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Here's the script so far. I'll do updates:

Night Assassins Script:


(Film opens with shot of a Full Moon hidden behind several branches in a forest.)


Narrator (Prometheus, played by Djimon Hounsou):

The ancient cultures of our world are filled with tales of monsters, angels and demons. Many of them are used simply as explanations for the dangerous world the ancients had no further way of explaining. Two of them however, truly are based on fact. Even in modern society, these two forces fight each other by night. Vampires and Werewolves. The forces of the Vampires believe in a society in which they should rule the earth, where humans are simply kept as farm animals and blood livestock for the Vampires. The Werewolves fight to protect humanity from the Vampires. The war has its roots in 15th century Japan, where a Vampiric Emperor managed to take control of the country. The Werewolves were God’s soldiers on Earth, sent by the Lord to protect humanity from the vampires. The war raged on for years, the vampires taking in the samurai culture in which they had grown into, the werewolves taking on the culture of the ninja. By 1891, the Vampires had become infuriated. In the past, they had created simple beasts in order to blame werewolves for the murders of townspeople, but it was not enough. They decided to unleash their secret weapon, a practically unkillable hybrid of werewolf and vampire. The monster had the speed and agility of a vampire and the strength and durability of a werewolf. They soon discovered, however, there was no way to control the monster. It had one purpose and one purpose only, the complete and total destruction of all life, vampire or otherwise, on earth. After the beast had been killed, the Vampires swore never again to create another werepyre. Until now. The vampires had captured a human and subjected him to several tests, until finally they had successfully created a vampire/werewolf hybrid once again. It had been responsible for the murders of 5 people, but as grisly as the situation was, it was soon to become all the more terrible.


(The scene cuts to a series of rooftops, where a werewolf is seen leaping from rooftop to rooftop. It seems to be focused and angry, dedicated to one single mission. It eventually jumps through an open window of what appears to be an abandoned warehouse. However, the place is covered with vampires. Some are practicing fighting with swords, others are practicing marksmanship with guns and some seem to be relaxing while having an alcoholic drink. One young vampire walks up to a middle aged vampire drinking a Margarita at a bar located near a pair of metal stairs)


Young Vampire: You’ve fought werewolves before right?


(Middle aged vampire drinks, nods)


Young Vampire: Wow, talk about lucky. How old do you have to be before you can get some action?


Middle Aged Vampire: If you’d actually fought a werewolf before, you wouldn’t want to fight one again.


Young Vampire: What, did you get scared or something?


Middle Aged Vampire: As a matter of fact, I did. Fighting a werewolf on a Full Moon is the scariest thing you can possibly do. See, werewolves don’t just kill vampires, they tear them to pieces. Brains, guts, bones, really nasty stuff. I say they do it to send a message, and, at least to me, they do. God must hate vampires huh?


Young Vampire: Oh c’mon, what’s the worst you’ve ever seen?


(Middle Aged Vampire puts down glass, and a blank expression crosses his face)


Middle Aged Vampire: It was back in 1892, the year after the werepyre murders. I was with a few of my friends and they had captured a human girl. Most of us just wanted to drain her and be done with it, but our leader had other plans. Said he wanted to have fun with her. He began to rip off her clothes, slapping her again and again, but the girl screamed out. At that moment, we heard a howl. It was a werewolf, and he heard the girl’s cries. He decapitated 3 of our men, and he ripped out the organs of the other two, slowly cracking their ribs. After that he gave a long hard look at the leader. All I’m going to say is, that werewolf had a good meal that night. I managed to escape, but from that day on, I’ve never fought a werewolf alone.


(The Young Vampire remains silent, a horrified expression on his face. Suddenly, there is a booming sound and footsteps are heard. One of the vampires, a muscular one, licks his lips.)


Muscular Vampire: You hear that guys? Rats. I’m in luck today, haven’t had rat blood in years.


