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What is Chad Kelly (Jim's nephew) hinting at?


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Funny, when my pops passed away my mom didn't have to pay an estate tax. Mary will not have to pay an estate tax on the proceeds of a sale if the sale occurs in Ralph's lifetime. The capital gains tax applies, but not both in this scenario. I know the gov't likes all of our money, but that would be taking it a bit too far, don't you think???


Mary won't have to pay an estate tax period. It doesn't apply to spouses. But when the $ / team passes to children, the tax will apply. + the capital gains tax if the team is sold while he's alive. Which is why it won't be.

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A smart little birdie said the tweet is about very much about ownership,a specific person or group which shall remain nameless, although it has nothing to do with any impending sale, or Ralph's health which is seemingly stable.


It may or may not be good for the Bills, but there surely are people with money who wish to keep the team in Buffalo. There is not going to be any announcement (I'm just assuming that myself). I doubt there will be any story in the press or information about it, but I suppose it's possible.


It's pretty good news though, if you're worried about the team moving. And it's not the only good news that will be coming out in the next several months. Stay tuned.


This is likely going to read more aggressive than I intend it, so apologies in advance if that's the case but.....


Why post this? Either put the info out there or don't. I dont really get the point of giving out the "I know something but I'm not telling...." it just seems like you could have finished the story a little more concrete

Edited by NoSaint
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This is likely going to read more aggressive than I intend it, so apologies in advance if that's the case but.....


Why post this? Either put the info out there or don't. I dont really get the point of giving out the "I know something but I'm not telling...."

Because it lets people know that there is reason to pay attention to this development as more than pure speculation, but he also can't out or risk outing his source, and to reveal more information would make that more likely.


I don't mind hearing that there is good news on the horizon, and not getting the full story yet.


Did you always find and open your Christmas presents early as a kid?

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Why is Capital Gain tax required at all? The Buffalo Bills are not technically an asset. They are a company of some kind, aren't they? Businesses get bought and sold all the time, generating income which tax must be paid on, which is where I think the Bills fall. Assets are stocks, bonds, cars, ie- items of some kind. I am most likely wrong, but still wondering.

If you buy or start a business for 100,000....then you sell it for 400,000 you have to pay capital gains on the 300,000 difference.Unfortunately. Inflation isn't even put into the equation.Sucks.

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Because it lets people know that there is reason to pay attention to this development as more than pure speculation, but he also can't out or risk outing his source, and to reveal more information would make that more likely.


I don't mind hearing that there is good news on the horizon, and not getting the full story yet.


Did you always find and open your Christmas presents early as a kid?



Truthfully, it didn't further the story anywhere beyond the original tweet or last 10 pages. Based on what Kelly has said about his source in the past, I'd have to imagine if he knows this, it's not top secret at OBD and suddenly Joe is going to be outed because he was one of three "in the know." furthermore it's so absolutely vague that it doesnt give any direction to these "good announcements" and in 6 months can be revisited as either "yup I got it right" or "oh well, someone backed out" and in almost no way can it be a case of well I screwed that one up


If it helps you sleep at night cool, but that's all it really accomplished.




Why is Capital Gain tax required at all? The Buffalo Bills are not technically an asset. They are a company of some kind, aren't they? Businesses get bought and sold all the time, generating income which tax must be paid on, which is where I think the Bills fall. Assets are stocks, bonds, cars, ie- items of some kind. I am most likely wrong, but still wondering.


The short answer - stocks are ownership shares. Ralph selling the team is like you selling your stocks in a company but on a muuuuuuch larger scale.

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I have been saying the Bills will be staying for the past two months and for obvious reasons can't give out specifics (although I have probably given more than I should have). Have faith that the Bills are staying and enjoy the season.....

Do you work for the Bills, or know someone who does?

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I have been saying the Bills will be staying for the past two months and for obvious reasons can't give out specifics (although I have probably given more than I should have). Have faith that the Bills are staying and enjoy the season.....


Can you give us a hint or just a reason to believe you? I would think you're legit - having over 1000 posts, it's not like you're trolling. But, not having the Sword of Damocles hanging over us anymore would be the best news this area has ever had.


And, I can really use such good news right now!

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Can you give us a hint or just a reason to believe you? I would think you're legit - having over 1000 posts, it's not like you're trolling. But, not having the Sword of Damocles hanging over us anymore would be the best news this area has ever had.


And, I can really use such good news right now!


Just strange that prior to the tweet there was no hope and now this afternoon we get two separate confirmations that cant name sources. Apparently everyone and no one knows.

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I think that BBaumer said earlier in this thread that he has posted this type of thing before. I'm not sure about the fair and balance one.


All I know is if this is true, Ralph would be exalted like no other in WNY and beyond. I don't know what human wouldn't want to feel that while they were still alive.

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Some people, perhaps a lot of people, have some sources that feed them information. If it's a good source usually it turns out to be true. But even the best source in the world isn't always accurate.


This is a message board. Ive been here over 10 years and have over 10,000 posts. 99.9% of them have been opinions. They may or may not have been proven right in retrospect.


But it's like baseball. If you're right 33% of the time in your opinions you're one of the best players in the league.


