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Is The White House Trying To Screw Romney By


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It would appear to me that the dems are most worried about running against Mitt Romney and are trying to shove a wedge between him and the most conservative side of the GOP.

Of course they are, they fear Romney more than any one else in the field, and it's not even close.

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It's called "poisoning the well." Well-timed bullets for Romney's opponents before tonight's debate


Strategically smart on behalf of the WH, but all Romney has to do is keep repeating "State vs. federal" and "I will issue Obamacare waivers to all 50 states on my first day in office," which makes Obamacare useless, and it's a moot point. Especially if he follows it up with words like "Solyndra" and "Fast and Furious."


The WH can not run on its record, so it needs to start beating up the competition. This is the first step.

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It's called "poisoning the well." Well-timed bullets for Romney's opponents before tonight's debate


Strategically smart on behalf of the WH, but all Romney has to do is keep repeating "State vs. federal" and "I will issue Obamacare waivers to all 50 states on my first day in office," which makes Obamacare useless, and it's a moot point. Especially if he follows it up with words like "Solyndra" and "Fast and Furious."


The WH can not run on its record, so it needs to start beating up the competition. This is the first step.

Sorry Obama is an evil genius- neutralizes Huntsman by giving him an ambassadorship, neutralizes Romney by using his health care plan (maybe why Obama didn't go for a single payer option) and neutralized Christi by sending him Pizza with all the toppings late at night (Herman Cain might be a co-conspirator- Think about that DaveDukeinElmabama).

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It would appear to me that the dems are most worried about running against Mitt Romney and are trying to shove a wedge between him and the most conservative side of the GOP.



"Gruber was also given a $380,000 contract by the Obama administration in 2009 to work with Congress on drafting a new federal law based on the Massachusetts law, records show."


This pissed me off.

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The headlines there make it seem like those are Romney campaign aides, which they're not. They are Massachusetts policy wonks who advised the then-governor. I doubt they have any connection to his presidential campaigns or I'm sure the article would have mentioned that.


This White House is scared stevestojanless of Romney. They know he's one of the few Republicans who has very little chance of making a complete ass of himself and stick his feet in his mouth during a general election. All of the others have had :blink: moments, likely will have more, are not as thoroughly vetted, and are polling double-digits behind Obama in head-to-head electability, whereas Romney is 3 points back. His appeal to Independents --- which any presidential candidate has to win now --- particularly frightens the Obama camp which now has to run on a record rather than slogans. Independents are how they won Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania.... They know that in order to win, they have to be playing against the craziest, most divisive Republican in the race.


I've said this before and I guess I have to write it again.... Romney was the Republican governor of a state that has literally a 80-90% Democrat legislature. Whatever they want to pass, they can pass. They were going to have a universal health care bill with or without him. Romney offered to pass it bipartisanly if the Democrats would agree to some terms that would make the plan less expensive for the Mass. taxpayers. And all of this was based on conditions on the ground in Massachusetts --- 4% uninsured (vs. upward of 25% in some other states and ~16% nationwide), a vast health care network that features several state of the art hospitals located throughout the state, and a population that has one of the highest per capita incomes in the country. It could be reasonably absorbed in Mass. Romney said that this model would not work in other states that have different conditions. He's also promised that if elected, he will make his first policy move to repeal Obamacare and replace it with the more limited common-sense approach the Republicans proposed (and were ignored) --- allow health insurance companies to compete across state lines, work to lower medical costs, and enact tort reform that will reduce the absolutely crippling malpractice insurance that doctors have to purchase and pass the cost along to their patients.


As such, Romney was working within classic Republican states'-rights rules (for as much influence as he could, given the Democrat legislature). This state does what works for it, that state does what works for them.


These people were not Romney's inner circle, then or now. Nor is it even known what kind of advice they gave.


The Dems are going after Romney now and hoping that a specious smear campaign can eliminate their strongest competition before they have to face him --- kind of like how North Carolina might hope that South Dakota State beats Duke in the regional semifinals of the NCAA tournament.

Edited by UConn James
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The headlines there make it seem like those are Romney campaign aides, which they're not. They are Massachusetts policy wonks who advised the then-governor. They doubt they have any connection to his presidential campaigns.


This White House is scared stevestojanless of Romney. They know he's one of the few Republicans who has very little chance of making a complete ass of himself and stick his feet in his mouth during a general election. All of the others have had :blink: moments and are polling far behind Obama in electability.