(The muscular vampire pulls out a Colt .45 and loads 5 bullets into it, slowly walking up the stairs so as not to scare the rat. When he gets to the top, he turns invisible, which is one of the vampire’s powers they use when sneaking up on prey)


Muscular Vampire (whispering): Where are you rat? Please come out. Come out, come out where ever you are. Look, if you don’t come out this instant, I’ll have to…


(Suddenly, the werewolf pops up and attacks the muscular vampire, his screams echo across the room as do the noises made from the werewolf tearing him up. The rest of the vampires scream out, and ready their weapons.)


Middle Aged Vampire: Bane? Bane, are you okay? You still up there? B-B-Bane?


(Suddenly, an object flies across the room, followed by a trail of red. It is Bane’s head. The vampires scream out, and look all around them for the killer, some frantically firing off automatic weapons. At this time, the Young Vampire runs off screaming. The werewolf leaps from the staircase and pounces on one of the vampires, lethally biting it on the neck. One of the vampires attempts to shoot it, but the werewolf impales him with his claws, his bloody hand appearing out of the back. He throws the vampire’s limp body away before decapitating another vampire who tries to sneak up on him. Another vampire swings a sword at him, but the werewolf throws him out a glass window. The only vampire left is the middle aged vampire, who is cowering in a corner, a fully loaded gun in his hand. He shoots the werewolf 4 times, before shooting himself off screen. The title “Night Assassins” appears on the screen. We now cut to a plane station, where a plane has landed in Tokyo, Japan. Several people have been dropped of the plane including two brothers named Bruce, played by Elijah Wood and Derrick, played by Patrick J. Adams. Derrick has close crop hair, a stubble o facial hair, and wears a t-shirt with a skull on it. Bruce has glasses, curly hair, and is wearing a suit. They are both college students who have come to Japan on vacation. Bruce appears excited, but Derrick appears bored)


Derrick: Is it just me, or is it that every time we go on vacation, I’m always thinking about when we have to go back.


Bruce: Well, it’s summer. You don’t have to think about anything. You can forget what “2+ 2” is and no one will judge you. I mean God, its 3 months where nothing is expected of us or asked of us. If you want to mope to me about how your life sucks so much when we get back to Michigan State, you can do that, but for now please don’t kill the mood.


Derrick: Not to mention we’re going to be staying with dad.


Bruce: And what’s so horrible about that?


Derrick: It’s embarrassing. As an adult, staying with my dad makes me feel…Well, immature.


Bruce: It’s immature to like your parents?


Derrick: No, it’s immature to stay with your parents when you’re 2 years away from buying your own house. And you seem pretty happy for someone who practically got beat to death as a kid.


(Bruce stops abruptly. He looks at Derrick in disgust and slaps him


Bruce: Do you have to bring that up? I was in the ER for weeks.


Derrick: Okay, sorry. I was overreacting.


Bruce: Hell you were. You’re just lucky that you were never bullied as a child, that I don’t have any dark moments of yours to bring up. Everyone as school practically worshipped you, while I was the weird little brother, the mole on the face of the super model.


Derrick: Okay, okay I’m sorry! I won’t ever bring it up again. You see dad yet?


Bruce: Yep, outside, with the umbrella and sunglasses.


(Bruce and Derrick walk up to father with quickly as he turns around and hugs both of them)


Frederick (Played by Gary Oldman): Bruce, Derrick, how long has it been? The years feel so long without you boys.


Derrick: Dad, it’s only been two years.


Frederick: Feels like two decades doesn’t it. How’s college been?


Bruce: Pretty good for the most part. I’m in Honors English and Derrick’s in Honors Math. How’ve you been?


Frederick: Not very well, unfortunately. I’ve been in Tokyo for a few weeks and strangely enough in those few weeks, there have been five murders. I saw the corpses on the News, and it looked like they had been eaten by some sort of animal.


Bruce: Was it anyone you knew?


Frederick: Fortunately not. The police have said the killer had no motive that he seemed to be killing out of pleasure or insanity perhaps. The bodies were found half eaten. Though I realize the chances are very slim, I have sought to it that you are safe as possible on your vacation.


