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What was your take on this, Beer Sphere? Do you take the whole bicycle analogy at face value or do you think they're getting the feeling that Merriman just isn't ever going to be the same player?

I think we will see more from him tomorrow. Rookie QB, we might see quite a bit more blitzing. He's held up well against the run even though he's given up contain a couple times. If I had to guess I'd say we'll see flashes of his former self. Like Dr. Dar said, I think what Nix said has also been said to Merriman too. Play the game, don't expect to get hurt, cut loose & create havoc.


(that's what I'm hoping to see)


Great listen, Thanks. I think my favorite line was that "These guys come to work every day". They're hungry, they like the little success they've had, and they want more. As for Merriman, I think some is mental. To be away for two years is a long time. He's too young to have totally lost it. He needs a breakout game where he gets a couple of sacks, some pressures, and he'll be fine. Really he's already been helpful by helping to bring Barnett and Morrison here.


Lots of great lines. I like the one about Fitz "He probably doesn't have the strongest arm or quickest release, but he don't know that either." lol awesome


is it just me or is he on the radio more in San Diego than he is in Buffalo?


Well, the fans in Buffalo have spent every moment since he was hired until last Sunday wishing he'd be fired. San Diego would be happy to have him back.


is it just me or is he on the radio more in San Diego than he is in Buffalo?


As bad as the Bills have been over the last decade Buffalo radio has fallen out of major league thru minor league to little league.

Maybe Buddy does not want to associate more than he needs to with a bunch of non-lovable losers.


As bad as the Bills have been over the last decade Buffalo radio has fallen out of major league thru minor league to little league.

Maybe Buddy does not want to associate more than he needs to with a bunch of non-lovable losers.



Since WNSA went belly up there has been no competition (WECK never really took off with their sports shows) in the sports talk market and WGR (which was actually good way back when) has been just awful for quite a while.


I so wish that either (a) Buddy and Chan were 10 years younger, or (b) we had Buddy and Chan 10 years ago.


This duo is good together, and they can take a franchise a long way.


I think we will see more from him tomorrow. Rookie QB, we might see quite a bit more blitzing. He's held up well against the run even though he's given up contain a couple times. If I had to guess I'd say we'll see flashes of his former self. Like Dr. Dar said, I think what Nix said has also been said to Merriman too. Play the game, don't expect to get hurt, cut loose & create havoc.


(that's what I'm hoping to see)


FWIW, I didn't take it that way. Sounded to me that Buddy was veiling the FACT that Merrimen IS hurt. It doesn't take a biologist to see he injured his right shoulder @ KC, then did more damage prancin' around before the Raider game. Maybe it isn't terribly serious (broken collarbone/separation), but he does definately look limited as he almost never uses his right arm in pass rush, shedding blockers.


We won't know for sure untill after the season or when Shawne writes a book after his playing days are done, but I'm just convinced he's injured, he's moping about it and Buddy is tellin' him to 'rub some dirt on it' and play through it..




FWIW, I didn't take it that way. Sounded to me that Buddy was veiling the FACT that Merrimen IS hurt. It doesn't take a biologist to see he injured his right shoulder @ KC, then did more damage prancin' around before the Raider game. Maybe it isn't terribly serious (broken collarbone/separation), but he does definately look limited as he almost never uses his right arm in pass rush, shedding blockers.


We won't know for sure untill after the season or when Shawne writes a book after his playing days are done, but I'm just convinced he's injured, he's moping about it and Buddy is tellin' him to 'rub some dirt on it' and play through it..




Hurt or just not to NFL speed? I'll buy that it takes time to get back into "lights out" form after missing two seasons.




probably both PTR. But definitely injured shoulder. It will be nice to mix in Moats. Personnel moves like this make us stronger as a team able to respond to multiple offensive match ups.

I will be watching oLBs closer today

go bills

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