Sometimes I get some inside information from 3-4 different sources because I am friends with them. But that is not fact either, they just tell me what they know. I am not saying what I post is going to happen. No one knows that. But if I think it adds to the conversation or it clarifys misinformation, I may or may not post it.


It's not true. It's not inarguable it's just information. Hopefully it proves to be good information. If the Bills move it doesn't make the information I provided untrue. Stuff happens.


Sometimes my sources say you can or cannot say this. 100% of the time it is just stuff they have heard themselves. It doesn't predict the future. You can choose to beliieve, not believe it, or somewhere in the middle. That's how I view it myself.


I'm not going to post something that I know isn't true. I don't need to be the first person to post something, especially because I don't get this stuff first hand myself. I just have 3-4 very good sources that will email or text stuff they learn, and will say what I can and cannot say.


It's not true. It may or may not happen. You can choose to believe it or not. There has actually been some stuff I have posted here as "insider" information that I didn't believe myself.


It's really just to add to the conversation. It's just info from a guy that you trust or you don't. But even if you trust that person it doesn't make it true. And even if in sox months from now something I post doesn't turn out to be true it really doesn't mean anything.


Regardless of my history or Nevergiveup (who knows way more than I do) or ieatcrayonz (perhaps the smartest poster here) it's just opinion.

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Can you give us a hint or just a reason to believe you? I would think you're legit - having over 1000 posts, it's not like you're trolling. But, not having the Sword of Damocles hanging over us anymore would be the best news this area has ever had.


And, I can really use such good news right now!


I started a thread a couple months ago and then deleted it (or tried to). I have added small comments over the last several weeks so if there is a way to look through a poster's comments, you will see. When it is all said and done, I will be happy to reveal all the details from early August on.......

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I started a thread a couple months ago and then deleted it (or tried to). I have added small comments over the last several weeks so if there is a way to look through a poster's comments, you will see. When it is all said and done, I will be happy to reveal all the details from early August on.......


I wish I could delete this thread. I find myself checking it obsessively checking it almost every hour.

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Some people, perhaps a lot of people, have some sources that feed them information. If it's a good source usually it turns out to be true. But even the best source in the world isn't always accurate.


This is a message board. Ive been here over 10 years and have over 10,000 posts. 99.9% of them have been opinions. They may or may not have been proven right in retrospect.


But it's like baseball. If you're right 33% of the time in your opinions you're one of the best players in the league.


Sometimes I get some inside information from 3-4 different sources because I am friends with them. But that is not fact either, they just tell me what they know. I am not saying what I post is going to happen. No one knows that. But if I think it adds to the conversation or it clarifys misinformation, I may or may not post it.


It's not true. It's not inarguable it's just information. Hopefully it proves to be good information. If the Bills move it doesn't make the information I provided untrue. Stuff happens.


Sometimes my sources say you can or cannot say this. 100% of the time it is just stuff they have heard themselves. It doesn't predict the future. You can choose to beliieve, not believe it, or somewhere in the middle. That's how I view it myself.


I'm not going to post something that I know isn't true. I don't need to be the first person to post something, especially because I don't get this stuff first hand myself. I just have 3-4 very good sources that will email or text stuff they learn, and will say what I can and cannot say.


It's not true. It may or may not happen. You can choose to believe it or not. There has actually been some stuff I have posted here as "insider" information that I didn't believe myself.


It's really just to add to the conversation. It's just info from a guy that you trust or you don't. But even if you trust that person it doesn't make it true. And even if in sox months from now something I post doesn't turn out to be true it really doesn't mean anything.


Regardless of my history or Nevergiveup (who knows way more than I do) or ieatcrayonz (perhaps the smartest poster here) it's just opinion.


I'd trust you more if you were still fair and balanced! ;) Good call on crayonz - I think he's pretty friggin brilliant.

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I started a thread a couple months ago and then deleted it (or tried to). I have added small comments over the last several weeks so if there is a way to look through a poster's comments, you will see. When it is all said and done, I will be happy to reveal all the details from early August on.......


Erie County Fair?

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I started a thread a couple months ago and then deleted it (or tried to). I have added small comments over the last several weeks so if there is a way to look through a poster's comments, you will see. When it is all said and done, I will be happy to reveal all the details from early August on.......


Sounds like something did happen in early August, because you posted on a thread in August about Schumer talking about the Bills that something good will be coming. And, back in June you posted this:

I heard Florio as well and if Ralph does not have something lined up already, I think this team is as good as gone. It sounds like all the small market teams are going to be squeezed out whether it takes 2,5,10 or 20 years.

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Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis died Saturday at age 82, but the football icon ensured before his passing that his beloved team would remain in the family.


Davis' wife, Carol, and his son, Mark, will retain controlling interest in the team as part of what Raiders chief executive Amy Trask called "a good structure in place."


"The team will remain in the Davis family," Trask told the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday night. "There is a succession plan in place in that regard."



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Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis died Saturday at age 82, but the football icon ensured before his passing that his beloved team would remain in the family.


Davis' wife, Carol, and his son, Mark, will retain controlling interest in the team as part of what Raiders chief executive Amy Trask called "a good structure in place."


"The team will remain in the Davis family," Trask told the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday night. "There is a succession plan in place in that regard."




This seems to be the important difference in that article (so far with Ralph):


Al Davis had maintained before his death that the team would remain in the Davis family.

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