Derrick: Dad, the odds of us getting attacked are one in a…


Frederick: As I said, the odds are extremely slim. However, reports have stated that anyone could be in danger. I’m checking you into a Hotel containing maximum security. Unfortunately, I cannot join you, as I only have enough money for the two of you to stay. I will visit you occasionally however. It’s only 1/3rd of a mile away from a university, so you won’t be too lonely.


Bruce: It would be nice to meet some kids are own age.


Frederick: I have to go now. I’ll take you to the cab before I leave. See you tomorrow.


(As Bruce is led to the cab, we fade from the picture where we see a man standing on a skyscraper watching the two men entering the car. He is “Prometheus” played by Djimon Hounsou. He wears black Japanese robes and black sunglasses. He is approached by a woman named Isis, played by Kristen Stewart, who is wearing black sunglasses and is dressed in a classic ninja outfit, only without the mask.)


Isis: I just feel bad about telling them. It’ll break their hearts.


Prometheus: We won’t have to tell them, at least not yet. When it happens, and we both know what “it” is, we’ll tell one of them. The last thing we need is panic. Panic causes fear, fear in turn causes ignorance, and ignorance causes rash decisions.


Isis: How long did Hectate say it would take?


Prometheus: 2 days, 3 hours and 42 seconds.


(Laughs to herself) Isis: Aren’t we lucky to have an oracle on our side?


Prometheus: Prophecies do nothing to people, and werewolves, but cure our curiosity and raise our stress. It’s like a little boy who just got his test back and it turns out he failed it. Ignorance isn’t just bliss, it’s a safety net.


Isis: Can I at least get a chance to meet the boys?


Prometheus: I don’t see why not as long as they don’t know you’re a werewolf.


Isis: Thanks Prometheus.


Prometheus: Here’s the map for the hotel


(Isis takes map)


Isis: Well, gotta go. See you.


Prometheus: Be back before 12:00.


Isis: Yeah, yeah, you’re not my dad.


(Isis gracefully jumps off the building, landing on her feet like a cat. Prometheus smiles and walks away. Meanwhile, we cut back to the cab as Derrick and Bruce are talking about their vacation.)


Bruce: Think they’ll be any hot girls at the university?


Derrick: Probably. Not that it would matter anyway. You haven’t had a date since your junior year of High School, and that relationship didn’t even last senior year.


Bruce: You’d know I guess.


Derrick (sighing): Bruce, do you know how many girls I’ve dated in my life?


Bruce: No. How many?


Derrick: 5. Guess how long the shortest relationship lasted?

Bruce: 6 months?


Derrick: 2 years Bruce and it was back in 4th grade. I’ll try and help you find a date but…


(Suddenly, Derrick sees something at a warehouse. It appears to be a crime investigation at a local warehouse


Derrick: Stop the car please.


(Car stops. Derrick and Bruce step out of the car and check out the scene, horrified by the images they see. Most of the victims have been decapitated, and several others have had their innards torn out. Both of them are speechless with their mouths hanging open. They are soon stopped, however, by a police man.)


Police Man: (In Japanese) Boys, you can’t be here. We don’t want the public to see this.


Derrick: You speak Japanese?


Bruce: Yeah. Well most of it anyways. He says we have to leave, we can’t be here.


(Derrick’s eyes glance over to one of the bodies in particular. It has not been torn open, but instead has blood pouring from its head.)


Derrick: Ask him what happened to that guy over there.


(Bruce asks policeman in Japanese)


Police Man (In Japanese): Gun shot. Seems to be self inflicted. Now go!


Bruce (To Derrick): It’s a suicide. He wants us to leave.


Derrick: Wait! One last question. Does he think the killings have to do with that serial killer Dad told us about?


(Bruce asks policeman in Japanese.)


Police Man: No. Though the bodies were torn to pieces, they weren’t eaten like the beast-killer. Happened just last night.


Bruce: He says no. Now let’s go back to the cab.


(Bruce and Derrick go back to the cab, where they sit down; both of them are pretty shaken)


Derrick: Think those were the guys that Dad was talking about?


Bruce: No. The guy said it happened just last night. Plus, the bodies weren’t eaten. Not even partially eaten. Don’t get me wrong, whoever did this has issues, but it wasn’t the beast-killer.


