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This is the kind of brilliance we're dealing with here



A few excerpts:

raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.


Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.


Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all...I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.


These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.


It's so retarded it's amusing. A whole mob of people who have absolutely no understanding of economic principles convinced their philosophy will create a gold shitting unicorn for every household. Oh well, I hope Dave doesn't get arrested.

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This is the kind of brilliance we're dealing with here



A few excerpts:


It's so retarded it's amusing. A whole mob of people who have absolutely no understanding of economic principles convinced their philosophy will create a gold shitting unicorn for every household. Oh well, I hope Dave doesn't get arrested.



Well that a we'll have to wait for Wyld Stallions to actually learn how to play.


Are these people serious?

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This is the kind of brilliance we're dealing with here



A few excerpts:


It's so retarded it's amusing. A whole mob of people who have absolutely no understanding of economic principles convinced their philosophy will create a gold shitting unicorn for every household. Oh well, I hope Dave doesn't get arrested.


Some people just never stop believing in Santa. :wallbash:

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So, you have no respect for Obama? Reid? Pelosi?

I am very proud that we elected a black President. But I think just about every politician is a puppet to corporations, they put their party over their constituents, and are all corrupt to various degrees. They vote for wars and corporate bailouts, but do little for the common man. Sorry to be so cynical- that is not my nature. Absolute power corrupts. And neither of our 2 partys do I give two ***** about. They are one and the same

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Yes, Paul pulling the plug on DoD budget and Nader & Kucinich in charge of commerce would do wonders for job creation.




Yup, get rid of the Fed, and return back to the goo dold days of 19th century finance. That will calm the global markets and solidify the USA's role as the reserve currency. Good plan.

The Treasury is capable of doing what the Fed does, only it would be directly responsible to voters (every 4 years). It's not 19th c finance; in fact, it's modern finance. The FED model has outlived itself.


As for reserve currency status, as you should know, since you read my paper, that role has been in decline for about 10 years now.


You assume that pulling the plug on DoD means no increase elsewhere. Also, global markets will calm down once growth becomes a priority.

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Yup, get rid of the Fed, and return back to the goo dold days of 19th century finance. That will calm the global markets and solidify the USA's role as the reserve currency. Good plan.

well they couldn't do any worse then the Fed. $15,000,000,000,000 in debt, the looming social security crisis, emergency bailouts.....by any quantification our economy sucks and the fractional reserve system is flawed at best



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well they couldn't do any worse then the Fed. $15,000,000,000,000 in debt, the looming social security crisis, emergency bailouts.....by any quantification our economy sucks and the fractional reserve system is flawed at best




Despite all this, the US economy is lightyears ahead of Europe. So maybe it's not so bad afterall?

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I am very proud that we elected a black President. But I think just about every politician is a puppet to corporations, they put their party over their constituents, and are all corrupt to various degrees. They vote for wars and corporate bailouts, but do little for the common man. Sorry to be so cynical- that is not my nature. Absolute power corrupts. And neither of our 2 partys do I give two ***** about. They are one and the same

Racist thought. Incompetent but black- O.K.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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well they couldn't do any worse then the Fed. $15,000,000,000,000 in debt, the looming social security crisis, emergency bailouts.....by any quantification our economy sucks and the fractional reserve system is flawed at best



Ummm, The Fed and Treaury...... yeah.... two different things.

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The Treasury is capable of doing what the Fed does, only it would be directly responsible to voters (every 4 years). It's not 19th c finance; in fact, it's modern finance. The FED model has outlived itself.


As for reserve currency status, as you should know, since you read my paper, that role has been in decline for about 10 years now.


You assume that pulling the plug on DoD means no increase elsewhere. Also, global markets will calm down once growth becomes a priority.


The Fed model is still very much needed to provide funding to the banks and to police them. At least there's a modicum of independence in that relationship. I wouldn't want Treasury to have the direct responsibility of regulating & policing banks. You also can't leave the financial industry to its own devices, because you will return to the era of decennial financial panics.


Problem with pulling the plug on DoD and redistributing the funds elsewhere will mean a less efficient use of the money. You get much bigger economic bang for a US$1 going to Lockheed than to a welfare receipient. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't easily cut 10% of the DoD budget without missing a beat.


And yes, I've read and still disagree with your paper. USA's role as reserve currency has lost market share, but only as investors hedge their holdings. There is still nothing on the horizon that stands to supplant it. Unless of course, you have a Paul-Kucinich-Nader cabinet.

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So these burdens of the state basically want their credit history erased, loans forgiven, and a $20 and hour wage so that they may continue to harass the people and companies whose taxes support them? And by doing so there will be like, tons of jobs and stuff man.


Thats a serious list. Something tells me that these idiots would probably cave for a free Phish show.

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This is the kind of brilliance we're dealing with here



A few excerpts:


It's so retarded it's amusing. A whole mob of people who have absolutely no understanding of economic principles convinced their philosophy will create a gold shitting unicorn for every household. Oh well, I hope Dave doesn't get arrested.

I respect what these people are trying to do. I was reading about it in USA Today this morning but like others have said, Organization is key here and having demands that actually make sense.


If min wage was $20 an hour I wouldnt have gone to college. I worked the same job for 6 years and barely make $10 now. That said I'm busting my ass to be a part of the system because standing in the street is fun and all but it doesnt get you far.

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I respect what these people are trying to do. I was reading about it in USA Today this morning but like others have said, Organization is key here and having demands that actually make sense.


If min wage was $20 an hour I wouldnt have gone to college. I worked the same job for 6 years and barely make $10 now. That said I'm busting my ass to be a part of the system because standing in the street is fun and all but it doesnt get you far.

$20 an hour might be sweet for the few people that still have jobs. For the majority of minimum wage earners, who went from $7 an hour to $0 due to the subsequent job shortage, the raise in the minimum wage would be decidedly bitter.


As for paying everyone $20 an hour, regardless of employment status, that also might be sweet for 2 weeks, until business after business shuttered their doors and there was no one left to tax.


Why don't the Occupy Wallstreeters just stop beating around the bush and declare it the year 0 already. Forced relocation to the country to grow food will be the order of the day. Purification through hard labor will cleanse our souls and clear our corrupted capitalist minds. The New People will lead us to a golden age of agrarian self sufficience. Casualties will be high, but progress has its price.

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If min wage was $20 an hour I wouldnt have gone to college. I worked the same job for 6 years and barely make $10 now.


And when you make $20 an hour, you want $30 and so on. Putting a cap on how much people make/have the ability to make and could achieve is unacceptable.

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Putting a floor on how much people make/have the ability to make and could achieve sounds good at election time, but typically hurts the people it intends to help. Thats assuming it ever was intended to help and was not just pandering for votes in the first place, because price caps/floors set above market rates inevitably lead to supply shortages and thats first day economics 101 kinda stuff so its inexcusable for any politician not to know that in the first place, so yeah its probably just pandering as the min wage has moved more rapidly than inflation, and no one was intended to support a family off of min wage in the first place.



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