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If this is truly indicative of a real Wonderlic test, I weep for the stupidity of the average NFL player.



true. but even funnier is the third paragraph that mentions fitzpatrick...


If this is truly indicative of a real Wonderlic test, I weep for the stupidity of the average NFL player.

I weep for the stupidity of ne'er-do-well Walter Cherepinsky, and all who put any credence to the crap he spews...



About me:

Screen Name: SOS Walter


Web Sites: www.walterfootball.com




Name: Walt

Birthday: Aug. 6

Birthplace: NE Philly

Current Location: NE Philly

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5-8

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right

Your Heritage: Russian

The Shoes You Wore Today: Sandals. I guess those aren't shoes.

Your Weakness: Taking pictures when I'm drunk, and starting fights at McDonalds.

Your Fears: Failure

Your Perfect Pizza: Station Pizza

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get 10 million hits/month on my Web sites, publish book, sell movie scripts.

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: mmmmmblehblehblehblehbleh.

Thoughts First Waking Up: Is it after noon?

Your Best Physical Feature: My huge ass.

Your Bedtime: Around 4 p.m.

Your Most Missed Memory: Recess in grade school

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi -- gotta support Penn State

MacDonalds or Burger King: What the hell is MACdonalds, it's McDonalds, !@#$s.

Single or Group Dates: Depends on person

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Snapple

Chocolate or Vanilla: Both

Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither

Do you Smoke: No

Do you Swear: **** this

Do you Sing: all the time

Do you Shower Daily: I try to

Have you Been in Love: Once

Do you want to go to College: I don't want to leave

Do you want to get Married: Eventually

Do you belive in yourself: No, I'm not real.

Do you get Motion Sickness: No BLAH

Do you think you are Attractive: Not without makeup

Are you a Health Freak: Only Monday-Friday

Do you get along with your Parents: Most of the time

Do you like Thunderstorms: Only in late June and July between 7-11 a.m.

Do you play an Instrument: Does the triangle count?

In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I hope so

In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yeah

In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yeah

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I don't eat boxes

In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No I had a bad experience with Robot Sushi Man

In the past month have you been on Stage: Yeah

In the past month have you been Dumped: No

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Yes tee hee

In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No

Ever been Drunk: Yeah

Ever been called a Tease: No

Ever been Beaten up: No

Ever Shoplifted: No

How do you want to Die:

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Sports Writer/on ATH/Author/Movie Writer

What country would you most like to Visit: USA

In a Boy/Girl..

Favourite Eye Color: Brown

Favourite Hair Color: Blond

Short or Long Hair: Long

Height: 5'2-5'6

Weight: Not heavy

Best Clothing Style: Dresses well

Number of Drugs I have taken: 0

Number of CDs I own: 15

Number of Piercings: 0

Number of Tattoos: 0

Number of things in my Past I Regret: a few


I weep for the stupidity of ne'er-do-well Walter Cherepinsky, and all who put any credence to the crap he spews...



About me:

Screen Name: SOS Walter


Web Sites: www.walterfootball.com




Name: Walt

Birthday: Aug. 6

Birthplace: NE Philly

Current Location: NE Philly

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5-8

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right

Your Heritage: Russian

The Shoes You Wore Today: Sandals. I guess those aren't shoes.

Your Weakness: Taking pictures when I'm drunk, and starting fights at McDonalds.

Your Fears: Failure

Your Perfect Pizza: Station Pizza

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get 10 million hits/month on my Web sites, publish book, sell movie scripts.

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: mmmmmblehblehblehblehbleh.

Thoughts First Waking Up: Is it after noon?

Your Best Physical Feature: My huge ass.

Your Bedtime: Around 4 p.m.

Your Most Missed Memory: Recess in grade school

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi -- gotta support Penn State

MacDonalds or Burger King: What the hell is MACdonalds, it's McDonalds, !@#$s.

Single or Group Dates: Depends on person

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Snapple

Chocolate or Vanilla: Both

Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither

Do you Smoke: No

Do you Swear: **** this

Do you Sing: all the time

Do you Shower Daily: I try to

Have you Been in Love: Once

Do you want to go to College: I don't want to leave

Do you want to get Married: Eventually

Do you belive in yourself: No, I'm not real.

Do you get Motion Sickness: No BLAH

Do you think you are Attractive: Not without makeup

Are you a Health Freak: Only Monday-Friday

Do you get along with your Parents: Most of the time

Do you like Thunderstorms: Only in late June and July between 7-11 a.m.

Do you play an Instrument: Does the triangle count?

In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I hope so

In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yeah

In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yeah

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I don't eat boxes

In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No I had a bad experience with Robot Sushi Man

In the past month have you been on Stage: Yeah

In the past month have you been Dumped: No

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Yes tee hee

In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No

Ever been Drunk: Yeah

Ever been called a Tease: No

Ever been Beaten up: No

Ever Shoplifted: No

How do you want to Die:

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Sports Writer/on ATH/Author/Movie Writer

What country would you most like to Visit: USA

In a Boy/Girl..

Favourite Eye Color: Brown

Favourite Hair Color: Blond

Short or Long Hair: Long

Height: 5'2-5'6

Weight: Not heavy

Best Clothing Style: Dresses well

Number of Drugs I have taken: 0

Number of CDs I own: 15

Number of Piercings: 0

Number of Tattoos: 0

Number of things in my Past I Regret: a few




That's the MySpace profile of the idiot man-child behind WalterFootball...



Link - Walter on MySpace



(Also - Walter On Facebook)



Think about that, next time you think you mistakenly think that moron has any more insight or info than any other teenager with just enough computer skills to put up a web site.

Foud his "Jerks of the week" section, it's actually pretty funny.


Posted (edited)

Foud his "Jerks of the week" section, it's actually pretty funny.


Yeah, I've been on his site and admit that he's got the dry, cynical, caustic sense of humor that I occasionally find amusing (as they say - 'once in while, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn'), but he' basically a typical Philadelphia wise-ass who early on in life found an easy way to earn a living without working...


'Walter Cherepinsky was a senior at Central High School in Philadelphia when he created WalterFootball.com...Now 25 years old, he currently makes over $100,000 a year from advertising revenue from his site and his blog will be syndicated in USA Today.'



Edited by The Senator
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