater. My guess is if Kansas St runs the table(highly unlikely with the brutal 4 game stretch they have coming up - Okl/Ok ST/Texas A&M/& I believe Baylor) they will also jump over Boise. This should be an interesting 6-7 weeks coming up.


I could actually see the loser of LSU/Bama jumping over Boise at the end for a possible rematch if there are no other AQ undefeated teams left at the end of the season.

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So wait...the biggest win in TT school history occurred with someone other than Mike Leech on the sidelines?!?!?!?




I could actually see the loser of LSU/Bama jumping over Boise at the end for a possible rematch if there are no other AQ undefeated teams left at the end of the season.

Probably, further highlighting how much a sham college football has become.

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So wait...the biggest win in TT school history occurred with someone other than Mike Leech on the sidelines?!?!?!?


Not sure it was the biggest win in TT history - I think most would agree that Leach/Harrell/Crabtree/et al knocking off #1 Texas in '08 was far bigger, as it forever changed the Big 12 and announced to the world that Leach successfully transformed Tech football into a force to be reckoned with...




...but Tubs is doing a fairly decent job on the sidelines this season with Leach's recruits on the field.




Quite understandably, you - like most fans - miss Leach, and long for his inevitable return to coaching B-)


Look for him to land in the PAC 12 next season (Arizona or UCLA), unless the Dolphins hire him first.

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I could actually see the loser of LSU/Bama jumping over Boise at the end for a possible rematch if there are no other AQ undefeated teams left at the end of the season.


I hope not. I will even say this if Alabama loses the game to LSU.

In the present system, if a team cannot even win their conference, why should they be given the chance to play for the NC?

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