Derrick: The beast killer?


Bruce: That’s what the police man called it.


Derrick: There’s the hotel. Good thing too. I could REALLY use a bathroom after what we just saw.


(The brothers enter the hotel, and check in and go into the elevator. Isis enters as they check in. The brothers go into the elevator and Isis calls out to stop it so she can go in. They do, and she enters.)


Isis: Thanks guys.


Bruce: Don’t mention it.


Isis: You guys friends?


Derrick: Brothers actually. We’re from America, came here on vacation. Guessing you’re here on vacation too, you’re accent sounds American.


Isis: I’m from America, but I’ve been living here for almost half my life. I live with my…uncle.


Bruce: Oh, that’s nice. We we’re originally going to stay with or father, but plans changed. So, you like ninjas?


Isis (nervously): What?


Bruce: The costume.


Isis: Oh, yeah I love ninjas. I was just at an anime convention, thought I should come dressed as this character I made. Her name’s Isis, she’s this…werewolf ninja who fights vampires.


Derrick: I like it. Certainly creative. Oh, I almost forgot, what’s your name?


Isis: I’m Izzy.


(They shake hands)


Derrick: My name’s Derrick, my brother’s name’s Bruce.


(The elevator suddenly opens after a long period of waiting)


Bruce: Well, it’s been nice knowing you. Hope to meet again sometime,


(The brothers walk off to their room, as Isis walks stays in the elevator as it goes back down)


Isis (whispers): I don’t.


(The brothers enter the room, as Derrick heads for the bathroom. Bruce sits down and turns on the TV. We fast forward to later that day as we see Bruce sleeping. In his dreams, Bruce wakes up near a swamp. He hears strange howls and some shrieking sounds. As he draws closer to the water to investigate, his fathers half eaten body falls jumps out, and crawls towards him.)


Frederick’s Corpse: Run!


(Suddenly out of the swamp rises a terrifying creature, like a cross between a werewolf and a vampire. Bruce tries to escape, but his feet are sinking in the mud of the swamp. The monster comes closer, licking its lips. It then grabs his face and prepares to bite as Bruce wakes up screaming and holding his head.)


Derrick: Bruce? Bruce!


(Derrick opens door that separates Bruce’s hotel room from Derrick’s)


Derrick: Bruce? What was that?


Bruce (panting): Bad dream.


(Derrick laughs a going back into his room. Bruce, not wanting to fall asleep, turns on the TV. The next day Bruce walks over to the University, waiting for school to end. While there, one girl walks up to him, a girl named Phoebe, played by Brenda Song. She has pale skin, black eyeliner and black hair/clothes.)


Bruce: What are you doing here? Isn’t school still in session?


Phoebe: School has actually been over for the past 3 hours, but I had to finish this art project I’m working on since it’s due tomorrow.


Bruce: You speak English? Are you American?


Phoebe: Yeah, I speak English, but I’m not American. My family is mostly Chinese immigrants that moved here once China became a communist state. Not everyone who’s Asian is Japanese and not everyone who speaks English is American.


Bruce: Sorry about that. I’m actually here on vacation, since it’s actually vacation where I come from.


Phoebe: That’s nice. Are you into art?


Bruce: Actually I am. More of an academic, but I do have a soft spot for art. Especially sculpting


Phoebe: Do you want to see mine sculpture.


Bruce: You’re a sculptor?


Phoebe: I prefer the term sculptress, but yeah, I’m a sculptor.


Bruce: Oh. So…Can I see it?


Phoebe: What?


Bruce: The sculpture.


Phoebe: Sure, I’ll take you to it.


(Phoebe leads Bruce up a passage of stairs to a closet, where we see the sculpture. It’s a sculpture of a woman holding the dead body of her lover.)


Bruce: Why is it here instead of the art room? Do you not have one here?


Phoebe: Thought you would ask that. I do it here mainly because I like being alone. Typical Goth trait. I know, freaky huh?


