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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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Nancy Pelosi, as part of the 99% has joined the OWS'rs at the Four Seasons Resort on the Island of Hawaii. She vows to stay there to point out the inequities of the "system" we have in this country.

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Nancy Pelosi, as part of the 99% has joined the OWS'rs at the Four Seasons Resort on the Island of Hawaii. She vows to stay there to point out the inequities of the "system" we have in this country.


I'm with Nancy. I like being part of the 1%. The only down side is that the 99% never stop whining.

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Last Wednesday, I had to go down to city hall in Oakland, CA, right where the protests were. They did a good job of re-sodding the grass. The OWS group is down to about 5-10 guys at 3 tables with about 5--6 cops keeping an eye on them. It's back to where you can have a nice lunch outside if you work on the plaza. One good thing came of it. The mayor will not get re-elected.

Edited by Wacka
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Last Wednesday, I had to go down to city hall in Oakland, CA, right where the protests were. They did a good job of re-sodding the grass. The OWS group is down to about 5-10 guys at 3 tables with about 5--6 cops keeping an eye on them. It's back to where you can have a nice lunch outside if you work on the plaza. One good thing came of it. The mayor will not get re-elected.


My wife works in the Transamerica Pyramid building in the city. A couple of weeks the whole buiding was on lock down. She said they were running around the city being crazy. Get a life folks.

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An anthropology class on sociology and economics taught objectively by a participant in the movement which by it's own admission is completely directionless. That makes the perfesser's research - investigating the effect of oil derivative contracts on the socio-political structure of New Guinea - seem almost useful in comparison.


Mildly surprising, though, that it comes from Columbia. You usually have to go to Brown to take a class this retarded.

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The funny thing is....the kids are gonna take classes like this for a gazillion bucks a credit, amass student loans on par with a mortgage...NOT be able to get a job.... and then you know whose "fault" it is?


Wall Street's.


And Bush's.

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The funny thing is....the kids are gonna take classes like this for a gazillion bucks a credit, amass student loans on par with a mortgage...NOT be able to get a job.... and then you know whose "fault" it is?


Wall Street's.


And Bush's.



OMG, LOL, IBFUMBWAKYJ by these stupid Bush loving people who will prevent me from ever having a career where the government pays me everything I deserve.

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