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Gailey is screwing our draft position

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There we are picking in the 26th hole!!!!!


What are they thinking? :blush:



Two things: you should never cheer against your team for a "draft" position. And second, the Bills draft much better later in the draft. Think Wood, Levitre, Steve Johnson, Kelvin Sheppard (soon to be pro bowl player) etc.


Who would have thunk, Bills, Bengals, Lions and 49ers all pick in the bottom third!



"Has the whole world gone crazy!"


That is wild. If you put money down on the Bills and Lions both having winning records after 6 games you could have made a ton.


Winning destroys the franchise



That is hillarious! And I see you are a FSU fan, hopefully Ponder takes over this weekend up in Minny. I had him pegged as the best QB out of last years draft. Can't wait to see what he can do.

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I hope you are joking? If not you have lost your mind, plus high draft choice doesn't guaranty a a great player (see 09 Maybin/Woods) There will be plenty of great players we can get there; QB Ryan Tannehill ,LBS Courtney Upshaw & Donta Hightower, OTs Levy Adcock & Andrew Datko, NT Josh Chapman, CB Chase Minnifield and the list goes on.


Wood? Are you serious ? You're saying he was bad?

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That is hillarious! And I see you are a FSU fan, hopefully Ponder takes over this weekend up in Minny. I had him pegged as the best QB out of last years draft. Can't wait to see what he can do.


Yeah i am pulling for Ponder. I think he'll do really good. Maybe not right off the bat, but i think with his brains, he's got a long career ahead of him.


As for "winning destroys the franchise," we had a poster back here in about 2006 who was arguing (in all seriousness) that the Bills winning games was hurting the team because we wouldn't be able to draft a top QB the next year. That QB? Brady Quinn. The poaster actually said that "winning is destroying the Bills franchise."

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Wood? Are you serious ? You're saying he was bad?

No, he's saying the opposite. Maybin and Wood were drafted in the same year. Maybin in the top third of the first round, and Wood with one of the last 5 picks of the first round. The higher pick has done nothing for us, while the later pick anchors our offensive line.

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