I've said this before and I guess I have to write it again.... Romney was the Republican governor of a state that has literally a 80-90% Democrat legislature. Whatever they want to pass, they can pass. They were going to have a universal health care bill with or without him. Romney offered to pass it bipartisanly if the Democrats would agree to some terms that would make the plan less expensive for the Mass. taxpayers. And all of this was based on conditions on the ground in Massachusetts --- 4% uninsured (vs. upward of 25% in some other states and ~16% nationwide), a vast health care network that features several state of the art hospitals located throughout the state, and a population that has one of the highest per capita incomes in the country. It could be reasonably absorbed in Mass. Romney said that this model would not work in other states that have different conditions. He's also promised that if elected, he will make his first policy move to repeal Obamacare and replace it with the more limited common-sense approach the Republicans proposed (and were ignored) --- allow health insurance companies to compete across state lines, work to lower medical costs, and enact tort reform that will reduce the absolutely crippling malpractice insurance that doctors have to purchase and pass the cost along to their patients.


As such, Romney was working within classic Republican states'-rights rules. This state does what works for it, that state does what works for them.


These people were not Romney's inner circle, then or now. Nor is it even known what kind of advice they gave.


The Dems are going after Romney now and hoping that a specious smear campaign can eliminate their strongest competition before they have to face him --- kind of like how North Carolina might hope that South Dakota State beats Duke in the regional semifinals of the NCAA tournament.

Ya, but this pisses off JoesixPack... even though .... Oh Nevermind :lol:

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Sorry Obama is an evil genius- neutralizes Huntsman by giving him an ambassadorship, neutralizes Romney by using his health care plan (maybe why Obama didn't go for a single payer option) and neutralized Christi by sending him Pizza with all the toppings late at night (Herman Cain might be a co-conspirator- Think about that DaveDukeinElmabama).

Yes but even the most resourceful evil genius can be thwarted. Ref: Gus Fring

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By the by, Romney is being endorsed today by mainstream Republican/quasi-Tea Party darling Chris Christie.


Actually, their records aren't that dissimilar.


Romney brought Mass. out of ~$3B (yes, that's billion) debt and created a surplus while he was governor... without raising taxes.


I just get this sense that with each Whack-a-Mole flavor of the month in the Republican field, there's a certain segment that are just trying to cling to any candidate who's not Mormon/LDS. And when each Trump, Bachmann, Perry, and soon-to-be Cain's words and past statements start to meet headlines, there's Romney, still standing tall.

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So, how is Romney being "screwed"? Republicans have been crucifying Obama as long as he has been president, for presenting their own ideas to them, only to have them shot down... :rolleyes:


The bolded part makes no sense. The White House is trying to screw Romney by trying to throw a wedge between him and the most conservative side of the GOP. In fact, Obama knows that he himself is extremely unpopular. He's complimenting Romney and saying that he used the healthcare plan from MA as a guide for the hated Obamacare. By siding up to Romney he is actually using his own lack of popularity to try to eliminate the person that he thinks would be his toughest opponent.

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The bolded part makes no sense. The White House is trying to screw Romney by trying to throw a wedge between him and the most conservative side of the GOP. In fact, Obama knows that he himself is extremely unpopular. He's complimenting Romney and saying that he used the healthcare plan from MA as a guide for the hated Obamacare. By siding up to Romney he is actually using his own lack of popularity to try to eliminate the person that he thinks would be his toughest opponent.


Obama is like a guy in a crowded room that has to let one fly. So he gets up close to somebody else, crop dusts, and makes like the other guy is the one who let it rip

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FUTILITY! Perhaps I should bring back my old FUTILITY avatar. :lol:


There is nothing in this world that Republicans hate more than Obama. The same could never be said about Clinton. Some of them hated the anti-gun lobby more than Clinton, some hated the NOW/Planned Parenthood people more, some of them hated the Unions more, some of them hated liberal economics buffoons more....no longer.


Obama has found a way to stifle the usual bickering/all out fighting between libertarians and social conservatives. He has found a way to bridge the mistrust between the Northern, Suburban financial sector/business owners and the South. Amazingly, Obama has found a way to utterly shatter the coalition that elected him. Not that it wasn't tenuous to begin with, but, idiots that Obama and the media are, they didn't realize that, told themselves the country was now socialists based on 0 evidence, and together they gleefully proceeded to take a rocket launcher to his coalition.


It was easy: make all Republicans and Independents hate Obama MORE! This is not enemy of my enemy. This is not racial. This is not issue-driven. This is Obama: I hate your arrogant, incompetent ass!


