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Banana thrown at African American hockey player in Ontario


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I have a friend who's African-American. If I throw a banana at a white guy from Jo-burg, am I racist or not?

Banana? Depends on how hard you throw it. Plantain, and you got yourself a hate crime.


I've never understood throwing bananas as a racial slur. It would be far more accurate to throw bamboo shoots and ants. I don't expect racist hockey fans to go all Jane Goodall and live with chimps, but how about opening a f'ing science book?

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Banana? Depends on how hard you throw it. Plantain, and you got yourself a hate crime.


I've never understood throwing bananas as a racial slur. It would be far more accurate to throw bamboo shoots and ants. I don't expect racist hockey fans to go all Jane Goodall and live with chimps, but how about opening a f'ing science book?



Really??? It is widely known that they do the same thing to black soccer players in Europe. It's pathetic and it's pathetic no other fan had the guts to confront them. Simmonds handled the situation about as classy as could be expect.


Plus, if a person is committing racist acts at a sporting event (also making racial comments on an internet message board), they've probably already lost at life.

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Really??? It is widely known that they do the same thing to black soccer players in Europe. It's pathetic and it's pathetic no other fan had the guts to confront them. Simmonds handled the situation about as classy as could be expect.


Plus, if a person is committing racist acts at a sporting event (also making racial comments on an internet message board), they've probably already lost at life.


Reel 'im in Jauronimo.

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Wayne Simmonds is Canadian, not American. I don't know if he's "African Canadian" because I'm not sure how stuff like that works in Canada.

I think African Canadians call themselves "African-let's just leave it at that and not fill in the rest if it is ok with you"'s.

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Can't believe that it's 2011 & we are still wasting time with this ****. People who do ignorant things like this are getting their rocks off by this making a news reel. I'm white, but I woulda said or done something to that dude who threw it. Just saying.

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I always thought Canada as part of "America"... Hence technically, "Americans." But, not in the "United States" sense. The US is like duh, the United States OF America. North America to be exact. Canada is in North America... So they are Americans... No? Yes? Specifically, North Americans. I think the big word here in the USofA is the word: OF. Why do US citizens always get the exclusive use of the word American? I guess United Statesians sounds dumb. More specifically people of the US are named by their states they live in or hail from. Yet, how does that fit in to the world image when dealing with federal nationalities? Okay, technically... Isn't anybody from the western hemi an "American?" :doh: Afterall, the whole western hemi is considered the "Americas." Again, why do we get the exclusive use of the word? Is it just too big of a region that we we have to pigeon hole people into North, Central, and South. I suppose the US gets the exclusive use because of the "Americacentric" position we command... But then shouldn't "true Americans" be the ones that live in Central America? Why the heck is there a specific term for them? They are the true Americans. The US afterall is firmly embedded in North American, the same continent region as Canada. Kinda funny how we always seem to grab the power, even with words.


I ramble, I ramble... Boy, did you miss me? :lol:;)




Can't believe that it's 2011 & we are still wasting time with this ****. People who do ignorant things like this are getting their rocks off by this making a news reel. I'm white, but I woulda said or done something to that dude who threw it. Just saying.


I can't believe it is 2011 and people still use the term: Newsreel!




Of course they're going to throw bananas, it's not like you can sneak a watermelon into a sporting event.


Like it is easy to sneak a banana in... Unless... One is well-hung from Detroit... :devil: Anyway, what is up with Detroiters throwing crap? The game was in Detroit, right?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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So somebody throws a fruit borne on one continent (South America) at somebody born and raised on another continent (North America) whose ancestors came from a third continent (Africa)


And this is supposed to mean something? :unsure:


I fail to see how any of this is relevant when the message was so clear.

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The game was in London, Ontario. Says it twice in the article's very first paragraph.


I didn't read the article... Caught the blurb @ ESPN... I usually pick up the box scores at ESPN everyday and noticed that the recap started with: Detroit. Knowing it was an exhibition game... Got me to wonder if it was actually in DET. London is still DET/WIN proximity to 'Wings fans... So I guess they got the same crap throwing penchant. Again, I wouldn't even give time to reading the original useless article. If I didn't catch the ESPN headline... I would have never gave thought to nonsensical act.


:oops: EDIT: Even the last few word of the ESPN headline states: " in Ontario."


EDIT, EDIT: Double oops... Didn't even notice it was not Friday's game but Thursday's game.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I always thought Canada as part of "America"... Hence technically, "Americans." But, not in the "United States" sense. The US is like duh, the United States OF America. North America to be exact. Canada is in North America... So they are Americans... No? Yes? Specifically, North Americans. I think the big word here in the USofA is the word: OF. Why do US citizens always get the exclusive use of the word American? I guess United Statesians sounds dumb. More specifically people of the US are named by their states they live in or hail from. Yet, how does that fit in to the world image when dealing with federal nationalities? Okay, technically... Isn't anybody from the western hemi an "American?" :doh: Afterall, the whole western hemi is considered the "Americas." Again, why do we get the exclusive use of the word? Is it just too big of a region that we we have to pigeon hole people into North, Central, and South. I suppose the US gets the exclusive use because of the "Americacentric" position we command... But then shouldn't "true Americans" be the ones that live in Central America? Why the heck is there a specific term for them? They are the true Americans. The US afterall is firmly embedded in North American, the same continent region as Canada. Kinda funny how we always seem to grab the power, even with words.


I ramble, I ramble... Boy, did you miss me? :lol:;)






I can't believe it is 2011 and people still use the term: Newsreel!






Like it is easy to sneak a banana in... Unless... One is well-hung from Detroit... :devil: Anyway, what is up with Detroiters throwing crap? The game was in Detroit, right?



Technically using the term America has a broader sense but would you rather co-opt the word for the USA or risk being confused with a Canadian? OK not you purr say, but most people?

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:worthy::thumbsup: very well put!!!!


Really??? It is widely known that they do the same thing to black soccer players in Europe. It's pathetic and it's pathetic no other fan had the guts to confront them. Simmonds handled the situation about as classy as could be expect.


Plus, if a person is committing racist acts at a sporting event (also making racial comments on an internet message board), they've probably already lost at life.

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