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(OT) Eff.org


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I've posted this before, but EFF.org does some REALLY good work to protect people's online freedoms. If you're looking to donate some money this time of the year and want a good tax deduction, eff.org is a good candidate. They even helped the ever popular JibJab that I've seen posted here so many times in the past. If not for them, the parody would probably not be able to be shown.


* We defended Jibjab's fair use of "This Land Is Your

Land" in its presidential parody "This Land" and in

the process learned that the Woody Guthrie song had

fallen into the public domain.


Just something to think about. http://www.eff.org/support/




Dear EFFector readers,


2004 has been another amazing year here at EFF, with a

number of important victories for freedom, privacy, and



* We helped eVisa.com win its fight against the Visa

  credit card dynasty over fair use of the word "visa"

  in domain names.

* We (with your support) helped derail the government's

  CAPPS II passenger-profiling system (although we need

  your help to continue to fight its evil reincarnation,

  Secure Flight).

* We won the Grokster case in the 9th Circuit.  The

  Supreme Court has decided to hear this case in March


* We helped individuals assert their due process rights

  in cases brought against them by the recording


* We put forth our voluntary collective licensing proposal,

  explaining how artists could get paid without suing

  music lovers.

* We won the case that got Diebold punished for misusing

  copyright law.

* We won the Bunner case, which held that republishing

  information about reverse engineering was not

  prohibited by trade secret law.

* We started a patent busting campaign and identified

  the ten most egregious patent threats to technology

  and freedom.

* We were a leader in the fight for a verifiable paper

  trail on electronic voting machines.

* We expanded our international work, participating in

  the Digital Video Broadcasting group and in WIPO.

* We defended Jibjab's fair use of "This Land Is Your

  Land" in its presidential parody "This Land" and in

  the process learned that the Woody Guthrie song had

  fallen into the public domain.

* We defended technologists using smart card readers

  from an overzealous DirecTV.

* We (with your support) helped make sure terrible

  legislation like the PIRATE Act and the Induce Act

  did not pass.

* We drafted a mock legal complaint to show how the

  Induce Act would kill off technologies like the


* We successfully challenged the Child Online Protection

  Act at the Supreme Court.

* We wrote and circulated a paper on best practices for

  Online Service Providers.

* We fought the expansion of the DMCA, writing amicus

  briefs supporting Skylink's right to make interoperable

  garage door openers and Static Control's right to make

  aftermarket printer cartridges.  (We helped win both


* We represented (and continue to represent) Indymedia

  in an effort to uncover why their servers were seized

  and to assert their First Amendment rights.

* We formed an Advisory Board of some of the smartest

  people working on these issues.

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The only thing I don't agree that EFF did was stop the CAPPS II passenger profiling. I am a firm believer in public safety and if that system was in place September 10th, 2001, nothing would have happened the following day. Just my opinion.

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The only thing I don't agree that EFF did was stop the CAPPS II passenger profiling. I am a firm believer in public safety and if that system was in place September 10th, 2001, nothing would have happened the following day. Just my opinion.



I disagree with that; a secret profiling system that nobody knows what it contains and in which there is no way to modify bad data is a bad idea... And there's no guarantee that it would've prevented 9/11 from what I've read. But we can all have our own opinions on things; overall, the EFF does great work (and note that they even went against DirecTV and I *still* support them! :blink: Even though I do believe that 99.9% of the people that DirecTV went after were really making pirated access cards, they went about it all wrong).



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