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Is The White House Trying To Screw Romney By


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IF, and that's a big if, If he were to know someone connected to the "inner-circle" of the W.H, then one thought comes to mind; "Never let them see you sweat".


I mean, anyone with the capacity to think rationally knows that the Obama administration is most worried about a Mitt matchup. And if Mitt wins the nomination and chooses Rubio and RUbio accepts, "Turn out the light, the party is over"

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Well, your mother's boyfriend's sister's best friend's boyfriend's cousin's girlfriend's sister might have seen Obama at 31 flavors looking pretty gross; but considering as tone deaf as our current President and his crew have been I wouldn't put much credibility on Romney being the Republican that they can most easily beat of the current frontrunners, even if they do believe that.


I must admit a curiosity as to how you can claim to have inner circle knowledge of the Obama administration and also claim to not know anybody that thinks the country has moved massively to the left. Might you clarify that a bit?


I have NO knowledge of inner-circle info. NONE. ZERO.


I have some information about strategy and inclination with respect to the upcoming campaign. It's really nothing that a somewhat diligent political reporter couldn't access.


I'm NOT an insider. I'm NOT claiming to be an insider. I'm not close to any insiders. Conversations with some jr. WH strategists, and pollsters mean little more than evidencing an interest in the nuances of politics.


I knew more insiders in the previous Admin because I'm acquainted with Ron Christie. Even he wasn't an "insider"

beyond memo-writing opinions and strategy suggestions to COSs.


I'll share what I hear though...for what it's worth.

Edited by Juror#8
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