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can not wait. Although I find him a bit overrated and cold, I do mostly dig DC....but I am OBSESSED with Freud. I will watch, read, taste, smell, ingest anything that is about Siggy F.


can not wait. Although I find him a bit overrated and cold, I do mostly dig DC....but I am OBSESSED with Freud. I will watch, read, taste, smell, ingest anything that is about Siggy F.

Do you think Viggo Mortensen is ideal casting for Freud?


Do you think Viggo Mortensen is ideal casting for Freud?


he has the gravitas down pat--that's for sure. However Freud had a wit I have never seen in Viggo's work. Personally I think someone like Bill Murray would be my ideal. Granted he's a couple decades too old for the story DC is telling, but there is that mischievousness in his performances that I always read in Freud's writings. I wish he went with someone less stoic. Maybe a John C Reilly or Bryan Cranston...someone who can toe that line between being deadly serious and being in on the joke. If that makes sense.

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