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I've noticed a difference between Bills players and other NFL play

Mr. T

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I've noticed a really big difference between many of our Bills players and the typical NFL player. Most of the Bills players are really well spoken, articulate and easy to listen to. Not like so many that come across like the thug off the street. This is probably another example of the type of player the Bills look for. To play in a great system type of offense and defense you need intelligent players who can think quickly and clearly in the heat of the battle.

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I've noticed a really big difference between many of our Bills players and the typical NFL player. Most of the Bills players are really well spoken, articulate and easy to listen to. Not like so many that come across like the thug off the street. This is probably another example of the type of player the Bills look for. To play in a great system type of offense and defense you need intelligent players who can think quickly and clearly in the heat of the battle.




Edited by The Big Cat
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I agree with the OP .... and don't think it's racist at all .... Stevie, Freddy, Dave Nelson, Donald Jones, Shawne Merriman, as well as Fitz .... all are articulate and well spoken. I don't remember any interviews with any of our players this season where the player sounded like a third grade dropout.


I admit to being an old fogey, but I rather enjoy our lack of "thuggishness" and the fact that our players speak like intelegent college graduates.

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To add, I already know who has the problem, and it is evident in the article:




Nothing will improve until the hard rooted "cultural" stigmas are removed, and people have to get their own house in order first.

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Only in America can people link race and intelligence. SAD.

Ever been to another country? If you had, you wouldn't say "only in America". I've encountered stone cold racists who make the same broad generalities in every country I've ever been to and the continent of Europe has more blatant/overt racism than anywhere I've ever been. It's almost institutional.


It's actually sad that America is so far ahead of most of the world on this issue because we've still got so far to go.

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Ever been to another country? If you had, you wouldn't say "only in America". I've encountered stone cold racists who make the same broad generalities in every country I've ever been to and the continent of Europe has more blatant/overt racism than anywhere I've ever been. It's almost institutional.


It's actually sad that America is so far ahead of most of the world on this issue because we've still got so far to go.


I've been to 30 countries, and in not one of them did I ever get the hint from someone in the minority that they felt their OWN PEOPLE were LOOKED DOWN on for being intelligent and well spoken. Only in America can this have any negative connotation, which I find to be utterly ludicrous.

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I've noticed a really big difference between many of our Bills players and the typical NFL player. Most of the Bills players are really well spoken, articulate and easy to listen to.


I agree, they're easy to listen to....On defense, I especially like to listen to the WHAP! that comes after a hard tackle, when it's so loud you can hear it on TV


WHAP! followed immediately by UMMMMF! from the down player is even easier listening.


(I understand what you mean, but I think there's a difference between "football smarts" and the ability to speak coherently with a microphone shoved up your nose. And I want to see players on the Bills that play hard and hit their a** off more than I want to see players that speak well under the lights)

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I've been to 30 countries, and in not one of them did I ever get the hint from someone in the minority that they felt their OWN PEOPLE were LOOKED DOWN on for being intelligent and well spoken. Only in America can this have any negative connotation, which I find to be utterly ludicrous.

That's simply not true.

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i thought the point was that so many high paid athletes were thuggish. Big dumb and blingyrichthan me. but i suppose some folks are jealous about the all the women. so many womans yo!

Now to the point of Op, yes our players seeem to be focused and well coached. heck look at the Bengals with 3 players under investigation or suspended for thuggy nish. Damnable Bengals!

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To try to steer back to the op point, this is the most intelligent sounding articulate team I can remember, maybe ever...


Nelson, Merrimen and Wilson are strikingly well spoken, and poised, even gailey has impressed me with they way he handles press conferences if you can look past colloquialisms.


Fitz must have a photographic memory because he remembers ever detail of each play when asked. Trent used to need to see film and JP would blankly stare.


Granted levy used to belt out LSAT vocab… but I don't remember that from anywhere else…


As a strategy I understand bellicheat stresses o linesmarts because of complex blocking schemes

Edited by over 20 years of fanhood
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The main difference that I've noticed between the Bills and their opponents is that the Bills have played 60 minutes. The Chiefs played 12, the Raiders 45 and the pats* 55 minutes. One way or another the team 'has imposed its will' on the opposition. That comes from coaching, adjustments, conditioning and athletic ability. (toss in a healthy dose of Billieve)


I really don't care if any of them can string a sentence together.

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To try to steer back to the op point, this is the most intelligent sounding articulate team I can remember, maybe ever...


Nelson, Merrimen and Wilson are strikingly well spoken, and poised, even gailey has impressed me with they way he handles press conferences if you can look past colloquialisms.


Fitz must have a photographic memory because he remembers ever detail of each play when asked. Trent used to need to see film and JP would blankly stare.


Granted levy used to belt out LSAT vocab… but I don't remember that from anywhere else…


As a strategy I understand bellicheat stresses o linesmarts because of complex blocking schemes

Thank you for bringing this back to the original premise of this thread. It was intended as a high compliment to this team, much more than it was a knock on others. It is all too easy in our society and culture for athletes to rest upon their physical skills and ignore the education that is there for the taking, especially when their entire college tuition is paid for through a sports schlorship. It's refreshing to have so many on this team who have come away from college with what appears as evidence that they got something out of their college years besides a ticket to the NFL.

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Prove me wrong with evidence of another culture systematically looking down on people for being well spoken and intelligent.


You're mistaking the issue. Probably intentionally, but I'll explain anyway. Nobody's looking down on anybody for being intelligent, it's the attitude that an articulate black man is a novelty that differs from a fictional norm of uneducated simpletons and thugs speaking in ebonics.

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