And so, these efforts to help the candidates go after Romney are FAIL. Perry is done, nobody else was ever a serious contender, and you might as well get used to Vice President Herman Cain.


Might as well get used to this too:

Romney/Cain 2012

Destroying Obama Together --- isn't that catchy?

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FUTILITY! Perhaps I should bring back my old FUTILITY avatar. :lol:


There is nothing in this world that Republicans hate more than Obama. The same could never be said about Clinton. Some of them hated the anti-gun lobby more than Clinton, some hated the NOW/Planned Parenthood people more, some of them hated the Unions more, some of them hated liberal economics buffoons more....no longer.


Obama has found a way to stifle the usual bickering/all out fighting between libertarians and social conservatives. He has found a way to bridge the mistrust between the Northern, Suburban financial sector/business owners and the South. Amazingly, Obama has found a way to utterly shatter the coalition that elected him. Not that it wasn't tenuous to begin with, but, idiots that Obama and the media are, they didn't realize that, told themselves the country was now socialists based on 0 evidence, and together they gleefully proceeded to take a rocket launcher to his coalition.


It was easy: make all Republicans and Independents hate Obama MORE! This is not enemy of my enemy. This is not racial. This is not issue-driven. This is Obama: I hate your arrogant, incompetent ass!


And so, these efforts to help the candidates go after Romney are FAIL. Perry is done, nobody else was ever a serious contender, and you might as well get used to Vice President Herman Cain.


Might as well get used to this too:

Romney/Cain 2012

Destroying Obama Together --- isn't that catchy?




So, how is Romney being "screwed"? Republicans have been crucifying Obama as long as he has been president, for presenting their own ideas to them, only to have them shot down... :rolleyes:


So Obama's ideas are the Republican's ideas. Then what the hell do we need Obama for? Vote Republican in 2012!




Really good argument you've crafted there. :lol:

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So Obama's ideas are the Republican's ideas. Then what the hell do we need Obama for? Vote Republican in 2012!




Really good argument you've crafted there. :lol:



Yup...he has repackaged Republican plans, only to have them voted down...the Republican party, as it is constituted now, hate the president more than they care about the well-being of their country. Mitch McConnell has said it repeatedly, "our no.1 priority is to make sure that Barack Obama is not re-elected".


It is sad that Romney is, arguably, the best candidate the Republicans can offer, and he has to dis-own things that he did that were very successful, to appease the crazies in his own party. Last election, Romney was (rightfully) proud of his record as governor, and now he is being forced to grovel, because his health-care plan for Massachussets (one that has been overall, very successful) bares a striking resemblance to the one Obama wants for the country. Not to mention the jobs bill that Repulicans will fight, tooth and nail, to ensure won't pass.


Perhaps Christy's endorsement will help Romney. That is of course, if the Republican party doesn't do their best to "swift boat" their best candidate...they are off to a rousing start.

Edited by Buftex
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Yup...he has repackaged Republican plans, only to have them voted down...the Republican party, as it is constituted now, hate the president more than they care about the well-being of their country. Mitch McConnell has said it repeatedly, "our no.1 priority is to make sure that Barack Obama is not re-elected".


It is sad that Romney is, arguably, the best candidate the Republicans can offer, and he has to dis-own things that he did that were very successful, to appease the crazies in his own party. Last election, Romney was (rightfully) proud of his record as governor, and now he is being forced to grovel, because his health-care plan for Massachussets (one that has been overall, very successful) bares a striking resemblance to the one Obama wants for the country. Not to mention the jobs bill that Repulicans will fight, tooth and nail, to ensure won't pass.


Perhaps Christy's endorsement will help Romney. That is of course, if the Republican party doesn't do their best to "swift boat" their best candidate...they are off to a rousing start.


Again, you make the jump in logic that folding in 4% uninsured in one of the wealthiest states that has a large, sophisticated & geographically spread health care network "[bears] a striking resemblance" to a national situation where the uninsured range from 10% to upwards of 30% in a good many Southern and Western states where per capita incomes are low and they have geographically clustered health care infrastructure. (One of my cousins married a guy in Colorado where if you had a burst appendix, stroke or anything more than a slight heart attack, basically you're dead because you can't physically get treatment in time. Her father-in-law died a couple of years ago in just one of those situations.) Massachusetts' health plan cannot work effectively nationally --- at least, not without costing a truly massive amount of money we don't have, and in less effective methods than each state being able to craft their own plan based on their specific needs after some broad federal reforms that reduce medical costs. Because, insured or uninsured, it's the outrageous medical costs in this country that drive the problems of health care. That needs to be addressed first.

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