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Two Things That Caught My Eye

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1) Naamon Roosevelt caught a 12 pass and was tackled near the Eagles 20 (right in front of my seats at the stadium). I saw him get up from the tackle with the ball and take four steps to the 15 yd line or so and place the ball on the field. The field judge took the ball and was about to place it in the center of the field at the 15 until he looked back and saw the side judge was marking it at the 20...I thought that was a pretty slick trick for Roosevelt to try and showed some street smarts for a youngster (not to mention holding onto the ball after a good Stick by their defense on a 1st down catch.


2) We brought a lot of pressure on Vick with linemen and LB's - unfortunately, that left a lot of gaps in the secondary for those speedy receivers and McCoy to capitalize on screen plays. Vick had 315 yds passing, but I'd guess 150 of them were lateral screen passes that the WR or) turned into a 20,30,40 yd gain. Not sure how else to prevent that from happening when you commit to pressuring Vick (or any QB for that matter)...that was my only concern yesterday - giving up long screen plays when we overcommitted to capturing or containing Vick...but it was a tradeoff the coaches were apparently comfortable with.

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1) Naamon Roosevelt caught a 12 pass and was tackled near the Eagles 20 (right in front of my seats at the stadium). I saw him get up from the tackle with the ball and take four steps to the 15 yd line or so and place the ball on the field. The field judge took the ball and was about to place it in the center of the field at the 15 until he looked back and saw the side judge was marking it at the 20...I thought that was a pretty slick trick for Roosevelt to try and showed some street smarts for a youngster (not to mention holding onto the ball after a good Stick by their defense on a 1st down catch.


2) We brought a lot of pressure on Vick with linemen and LB's - unfortunately, that left a lot of gaps in the secondary for those speedy receivers and McCoy to capitalize on screen plays. Vick had 315 yds passing, but I'd guess 150 of them were lateral screen passes that the WR or) turned into a 20,30,40 yd gain. Not sure how else to prevent that from happening when you commit to pressuring Vick (or any QB for that matter)...that was my only concern yesterday - giving up long screen plays when we overcommitted to capturing or containing Vick...but it was a tradeoff the coaches were apparently comfortable with.


To your second point, this is precisely what that was, according to both Chan and Barnett in post game pressers.

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