Zona Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 I noticed the Raiders were using our OL to provide a boost as they were jumping over into our backfield. I thought that was illegal? and wasnt it the guy who lept over that blocked the second FG attempt?
Ramius Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 I noticed the Raiders were using our OL to provide a boost as they were jumping over into our backfield. I thought that was illegal? and wasnt it the guy who lept over that blocked the second FG attempt? I could be wrong, but i think the "leaping" rule applies if you land on someone else. If you leap and clear everyone, i think you're ok.
mrags Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 Leaping is when a player uses another player as a springboard to "leap" higher. I do not know if it applies to all plays or only kicks.
Maddog69 Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 I think it applies only if you use your teammate to help you leap higher in the air
ICanSleepWhenI'mDead Posted September 21, 2011 Posted September 21, 2011 I noticed the Raiders were using our OL to provide a boost as they were jumping over into our backfield. I thought that was illegal? and wasnt it the guy who lept over that blocked the second FG attempt? For a summary of the rule (not the actual rule), see: http://www.nfl.com/rulebook/kicksfromscrimmage It will be illegal for a defensive player to jump or stand on any player, or be picked up by a teammate or to use a hand or hands on a teammate to gain additional height in an attempt to block a kick (Penalty: 15 yards, unsportsmanlike conduct). Or look up the actual text of the rule in the official 2010 rule book (haven't seen the 2011 version): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_uI2zLhGzaRMWMyZjkzYjUtZjRiYy00MTU5LWE5OWQtMjc1ZDEzNTFlM2E4&hl=en_US
billsfreak Posted September 21, 2011 Posted September 21, 2011 I noticed the Raiders were using our OL to provide a boost as they were jumping over into our backfield. I thought that was illegal? and wasnt it the guy who lept over that blocked the second FG attempt? I believe that if you can manage to use the other team to leap that is totally legal, but you cannot use your teammate to springboard or jump on their back to get up higher.
Zona Posted September 21, 2011 Author Posted September 21, 2011 For a summary of the rule (not the actual rule), see: http://www.nfl.com/rulebook/kicksfromscrimmage Or look up the actual text of the rule in the official 2010 rule book (haven't seen the 2011 version): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_uI2zLhGzaRMWMyZjkzYjUtZjRiYy00MTU5LWE5OWQtMjc1ZDEzNTFlM2E4&hl=en_US by this defintition, i guess it was legal what they were doing. They were getting there "boost" from us, the opponent. Not their teammate....
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