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WR Terrell Owens Cleared to Play Football


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I think it would be a good move with all the injuries we have at WR and the 4 wide sets that we run. Stevie, TO, Nelson, and Jones when he comes back would be a lot for other teams to handle all on the field at the same time. It would also allow Spiller to go back to RB and keep Ruevell Martin off the field except for special teams. Who would we cut to make the roster spot though? I hope not Namaan. With McGee back and Aaron Williams hopefully coming back soon we could probably sneak Wheatley back on the practice squad.

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I think it would be a good move with all the injuries we have at WR and the 4 wide sets that we run. Stevie, TO, Nelson, and Jones when he comes back would be a lot for other teams to handle all on the field at the same time. It would also allow Spiller to go back to RB and keep Ruevell Martin off the field except for special teams. Who would we cut to make the roster spot though? I hope not Namaan. With McGee back and Aaron Williams hopefully coming back soon we could probably sneak Wheatley back on the practice squad.


Do u really think we need to be sneaky with Wheatley. U could probably tell the world u r cutting him, and still hear crickets in the background. He isn't a prize possesion. Not saying he couldn't be good, just saying he hasn't turned any heads and was released already and the bills were the only ones 2 bite.

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we have quality depth at 1 position on the roster

Who gets cut? Ruvell Martin? You expect T.O. to cover punts and kickoffs? WR is one of the positions we are set at. If we sign anyone it should be a defensive player.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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I think you only sign him if you think your team is a legit contender, and really only chan and buddy know that. If the bills feel they are legit, for a team that runs 4 and 5 receiver, set he would be at least better then your current then your 4th or 5th. If they don't feel like the team is legit then why bother, he will be gone next year and only ruin your draft order. Personally I feel thay are a good team, and they need another wide out with all the injuries they have. I don't think they would have traded Evans if they knew they were going to loss Roscoe and Easily for the year, and have Jones sidelined for 4-6 weeks.

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Do u really think we need to be sneaky with Wheatley. U could probably tell the world u r cutting him, and still hear crickets in the background. He isn't a prize possesion. Not saying he couldn't be good, just saying he hasn't turned any heads and was released already and the bills were the only ones 2 bite.

Are you really interpreting my use of the word sneak as if I meant it would take some covert operation to get him back to the practice squad, or was that a poor attempt at humor? I was simply acknowledging that any time you cut a player you would like to keep, there is some element of risk involved. I also acknowledged that it would be unlikely for him to get picked up by saying that we could probably get him back on the practice squad.

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Who gets cut? Ruvell Martin? You expect T.O. to cover punts and kickoffs? WR is one of the positions we are set at. If we sign anyone it should be a defensive player.








Drop this idea like the majority of passes that hit T.O.'s hands.




And just think of Ruvell Martin as ST not WR.


Chan gave him a chance to catch passes. He couldn't. He hasn't been out in offense since and he is doing a good job on STs. Special teams is important and Martin is playing well there.

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Here is an outside the box idea. Sign him if for nothing more to teach our young guys the game in depth when needed. Him and StevieJ are buddies to this day and Stevie gives him alot of credit for what he learned from the vet guy, he had a good run with Fitz, was very classy when he left the organization. As long as he is clear on his role with the football team before he comes on board. What do you all think? Cheap signing too.

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Terrence Wheatley would be the one cut with McGee and Williams coming back.


Ruvell Martin is here to cover kicks. SIgning TO makes it so he is only here to cover kicks.


And to the poster who asked, Marin is TERRIBLE on offense, he is actually a really good teams player though.

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Who gets cut? Ruvell Martin? You expect T.O. to cover punts and kickoffs? WR is one of the positions we are set at. If we sign anyone it should be a defensive player.



Seriously, you guys are worrying about cutting Ruvell Martin? Give me a break.

He has a total of 3 friggin' tackles.

TDs are better than ST tackles. Any schmuck can play ST. Give me a HOF WR over a ST tackler any day.


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i wouldn't be against it. He can stretch the field..probably get a couple defenders out of traffic. Would allow Fitz a little more room to make those short slant passes he's so successful with. A couple times a game we could probably expect a pretty huge gain if he only has to deal with man coverage. I could see TO being a difference maker in at least a couple games. If the price is right why not?


But then if Buddy didn't go after him I don't think it would torpedo the season or anything.

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