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younger readers shocked entertainer Hank Williams

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Why shouldn't we tolerate celebrities expressing their political views? Despite all the caustic rhetoric on this board, I never see anything along the lines of "Well you're just a *insert profession*. Stick to that and don't tell me your politics.".


The difference, of course, is that the public is grotesquely infatuated with their favorite actor's or favorite musician's opinions but that can hardly be blamed on the celebrity.


Because they have a large audience and their audience is oftentimes mindless. So here we're just spouting our opinions whereas celebrities are helping push an agenda. So yes we can blame the celebrity.

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So the left can say whatever they want about George Bush (and his family) but once a conservative uses a metaphor he needs to be publicly humiliated and forced into thousands of apologies.



The conservative opression continues..."why can't we be !@#$s if they are !@#$s? It's just not fair...I want to live in a country where we can all be !@#$s" :rolleyes:

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The conservative opression continues..."why can't we be !@#$s if they are !@#$s? It's just not fair...I want to live in a country where we can all be !@#$s" :rolleyes:


But you have to admit it's funny watching white males crying about discrimination and hearing the response from the left as, we're entitled to be hypocritical because we're morally superior.

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But you have to admit it's funny watching white males crying about discrimination


At a big-box retailer yesterday, I did have the customer service people service ALL the black people in line behind me before they'd bother with me. Literally, they were coming out from behind the service desk to escort those behind me around me, just so there was no confusion.


I'm sure DaveInElma would have gone postal on all the spades in the store for insulting his White Pride...I found it less offensive than it was odd and mildly amusing.

Edited by DC Tom
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But you have to admit it's funny watching white males crying about discrimination and hearing the response from the left as, we're entitled to be hypocritical because we're morally superior.



I guess I don't find it that funny...I hear conservatives saying stupid things, people call them into question, I hear liberals say stupid things, and people call them into question. Nobody has been able to come up with any example of anyone comparing a US President to Adolph Hitler, where they weren't admonished in some way...this whole thing is stupid. Of course, some admonishment (like Hank Jr) is more visable, because the source is more visable. There are loads of examples (your myopic minds just can't seem to recall them) of "lefties" paying the price for saying controversial things, just like Hank Jr...


And name me a conservative, who has been taken to task, whe hasn't felt morally superior. Isn't what part of the whole movemnet is, those people wearing liptons' and tetleys' hanging from their crowns of oppression?


What I really find funny, still after all these years, is people whining about the liberal media, taking sides...the conservatives have their FOX News...it is allegedly where more people their news in this country, than anywhere else. So, by crying about the liberal media, conservatives (and the clowns at FOX themselves) are acknowledging that they are not a legitimate source for news. I realize, few here (though I am sure not all) consider FOX anything legit...

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At a big-box retailer yesterday, I did have the customer service people service ALL the black people in line behind me before they'd bother with me. Literally, they were coming out from behind the service desk to escort those behind me around me, just so there was no confusion.


I'm sure DaveInElma would have gone postal on all the spades in the store for insulting his White Pride...I found it less offensive than it was odd and mildly amusing.



Maybe they read your stuff here? :P

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At a big-box retailer yesterday, I did have the customer service people service ALL the black people in line behind me before they'd bother with me. Literally, they were coming out from behind the service desk to escort those behind me around me, just so there was no confusion.


I'm sure DaveInElma would have gone postal on all the spades in the store for insulting his White Pride...I found it less offensive than it was odd and mildly amusing.

Bad behavior is bad behavior. The minute we start recognizing it as such....and completely cease attributing it to backgrounds, skin, class, whatever...is the same minute we will free ourselves from a whole lot of nonsense.


If your story is true, then those people know damn well that their behavior is bad. It's not a reflection on you, society, or anything else. It's merely a reflection on them. They are a-holes. End of story. So are the customers behind you.


Ask yourself: would you allow somebody to let you cut ahead of another person under any circumstance short of emergency? Of course not. Hey, I understand an occasional Larry David/Seinfeld getover, which can also be mildly amusing, to downright hysterical. But in general, you know that if things were reversed, you would have behaved properly, and insisted the person ahead of you be served first.



Why yell "racist" when you can yell "a-hole"? There's no excuse for a-hole, and being an a-hole is nobody's fault but the a-hole's. :D

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At a big-box retailer yesterday, I did have the customer service people service ALL the black people in line behind me before they'd bother with me. Literally, they were coming out from behind the service desk to escort those behind me around me, just so there was no confusion.


I'm sure DaveInElma would have gone postal on all the spades in the store for insulting his White Pride...I found it less offensive than it was odd and mildly amusing.


And you said nothing? But you're "DC Tom" the king of put-downs! surely you had some hilarious quips you could have unleashed on them? I guess the DC Tom persona is only effective behind the safety of your computer. In real life you just hang your shoulders and slink away.

