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After listening to Hank's rant again. His analogy wasn't offensive as much as calling Obama the enemy and him, Biden and someone else the three stooges. Sorry Hank but the office of the president is not the enemy to you or me, no matter who occupies the office. Show some respect for the office.

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Oh, I am so glad the man is completing the revelation (!) of his ignorance by calling this a Free Speech / 1st Amendment issue (that is, if he is even aware of what an amendment is).


As for NPR, there was no crime involved in the Juan Williams scenario, and if there were, or if there were even grounds for citing an unjust firing, you would have seen the lawsuit by now. Now, there is a more murky scenario there because NPR receives about 16% of its funding from some kind of governmental institutions (CPB and direct fed/state/local funding), but even then Williams was not receiving state sanction, he was receiving workplace reprimands for violating the role of reporter/analyst with NPR by serving as a commentator (hence revealing opinions on the news as opposed to analysis) for Fox. Honestly, I'd hope for the same kind of measured response to be taken if Andrea Seabrook were providing her opinion on MSNBC.


Anyway, now that we're once again in PPP land, let the marketplace dictate the fate of the least talented Hank Williams this earth has produced.

Great post.


On a different facet of this news, there are several people in this thread who are taking HWJ at his word that it was his decision.


But (as included in the original post), ESPN clearly stated "We have decided to part ways with Hank Williams, Jr."


Yet more people in this thread seem to be taking Hank's word for it and not ESPNs. Odd.



Posted (edited)

Oh, I am so glad the man is completing the revelation (!) of his ignorance by calling this a Free Speech / 1st Amendment issue (that is, if he is even aware of what an amendment is).


As for NPR, there was no crime involved in the Juan Williams scenario, and if there were, or if there were even grounds for citing an unjust firing, you would have seen the lawsuit by now. Now, there is a more murky scenario there because NPR receives about 16% of its funding from some kind of governmental institutions (CPB and direct fed/state/local funding), but even then Williams was not receiving state sanction, he was receiving workplace reprimands for violating the role of reporter/analyst with NPR by serving as a commentator (hence revealing opinions on the news as opposed to analysis) for Fox. Honestly, I'd hope for the same kind of measured response to be taken if Andrea Seabrook were providing her opinion on MSNBC.


Anyway, now that we're once again in PPP land, let the marketplace dictate the fate of the least talented Hank Williams this earth has produced.


While I agree there was no legally unjust firing RE: NPR and Juan Williams---Its pretty obvious that NPR came down on Williams because he didn't toe the line in the liberal manner that NPR is so famous for. NPR 'journalists' consistently violate their roles as 'reporter/analysts' with their slant on the news.The only reprimand given around NPR was for a comment deemed to be politically incorrect/insensitive to the liberal left. -Show me the reprimand for an equivalent action taken on one of their journalists for some left leaning comment.

Edited by Tcali

Hank Williams Jr. and his iconic theme song will not return to ESPN's "Monday Night Football," the network announced Thursday.


In the wake of Williams using an analogy involving Adolf Hitler and President Barack Obama to make a political point on the Fox News Channel, Williams' "All My Rowdy Friends" will no longer be part of the MNF opening.


"We have decided to part ways with Hank Williams, Jr," ESPN said in a statement. "We appreciate his contributions over the past years. The success of Monday Night Football has always been about the games and that will continue."


On his own website, Williams said he was the one who made the decision.


"After reading hundreds of e-mails, I have made MY decision," he wrote. "By pulling my opening Oct 3rd, You (ESPN) stepped on the Toes of The First Amendment Freedom of Speech, so therefore Me, My Song, and All My Rowdy Friends are OUT OF HERE. It's been a great run."








That doesnt bother me. He clearly doesn't understand that while he does have Freedom of Speech under the Constitution, he does not have Freedom from Consquence for what he says. Bye Hank. It was fun.


Exactly. Freedom of speech is your right to say whatcha want.


That doesn't change your employer's right to uphold standards of conduct for employees.


I guess you missed the part about this being Hank Jr's decision to take his ball and go home...


Didn't miss it. Just don't find it credible, actually for the reasons you cited (that song likely a significant cash cow he is milking)


Oh please, are you kidding me? Free speech only comes with consequences when a conservative says something stupid. Note that none of these people ever faced "consequences" for their words and speech...

















I'm tired of the liberal wussification of this country. Where it's only ok to publicly hurt one's feelings as long as the target is on the right. I applaud Hank Williams Jr. for telling ESPN to go shove it.


This is what I like about modern America, its okay for a man to whine, where a man is free to steep himself in irony by using wuss-whining to protest wussification. Well played.


Hank could've kept the fact that he is a moron to himself, but no.......




Yeah, that "truth" thang is a tough "slant" to reconcile......


Truth has a well known liberal bias and you know it! wink.gif


Great post.


On a different facet of this news, there are several people in this thread who are taking HWJ at his word that it was his decision.


But (as included in the original post), ESPN clearly stated "We have decided to part ways with Hank Williams, Jr."


Yet more people in this thread seem to be taking Hank's word for it and not ESPNs. Odd.


Articles I've read say ESPN informed him Thurs morning while Hank's rep says Hank decided Wednesday night to quit. That was the rationale behind my first post in this topic, people are going to believe who they want in this situation and Hank claims to have decided first. Possibly why people are siding with him.


This is all a perfect example of the single-brain-celled, politically correct imbeciles that are so concerned about not freedom, but the bottom line. This is solely a move by Disney to dissolve even the remotest of remote chances that someone might get "offended" at anyone even associated with MNF.


