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Going on a Ride Again!

Stormin Norman

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I remember when Jim Kelly finally came to Buffalo. We didn't have a great record his first season, but over the next few years, you could see the talent and coaching competency (remember Hank Bullough?) improving. Player personnel decisions translated into performance on the field. A core group of leaders on the team ignored prior team history and established new traditions. Winning is the final measure, of course, but those years were memorable because they set the stage for our incredible run in the 90s.


Here we are today, and FINALLY the spark has been lit again. I have backed the team through thick and thin over the past decade, but for all those years I never sensed that a championship caliber team was emerging. UNTIL NOW. Greater competency at QB and coaching are the primary drivers, for sure, but also talent and production from obscure cast-offs and low-round draft picks. The similarities to the mid- to late-80s are remarkable.


I am typically gun-shy about wearing my Bills heart on my sleeve, but I am casting off all reservations and enjoying another ride with the Buffalo Bills!!!!

Edited by Stormin Norman
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