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Bad behavior is bad behavior. The minute we start recognizing it as such....and completely cease attributing it to backgrounds, skin, class, whatever...is the same minute we will free ourselves from a whole lot of nonsense.


If your story is true, then those people know damn well that their behavior is bad. It's not a reflection on you, society, or anything else. It's merely a reflection on them. They are a-holes. End of story. So are the customers behind you.


Ask yourself: would you allow somebody to let you cut ahead of another person under any circumstance short of emergency? Of course not. Hey, I understand an occasional Larry David/Seinfeld getover, which can also be mildly amusing, to downright hysterical. But in general, you know that if things were reversed, you would have behaved properly, and insisted the person ahead of you be served first.


I know. As a rule of thumb, almost none of the **** anyone has to put up with on a daily basis has anything to do with that person (particularly in customer service, on both sides). Like I said, I was at worst mildly amused.



Why yell "racist" when you can yell "a-hole"? There's no excuse for a-hole, and being an a-hole is nobody's fault but the a-hole's. :D


Don't want to be overly general. While a racist is an !@#$, an !@#$ isn't necessarily a racist.


And you said nothing? But you're "DC Tom" the king of put-downs! surely you had some hilarious quips you could have unleashed on them? I guess the DC Tom persona is only effective behind the safety of your computer. In real life you just hang your shoulders and slink away.


Or maybe I was in no hurry, but was fascinated by the behavior enough to want to observe how far it would go.


Face it: you don't know **** about me. Or anything else, for that matter. So shut the !@#$ up already, you ignoramous.

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I guess I don't find it that funny...I hear conservatives saying stupid things, people call them into question, I hear liberals say stupid things, and people call them into question. Nobody has been able to come up with any example of anyone comparing a US President to Adolph Hitler, where they weren't admonished in some way...this whole thing is stupid. Of course, some admonishment (like Hank Jr) is more visable, because the source is more visable. There are loads of examples (your myopic minds just can't seem to recall them) of "lefties" paying the price for saying controversial things, just like Hank Jr...


And name me a conservative, who has been taken to task, whe hasn't felt morally superior. Isn't what part of the whole movemnet is, those people wearing liptons' and tetleys' hanging from their crowns of oppression?


What I really find funny, still after all these years, is people whining about the liberal media, taking sides...the conservatives have their FOX News...it is allegedly where more people their news in this country, than anywhere else. So, by crying about the liberal media, conservatives (and the clowns at FOX themselves) are acknowledging that they are not a legitimate source for news. I realize, few here (though I am sure not all) consider FOX anything legit...


The knee jerk defense is right there.


The stock conservative response is there's reverse discrimination*, when in reality it's just a double standard to excuse bad behavior.


The stock liberal response is that not only isn't there reverse discrimination*, there's no double standard either.

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This whole "controversy" is nothing but trumped up bull ****. Anyone who took those comments to imply that Obama shares genocidal tendencies with Hitler, suffers from severe mental retardation.


Of course the libs come out to draw an equivalence between what was essentially an extreme example to illustrate an adversarial group (Dems & Republicans playing together is like Nazis and Israelis doing likewise) to all the Bush is Hitler bull ****, that actually was comparing Bush to Hitler in a substantive way. It's funny that the libs' argument here is that they're too stupid to know the difference.


On another note, this is ESPN's greatest humanitarian moment since declaring that no one employed by their station will discuss the asymmetrical treatment of black quarterbacks by the media.

Edited by Rob's House
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Because they have a large audience and their audience is oftentimes mindless. So here we're just spouting our opinions whereas celebrities are helping push an agenda. So yes we can blame the celebrity.


I can see it from that perspective. The onus should be on the masses to parse the meaningful messages from the meaningless ones, but I suppose it's naive to think that will ever happen on a large scale.

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Or maybe I was in no hurry, but was fascinated by the behavior enough to want to observe how far it would go.


Face it: you don't know **** about me. Or anything else, for that matter. So shut the !@#$ up already, you ignoramous.


So you're fascinated by the way people just up and dismiss you with such ease? Do you really think that all these people would be cutting you if you weren't such a sheepish shrew of a man? Anyone who wouldn't stand up for themself in that situation obviously has no self-respect or self-esteem.

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So you're fascinated by the way people just up and dismiss you with such ease? Do you really think that all these people would be cutting you if you weren't such a sheepish shrew of a man? Anyone who wouldn't stand up for themself in that situation obviously has no self-respect or self-esteem.

Dave wouldn't have taken that crap laying down, on his knees, bent over a chair, reverse cowgirl, pile driver, eiffel tower, missionary, or otherwise, cause Dave does not tolerate that sort of shiz. Dave would have shown them their place.

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Dave wouldn't have taken that crap laying down, on his knees, bent over a chair, reverse cowgirl, pile driver, eiffel tower, missionary, or otherwise, cause Dave does not tolerate that sort of shiz. Dave would have shown them their place.


All I'd need is to look them dead in the eye and a simple "excuse me".

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