Bruce: No, I don’t think it’s weird. I mean, when it comes to weird, I’m probably way worse.


Phoebe: Why is that?


Bruce: When I was a little kid, I believed in monsters. I’m not just talking about when I was 5 or even 7, I believed in them until I was 13. It didn’t help that my brother was popular as hell. If I stopped sooner, maybe I would never have ended up being the most hated kid in the whole school. Maybe I wouldn’t suffer through the most painful and terrible humiliation a boy can go through.


Phoebe: I’m so sorry. What happened?


Bruce: I don’t like to talk about it.


(Bruce walks away, intending on going back home, when Phoebe grabs his arm)


Phoebe: Wait. You seem way more interesting than any of the other kids at my school. Can you see me at 7:00 tonight? Taco Bell?


Bruce: You mean like for a date?


Phoebe: I wouldn’t call it that, but since I can’t think of a better term, “date” will have to do? So, are you going to ask me?


Bruce: Ask what?


Phoebe: Bruce, girls never ask guys out on dates.


Bruce: Okay. Do you want to go to Taco Bell at 7:00 tonight?


Phoebe: Sure. Now THAT sounded better. See you round.


(Phoebe walks away, and Bruce walks home to tell Derrick the news.)


Bruce: Guess who has a date today?


Derrick: Yeah, I already knew.


Bruce: How?


Derrick: I saw you with a girl outside. Pretty hot too. Not my type really, but good for you to finally get a date.


Bruce: Aren’t you gonna ask me what her name is?


Derrick: Nope. All that matters is that you’ve finally got yourself a date. By the way, remember Izzy?


Bruce: Yeah, the ninja girl.


Derrick: She’s kind of creeping me out. She’s been hanging around our house all the time. I think she’s watching us.


Izzy: Maybe she has a crush on you?


Derrick: No, it’s not like that. It’s more of spying, and she has this…I don’t know, this look of dread on her face. Like she’s worried about us.


Bruce: Why would she be worried about us? You think, somehow, she knows Dad?


Derrick: I don’t know, but something tells me, just by the way she’s acting, we should be extra cautious. In everything we do. Even on your date with that Goth girl you should be cautious.


Bruce: You’re being paranoid.


Derrick: No, I’m just trying to put the pieces together.


(Both Bruce and Derrick share an awkward silence as Derrick looks up at him, while Bruce looks slightly disturbed.)


Bruce: I’ll take precautions.


(Bruce goes into his room and turns on his laptop to check out the news, when something catches his eye. It’s a video about the beast killer, where a female reporter is interviewing someone, someone who appears to be some kind of prisoner.)


Female Reporter: How long have you been a “vampire?”


Prisoner: I’ve been a vampire my whole life. My undead bloodline goes back centuries. I’d say I’m about 310 years old by now, but I’ve been in prison for 15 years, so it’s hard to keep count.


Female Reporter: Can you explain why you’re in prison?

I’m in prison because of the ignorance of man kind. If they were smart, they would have put me to death. See, a while back, I got a bunch of High Schoolers to join this vampire cult. I originally thought I’d get some real vampires, but all of the members were just humans. One night, I told them to meet me in the woods, that I had some “vampire ritual” to show the. Sure enough, they all came. I killed 7 out of the 20 members, intending to drink their blood, but the other 13 restrained me and called the police. I was originally supposed to be sent to jail, but they took me to an asylum instead, claiming that I had suffered from both aspergers syndrome and schizophrenia.


Female Reporter: According to your doctors, you know quite a bit of information about the beast killer. Could you tell us what that information is?


Prisoner: First of all, I’d like to announce that the thing that killed those people isn’t human. I refuse to tell you what exactly the thing is, but I can tell you it isn’t a serial killer. You want proof? Serial killers don’t have canine teeth capable of ripping and tearing flesh like an animal. A serial killer can’t kill 3 men at a shooting range armed with guns. The thing has killed before, back in 1891 in Blackmoor, England, but the local authorities forced the media to cover it up to reduce panic. However, ask those whose ancestors were affected by the

murders. It brings a look of terror on their faces. Especially the children.

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