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I dont want to be a debby downer, but I just went back and watched the bills vs raiders highlights again (because its just that good). I couldn't help but remember the feeling I got when I thought Fitz had thrown a pick in the endzone when the ball somehow ended up in Chandlers hands..


All that CB had to do was make an average play on the ball and he would have had an easy pick, we would have lost the game, and everyone would be complaining about how Fitz doesnt have what it takes to win in the clutch. Is anyone else a little concerned by this?? I hope Fitz realizes the mistake he made and that he was fortunate, and learns from it.


Fitz dodged a bullet on that play, but then again, he is the amish rifle..



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I dont want to be a debby downer, but I just went back and watched the bills vs raiders highlights again (because its just that good). I couldn't help but remember the feeling I got when I thought Fitz had thrown a pick in the endzone when the ball somehow ended up in Chandlers hands..


All that CB had to do was make an average play on the ball and he would have had an easy pick, we would have lost the game, and everyone would be complaining about how Fitz doesnt have what it takes to win in the clutch. Is anyone else a little concerned by this?? I hope Fitz realizes the mistake he made and that he was fortunate, and learns from it.


Fitz dodged a bullet on that play, but then again, he is the amish rifle..




There are many plays like that over the course of a season for every team. That's just the nature of the game. These things tend to balance out as the season goes on. I'm not concerned at all about a pick that wasn't. I fully accept that Fitz is gonna sh*t the bed and make me crazy at times. But like I've been saying since last season, he's going to put us in a good position more often than not.



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He also almost threw an interception the previous play I think(the one where Jones made a great defensive play)


That throw didnt bother me as much though. He threw it up in the corner to give his WR a chance, and while Jones made a nice play to break it up, he didn't make a play on the ball like he could have. The throw to Chandler was just a bad throw.. I'm sure Fitz wouldnt throw it again if he had another chance.

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I hear what you're saying, but try and look at it this way. The way things went last year, it would have been intercepted and we would have eventually lost the game. Reference last year vs: Steelers, Ravens, Chiefs & I am sure some other games I cannot recall.


Fast forward to the last 2 weeks - have you noticed all the breaks we got, all the good luck? Like the Chandler TD, Oakland penalties on 3rd & 4th down to give us new 'life'? I recall moments in the last 2 games where bounces and calls went our way where they always seemed to go against us last year. Haven't you seen the same?


Some call it luck. Some say you make your own luck. I say the Bills have a renewed attitude this year - as Chan said, thy expect to win every game. That's a powerful thing and the Bills are living it, building off it and gaining confidence. We may lose Sunday, but I think we will win because of the Bills attitude - they won't quit and they believe in themselves. They wouldn't quit last year either, but they certainly didn't believe in themselves - they were always 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' - just as our opponents did - they waited for the Bills to fold.


No Folding this year - Jets and Pats are in for a surprise!!

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I'm not concerned at all about a pick that wasn't. I fully accept that Fitz is gonna sh*t the bed and make me crazy at times. But like I've been saying since last season, he's going to put us in a good position more often than not.





Agreed. A few shaky decisions and ball placements are just part of the territory with Fitz. He's not Brady and says so himself but Fitz has helped make football exciting again in Buffalo.

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I absolutely know what you're saying and I can definitely see the change in attitude with all the players, especially in Fitz. I'm just a little worried because we did that game with a little luck (McFadden fumble, 2 dropped picks) and while its nice to get the breaks sometimes, it would be even better to win without needing those breaks.


I understand that good teams get the breaks, but they usually aren't the kind of breaks where CB's drop interceptions. Forcing fumbles and get deflections are "lucky" breaks that happen as a result of good aggressive play. I dont think anyone can argue that Fitz made a mistake on that throw, I just hope he doesnt do it again.

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I absolutely know what you're saying and I can definitely see the change in attitude with all the players, especially in Fitz. I'm just a little worried because we did that game with a little luck (McFadden fumble, 2 dropped picks) and while its nice to get the breaks sometimes, it would be even better to win without needing those breaks.


I understand that good teams get the breaks, but they usually aren't the kind of breaks where CB's drop interceptions. Forcing fumbles and get deflections are "lucky" breaks that happen as a result of good aggressive play. I dont think anyone can argue that Fitz made a mistake on that throw, I just hope he doesnt do it again.


Since when is forcing a fumble luck...? :unsure:


And CBs drop interceptions all the time. That's why announcers always say, "That's why he's not on offense!"

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I absolutely know what you're saying and I can definitely see the change in attitude with all the players, especially in Fitz. I'm just a little worried because we did that game with a little luck (McFadden fumble, 2 dropped picks) and while its nice to get the breaks sometimes, it would be even better to win without needing those breaks.


We absolutely got lucky (but we also executed well in the comeback for the most part). You shouldn't let that bother you b/c luck is part of the game. There are zero teams in the league who won't win or lose a game at some point due to a lucky break.

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Since when is forcing a fumble luck...? :unsure:


And CBs drop interceptions all the time. That's why announcers always say, "That's why he's not on offense!"


A lot of the time fumbles are the result of the ball getting popped out by a lunging defender. Obviously I'm not talking about straight up strips. Teams like the Jets are lucky in the sense that other teams make mistakes when they play against them (see Romo). Same goes for the Pats. They always seem to be near the top of the league in turnover differential despite having one of the most porous defenses..


Sure CBs drop picks, but when the ball lands right in a guys breadbasket like that you expect him to catch it. You dont see brady throwing too many balls that CBs even have a chance at picking off. Thats more the point I was trying to make..

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...and if this or if that.......who cares about last week, we got bigger fish to fry this week. Every knows that Fitz is gonna force balls into tight spots. All the good ones do. Would you rather have Capt Checkdown?


Haha absolutely not.. I love Fitz as a player. I'm just worried that I'm going to get my hopes up and the bills are going to collapse likes its 2008.


The fact that everyone is arguing against me is comforting though.. I cant help but play devils advocate

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It's what you get with him. Chances will be taken, but "no risk, no reward." To put it in perspective, with Trent Edwards, that throw would never been made, we probably would never have been close to having the opportunity to make that throw. He had just opposite weakness, too tentative, not daring, never took a risk. In the end, which one gets the better results?


Yeah, there will be occasional gaffs, but with the risk comes the potential for great reward.

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That throw didnt bother me as much though. He threw it up in the corner to give his WR a chance, and while Jones made a nice play to break it up, he didn't make a play on the ball like he could have. The throw to Chandler was just a bad throw.. I'm sure Fitz wouldnt throw it again if he had another chance.


Actually.....he did the same thing that you are talking about on the Chandler play.


Chandler did what TE's are supposed to do....they take the ball away from a smaller secondary player. All you can do as a QB sometimes is throw it where your receiver can make a play on the ball...then its up to that receiver to make that play......


It wont always work in our favor....but on this particular day it did.

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I dont want to be a debby downer, but I just went back and watched the bills vs raiders highlights again (because its just that good). I couldn't help but remember the feeling I got when I thought Fitz had thrown a pick in the endzone when the ball somehow ended up in Chandlers hands..


All that CB had to do was make an average play on the ball and he would have had an easy pick, we would have lost the game, and everyone would be complaining about how Fitz doesnt have what it takes to win in the clutch. Is anyone else a little concerned by this?? I hope Fitz realizes the mistake he made and that he was fortunate, and learns from it.


Fitz dodged a bullet on that play, but then again, he is the amish rifle..




I'm sure if you watch most qb's they throw a pass or two that would've could've should've been picked. It's part of the game and we got lucky. I'm not worried at all because we should have picked off Campbell a few times ourselves.

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