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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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I read last night at the New York Post that police were expecting about 10,000 protesters to create all kinds of havoc.


So far all I've found is a live blog at ABC.com reporting that only a handful of people have shown up, and those who did have no idea where they're supposed to be going and what they're supposed to be doing once they get there...all of which only serves as further evidence that Obama is behind this. :lol:


So you are faulting them for not creating havoc?

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Man reporting these days really sucks. It's spelled loser. :wallbash:

I don't know if I'd go that far, but they will fade into oblivion soon, if they don't come up with some coherent message. Either way, they have a right to protest (if done peacefully), I guess.

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No. I'm mocking them for having no focus, no goal, no message, no plan, no direction and no leadership.




They're the Barack Obama of protest movements.






Heh..............I'm stealing that for use on other boards.



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I don't know if I'd go that far, but they will fade into oblivion soon, if they don't come up with some coherent message. Either way, they have a right to protest (if done peacefully), I guess.

Has anybody even remotely tried to imply that they don't?


The criticism hasn't been that they don't have the right to protest. The criticism has been that they have no !@#$ing idea what it is they're protesting, many of them are breaking the law while protesting whatever it is that they're protesting, and the closest thing to a coherent message that they have espoused is either 'we don't like the "1%" getting special treatment, but give us special treatment and let us camp out in the park overnight and **** wherever we want' or 'we want free stuff.' Either of which, while catchy doesn't quite rise up to the level of 'we shall overcome.'

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I don't know if I'd go that far, but they will fade into oblivion soon, if they don't come up with some coherent message. Either way, they have a right to protest (if done peacefully), I guess.


Sure they have the right to protest. But I don't think they have to right to camp in public parks and on city streets causing health hazards.

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No. I'm mocking them for having no focus, no goal, no message, no plan, no direction and no leadership.


Well Obama has lots of focus. To bad it's not helping the country but more on fund raising and campaigning. He's going to need a billion dollars to fund his smear campaign against whomever the Republican nominee is.

As for goals, plan and direction? For sure he has all those. He wants to "transform" this country into a marxist utopia like he learned in school.

His message sure is clear. The country is broke and its all the rich and republicans fault and we must hate them.

I agree on the leadership part though.

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Well Obama has lots of focus. To bad it's not helping the country but more on fund raising and campaigning. He's going to need a billion dollars to fund his smear campaign against whomever the Republican nominee is.

As for goals, plan and direction? For sure he has all those. He wants to "transform" this country into a marxist utopia like he learned in school.

His message sure is clear. The country is broke and its all the rich and republicans fault and we must hate them.

I agree on the leadership part though.


If Obama hadn't focused like a laser on creating and "saving" jobs this country would be, well...............uh..............hmm...........I guess no worse off than what it is. :oops:

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Police officer stabbed at protests. In stable condition.


Not so much stabbed as slashed.


And not so much slashed as: somebody threw something sharp, and it hit his thumb, and he has a cut, and he needs stiches.


Of course, given the personal hygiene standards of the protesters, he'll probably lose his arm to staph...

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the economist


There is something profoundly satisfying about believing that one's own team alone has seen through the fog of disinformation and propaganda to the real truth about the treacherous interests that stand between our condition and the reign of justice. And there is something terrifically exciting about the sense, often engendered by visible protest movements, that one's own team is growing, that its narrative is catching on. Conversely, there is something profoundly dissatisfying, and a little bit demoralising, in acknowledging that most people will never accept many of ones' most ardently-held convictions, and that, therefore, none of us will ever get to live in a society that closely matches, or even roughly approximates, our beloved ideals. But it's true all the same. And it's true all the same that our actual democracy, for all its problems, does about as well as democracy can be realistically expected to do, given the size and diversity of this country. Frankly, we're pretty lucky our democracy works as well as it does. There's a great deal we can do to make it a little better, but there's very little we can do to make it a lot better, because we'll almost never agree enough about the really big stuff.
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