If anyone worth their salt even listened to the interview, Williams did not compare anyone to Hitler.


He was stating that he was frustrated over Congressman Boehner and Obama playing golf together, as if they were old time buddies. He thought that they had as much business playing golf together as Hitler and Netanyahu. I.E.: Hitler attempting and being fairly successful at wiping out most of Jewish Europe while they did not have a home of their own at the time of WW2 and Netanyahu as leader of the current State of Israel.


Polar opposites. Seems pretty clear to me. At no point did he say: "Now, Obama is ofcourse Hitler, and Boehner Netanyahu", so any association made is clearly that of the imagination and of an implied nature of people who don't know what was really said. This is a huge overreach and the assumptions are too many to list.


What I find ironic, is that liberals got so upset over thinking (wishing?) Williams calling Obama, Hitler. With the way Obama has treated Israel these days, you'd think they would get more upset over thinking Williams was referring to Obama as Netanyahu. :oops:

Posted (edited)

This is all a perfect example of the single-brain-celled, politically correct imbeciles that are so concerned about not freedom, but the bottom line. This is solely a move by Disney to dissolve even the remotest of remote chances that someone might get "offended" at anyone even associated with MNF.


If anyone worth their salt even listened to the interview, Williams did not compare anyone to Hitler.


He was stating that he was frustrated over Congressman Boehner and Obama playing golf together, as if they were old time buddies. He thought that they had as much business playing golf together as Hitler and Netanyahu. I.E.: Hitler attempting and being fairly successful at wiping out most of Jewish Europe while they did not have a home of their own at the time of WW2 and Netanyahu as leader of the current State of Israel.


Polar opposites. Seems pretty clear to me. At no point did he say: "Now, Obama is ofcourse Hitler, and Boehner Netanyahu", so any association made is clearly that of the imagination and of an implied nature of people who don't know what was really said. This is a huge overreach and the assumptions are too many to list.


What I find ironic, is that liberals got so upset over thinking (wishing?) Williams calling Obama, Hitler. With the way Obama has treated Israel these days, you'd think they would get more upset over thinking Williams was referring to Obama as Netanyahu. :oops:


Assumptions based upon what? Williams said that he WAS making an analogy that compared Obama to Hitler, and therefore wiping aside your claim that maybe it was Boehner he was talking about with regards to Hitler. HE is the one that clarified his statement, and yet you are acting as if just the interview is the only piece of evidence that is being referenced here, which is not true.


References to this liberal crap are just vain attempts at being an apologist for anyone who tries and fails at striking at Obama, as if he is the only member of the federal government. Cry me a river if the offensive comments of comparing the President to Hitler is slapped down with a "You're Fired!" or results in an "I'm taking my marbles and going home, I Quit!"


I'm not voting for Obama, but if he wins in 2012 I'm going to laugh my butt off because the intense overreaction towards one man has gotten to the point of lunacy.

Edited by BmoreBills






What a whinny bitchin thread.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


While I agree there was no legally unjust firing RE: NPR and Juan Williams---Its pretty obvious that NPR came down on Williams because he didn't toe the line in the liberal manner that NPR is so famous for. NPR 'journalists' consistently violate their roles as 'reporter/analysts' with their slant on the news.The only reprimand given around NPR was for a comment deemed to be politically incorrect/insensitive to the liberal left. -Show me the reprimand for an equivalent action taken on one of their journalists for some left leaning comment.

The onus is on you to present the left leaning comments that didn't lead to reprimand. I'll buy it if you show me, to an extent. The story was that NPR editors and Juan W butted heads constantly, and that this was bound to not end amicably. So, the apparently out-of-nowhere (and ill-timed) severance had a history at least. I imagine if the editors are worth their salt they are constantly coaching the reporters on how to present themselves to appear free of bias.


I don't deny that many of the reporters lean left, but I'll maintain that the bias in their coverage is far more inherent in the story selection than in the actual reporting. Then again, I think in the current clime, center is invariably viewed as more left or more right by either side, depending on where you stand.


I wish we could just all agree that HW,J is a hack and leave it at that.


Seems like Hank Jr. just picked the wrong Fox show. This kind of rhetoric is actually encouraged by Bill O'Reilly


My link

Okay. A Media Matters link. This definitely seems like a political thread to me.


But maybe it's just me.


As other posters have indicated good riddance. A rotten stupid song. The theme it replaced was one of the great sports themes if all time and I'm looking. forward to it being featured again.


dene dene dene (pause). dene dene dene (very long pause). DA DA da da......


Barry Sanders to do the MNF intro for the rest of the year. Nothing confirmed beyond that.




Doubt it's for the rest of the year. Sanders will do this Monday because of the significance of the Lions playing on MNF. I'm thinking ABC/ESPN will do this the rest of the season. They'll trot out personalities with connections to that night's game.




Such a bull **** move by ESPN. I'm pissed. Screw ESPN. They made their point by suspending him 1 game, that's all they had to do.


Proud Hater of ESPN



Agreed. Huge overreaction. Even the far left people on "the View" think it's an overreaction. Although, Hank is incorrect regarding the 1st Amendment. That only protects you from the Government supressing speech. Your employer, friends, etc. can all take adverse action against you based on your speech. Still, ESPN sucks. And so does their coverage of hockey, btw. What will they do now that their love children the Yankees and Red Sox are out of the Playoffs?

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