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Isn't that schtick getting old?

Very old. But it doesn't appear that way to him because when you fill an audience with people who adore you, it's hard to hear reality over the cheers of "Four more years."


There's a reason that Rasmussen released a poll today that Cain is ahead of Obama 43/41, and it ain't because everyone loves Cain.


Most people now see Obama for the desperate hack he is. I look forward to him going down to NYC to hang with the protesters.

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Very old. But it doesn't appear that way to him because when you fill an audience with people who adore you, it's hard to hear reality over the cheers of "Four more years."


There's a reason that Rasmussen released a poll today that Cain is ahead of Obama 43/41, and it ain't because everyone loves Cain.


Most people now see Obama for the desperate hack he is. I look forward to him going down to NYC to hang with the protesters.


Please let his terrible judgement continue long enough to be tied to these morons which will ensure he is back organizing Chicago communities in Jan 2013

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