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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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She doesn't want people living paycheck to paycheck. Hmmm, I look at people's personal balance sheets every day in my line of work and those living paycheck to paycheck 9 times out of 10 have only themselves to blame.

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Which means that even Carter recognized how to get the private sector moving.


You purport to know people in private industry. How many owners & managers like Obama's & his cabinet's policies, and how many of them believe he understands how the private sector works?

Why change the subject to Obama? The Wall Street protests in general focus on Wall Street's influence which spans both parties. Did someone other than a loony righty here say this was a pro-Obama movement?

You're the one who tried to pinpoint a particular president/party. lybob focused on the period since 1980. You do realize there were some republicans and democrats along the way, yes?

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Why change the subject to Obama? The Wall Street protests in general focus on Wall Street's influence which spans both parties. Did someone other than a loony righty here say this was a pro-Obama movement? You're the one who tried to pinpoint a particular president/party. lybob focused on the period since 1980. You do realize there were some republicans and democrats along the way, yes?





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I didn't even look at your pictures. I figure one's probably from a GQ cover and one is just some (*^*&%^$^#on the street posing for his Facebook profile picture. No. You, sir, are the !@#$. Are you talking about Gabe Kaplan? Why the !@#$ would I want to look like Gabe Kaplan?


Do you know who this guy is?




That's Gary mother!@#$ing Cooper. In a mother!@#$ing scarf. Do I think it's ok to look like him? Hell yes.

Yeah...and you know what the dialog is there? "I'm sorry dear to have to tell you about my boyfriend Serge, but I just can't go on this way. Dammit man....I love Serge, and we are going to live in The Argentine together. But perhaps there is a chance for us...perhaps if you were willing to try it this way, the way Serge does it to me...Ok?...come on....'Just the tip!'*"



*Archer rules

How about this piece of badassery?




That's Clark "I'm about to put it in your wife" Gable. In a mother!@#$ing scarf.


In case you haven't noticed, I'm putting this in terms you old doddering jackasses can understand.

Yes, not only a scarf, but grosgrain piping. Nothing says "I wish I was a born a girl" more than dressing up like one....from a smarmy private school.

Who's next?




Oh, right. That's Marlon "the Godfather" Brando in a hanging paisley scarf.


Don't talk to me about scarves.

Right, and since Patton has been invoked, when he said "Only a pimp from a cheap New Orleans whorehouse would carry a pearl-handled pistol"...this is what he was talking about.


That's how a grown up man wears a scarf in cold weather...because it's f'ing cold, and he's going to be outside for a while.

This is how a Hollywood ponce wears a scarf...for no practical reason, because like you, he thinks it makes him look erudite.

Get serious.


If the Outlaw Josey Wales saw Bruce Willis trying to look cool in that scarf, he'd spit tobacco on him first, then on the dog.




Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Which means that even Carter recognized how to get the private sector moving.


You purport to know people in private industry. How many owners & managers like Obama's & his cabinet's policies, and how many of them believe he understands how the private sector works?


I really don't care about the OWS movement because it's a waste of time but are you sincerely arguing that deregulation has had a positive effect?

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I really don't care about the OWS movement because it's a waste of time but are you sincerely arguing that deregulation has had a positive effect?


How would you classify the Community Reinvestment Act and its subsequent modification? Regulation or deregulation?

Edited by 3rdnlng
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I really don't care about the OWS movement because it's a waste of time but are you sincerely arguing that deregulation has had a positive effect?

To what deregulation are you referring specifically? I know it's hard for libs to wrap their minds around such things as nuance (which ironically they pride themselves on the exclusive ability to grasp) but there's not anyone of influence on the right that catagorically opposes regulation, or as a blanket statement supports deregulation.


Most everyone knows that some level of regualtion is required. The difference is, while more fiscally conservative people look for more narrowly targeted regulations, you guys see (for example) a proverbial glitch in short sales and instead of passing a simple rule to prevent that, you guys invariably want to address it with a comprehensive thousand page bill based on static analysis.

Edited by Rob's House
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Care to sumarize?


I got about 2 minutes into that before giving up. That whole repeat after me chant is creepy :ph34r:


Oooh oooh I know. Did somebody spit on him again <_<


One of the comments said "reminds me of kindergarten" That pretty much sums it up.

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I only saw the beginning of that but why the hell are they repeating everything the idiot with the bullhorn says??


It's the Middle School Cum-ba-ya Lord Mantra model:

"Gather 'round on your rugs and repeat after me.

There will be graham crackers and chocolate milk for recess."



Care to sumarize?


I got about 2 minutes into that before giving up. That whole repeat after me chant is creepy :ph34r:


Oooh oooh I know. Did somebody spit on him again <_<

See above. Plus, Lewis left without saying a word. Evidently the group had two or three wall-eyed geeks that didn't want to hear him so the rest of the crowd - including those on Hover-Rounds - didn't get to hear his call for solidarity, of empathy with the downtrodden and support for the democratic (small d) groundswell of the people's righteous cause. Or something like that. Actually he left looking disappointed but with a conviction that those folks were plain bat-shite crazy.

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