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Chicago Corruption


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Someone want to tell me how this is protecting the middle class?



I hope the public outcry causes the guy to make a public statement to the effect of "Under the law, I earned it, so !@#$ you, it's mine." Because under the law, he earned it, so !@#$ us. Maybe then they'll get around to changing the breathtakingly stupid law.

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Look in the comments....some turd is talking about corporation's lack of accountability....under this article? :lol:


Yeah, that's right, this is also the evil corporation's fault. "You'd understand if you'd been to college for a semester, man."


When I talk about affected...or psychologically committed....this is what I mean. We simply cannot allow people like this to be in charge of anything. This is how we end up spending $4 trillion and getting nothing in return.

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Why limit it at Chicago? It's more accurate to say "political, union and business corruption" is redundant.

Fixed again.

Haven't we really become a nation where the modus operandi of most leaders, in ALL types of institutions, is "how can I use my position to make me wealthy, whether it's legal or not?"

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Fixed again.

Haven't we really become a nation where the modus operandi of most leaders, in ALL types of institutions, is "how can I use my position to make me wealthy, whether it's legal or not?"


I know many people in business with a high degree of integrity. Obviously people high up in the City of Chicago's administration had to be complicit along with the scumbag union guy but no need for you to paint with a broad brush. Bringing in politicians and business people to the equation isn't going to water down the crap the union guy and city officials pulled.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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What, none of the union stooges are going to stop by to tell us "unions aren't perfect"?


No. But we will get people justifyiing how 16 dollar muffins is how some business "make their money."




This is flat our wrong and to be dammed with the law. Same with the Illinois pensions. Just stiff every one of them... Cut it right down to nothing... Then if all these fat-cats want to get lawyers and sue.. Let 'em... Then take it to the media and villianize all the scum bag lawyers. Make it a full class war.


Again... The problem with Illinois is that they are honoriing their bat-schit laws... Just stiff them.


Fixed again.

Haven't we really become a nation where the modus operandi of most leaders, in ALL types of institutions, is "how can I use my position to make me wealthy, whether it's legal or not?"



And where do you think that bled over from? The private sector. Is there really any honorable civil servants anymore? How do we restore "faith in City Hall" again like we did during the first half of the 20th century? Look at the Blago mess. Look how Rahm behaves. These are dysfunctional behaviors that are cut from carving out a niche during the lawyer/banker days.

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