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Which is "bigger", 5'7" 193 or 5'11" 193?

Kelly the Dog

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Shaud Williams is 5'7", 193. Always described as being way too small. There are backs in the league who are 5'11" 193, and while still pretty "small" for that position when there are Bettises and even Mcgahees around, would not be considered tiny. I would argue that a running back who is 5'7" and 193 is at least as "big" or even "bigger" than a RB at 5'11" 193. Certainly wider, almost certainly sturdier. Probably less likely to get worn down by the punishment (if all other intangibles are equal). If you were a CB the height could hurt you a lot more so that may be a factor, but a RB doesn't really need the extra height except for high passes. Sometimes the shorter height is even an advantage for RBs.


I am not saying that Shaud Williams is not a tiny RB in the NFL, he is. But it is mostly because of his weight and not his height. Sometimes players who are shorter are actually a lot "bigger". London Fletcher comes to mind.

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193 is a lot of weight to carry on that frame. I am same height and not even close to that weight. When I used to be in great shape, the most I could ever put on muscle was about 155. I was lifting weights and running everyday 2-4 miles. He will get worn down carrying that much weight, even if it is mostly muscle.

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One thing I noticed Williams do during the game against Cleveland was using his small stature to his advantage by "hiding" behind his blockers before making his break. He's short enough that the D-linemen and linebackers couldn't always see around the O-linemen.


Thurman used to do this all the time, and it made him much harder to draw a bead on. I loved watching Thurman run (my favorite Bill all-time) and I'm really curious to see how Williams does Sunday.

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