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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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OWS is a bunch of nutjobs. This, however, is something I can get behind.



It began in Toronto? Now that I can believe. Never in my travels have I seen a bigger aggregation of sluts. I would estimate 3.5 sluts per acre. :lol:


This is great. If they are out yelling on the street, that means they will be all yelled out when they come home-->some men....are smarter than others. :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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It began in Toronto? Now that I can believe. Never in my travels have I seen a bigger aggregation of sluts. I would estimate 3.5 sluts per acre. :lol:


This is great. If they are out yelling on the street, that means they will be all yelled out when they come home-->some men....are smarter than others. :lol:

you're obviously not one of those men

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This is done. Even the Washington Post says so. And they better, because of these people get attributed to the Democrats, it's a serious problem.


53 people in Manhattan today

<40 in DC

This is rapidly turning into a joke. The average bus of tourists has more people. Perhaps the NYC cops should just round them all up and leave them in Newark. Now that would be funny, and normal, since a lot of NYC trash goes to NJ.


Maybe they get a few more this weekend? Oh, I forgot, they don't have jobs, and are sincerely protesting that, right? These aren't the same old Code Pink/International A.N.S.W.E.R. communist clowns, right?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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This is done. Even the Washington Post says so. And they better, because of these people get attributed to the Democrats, it's a serious problem.


53 people in Manhattan today

<40 in DC

This is rapidly turning into a joke. The average bus of tourists has more people. Perhaps the NYC cops should just round them all up and leave them in Newark. Now that would be funny, and normal, since a lot of NYC trash goes to NJ.


Maybe they get a few more this weekend? Oh, I forgot, they don't have jobs, and are sincerely protesting that, right? These aren't the same old Code Pink/International A.N.S.W.E.R. communist clowns, right?

Pushing elevator buttons? I mean cmon people if thats really all you got, you got nothing. Sad demonstration really. I'm young but i figured out a few years ago I have to make my own luck. If something changes to help me, great. If not I'll figure it out... or just push some elevator buttons

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Since I refuse to watch the mainstream news anymore, can someone tell me if this stuff is being reported on CNN and so on? How about the antisemitism? It drives me crazy that unproven allegations of racism within the Tea Party are somehow taken for granted as fact. If this were the Tea Party spewing this crap it would be a national crisis.

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People like that scare me. I can understand wanting things to change but the threat of violence? Yikes. Some of these people are dumb enough to try it too I fear

Nah, that's just 1st amendment rights.

Drawing a crosshair on a map on the otherhand, leads to violence

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