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If he said the exact same things she said in that video, then He's whacked out too.

So there are people who got rich completely on their own? Completely? I'd love for you to come up with one example.


So there are people who got rich completely on their own? Completely? I'd love for you to come up with one example.


People who started their own business and never took a government handout.


I'd rather you explained her point.


You're a bright guy, Chef. You know what her point is. Everyone around here would be far better off if people would get off of the whole 'x person did everything on their own!' nonsense, because it's virtually impossible for it to be true. It would be nice if we could all stop arguing about stupid things like the above referenced statement, acknowldege that its true and move on to WAY more important things like "Where do we go from here?" Because I'm DAMN certain that I don't agree with Elizabeth Warren on how to get from here to there.


Once we can all agree that not everyone gets what they deserve and deserves what they get, then we can finally move on and discuss whether or not raising marginal tax rates on certain incomes would actually, you know, produce more revenue in the long run. THAT'S the question we should be trying to answer, not some idiot posting "ZOMG!!!!!1111 Can you believe this crazy person who thinks that the infrastructure of the country plays at least SOME role in the outcome of an individual person's life!!!!!!!1111 What an idiot!!!


I'm so sick of the stupidity of clinging to the idea that people rise and fall completely on their own -- there's a whole lot more that goes into it.


Public schools help people get rich?


I don't know, you tell me. Is it easier to 'get rich' if you are:


a) educated

b) not educated


I'm so sick of the stupidity of clinging to the idea that people rise and fall completely on their own -- there's a whole lot more that goes into it.


You might as well claim that there is *nothing* that a person does completely on their own, that the very phrase 'completely on their own' is meaningless in an inter-connected universe.


It may win points in a debate on formal logic, but makes discussion pretty useless.


You might as well claim that there is *nothing* that a person does completely on their own, that the very phrase 'completely on their own' is meaningless in an inter-connected universe.


It may win points in a debate on formal logic, but makes discussion pretty useless.

Well... that's the point, isn't it? The original post in this thread is, for all intents and purposes, useless. The question isn't (or shouldn't be) "Did anyone get rich on their own?" The question should be: Will raising marginal tax rates on those people produce more 'societal good' in the long run, or less?


The answer to the first question is most definitely 'no', and is, in any event, pointless and boring.

The answer to the second question is much more interesting and much harder to answer. The answer, in my mind, is "No. Our government will probably do something stupid with it."


Well... that's the point, isn't it? The original post in this thread is, for all intents and purposes, useless. The question isn't (or shouldn't be) "Did anyone get rich on their own?" The question should be: Will raising marginal tax rates on those people produce more 'societal good' in the long run, or less?


The answer to the first question is most definitely 'no', and is, in any event, pointless and boring.

The answer to the second question is much more interesting and much harder to answer. The answer, in my mind, is "No. Our government will probably do something stupid with it."


How did Warren Buffet get rich?


Did these hypothetical people go to public school?

no some went to places like hotchkiss, deerfield and exeter....but they still had plenty of help up to their perches.


She states the blatantly obvious (as though it's somehow profound) and then jumps to a conclusion that in no way follows her premise. She conveniently breezes over the fact that those same companies pay income taxes, property taxes, and payroll taxes that go to all the things she just said "the rest of us" pay for. She's either dumb as ****, or more likely, is banking on the hope that a good portion of her target constituency is.



I don't know, you tell me. Is it easier to 'get rich' if you are:


a) educated

b) not educated


You forgot the most important variable:


a) ambitious

b) lardass


You forgot the most important variable:


a) ambitious

b) lardass

You really shouldn't watch the Kardashian show because not all unambitious lardasses makes as much $$$ as them.


You really shouldn't watch the Kardashian show because not all unambitious lardasses makes as much $$$ as them.


I guess you've never seen THE video. There's definitely ambition there.

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