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Marc Cuban....Work Harder, Suck It Up, Pay More With A Smile!

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Cuban calling out fellow Libertarians joins Warren Buffett ranks. Let's get all the rich on record!


Mark Cuban is as much of a Libertarian as he is an IT professional. Apparently the guy enjoys being a poseur. The guy has supported every left-wing nutjob "project" there is, including a shameful portrayal of our troops, and you want us to support him?


Assclowns like Cuban and Buffet are how Obama got elected in the first place. Now, they are doubling down, because their egos won't let them admit they were terribly wrong.


Looks like they are going to learn the hard(Ross Perot) way: a billionaire getting involved in politics is more likely to make stupid choices rather than smart ones, because now they are using their emotions, rather than the brains that got them where they are.

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Still waiting for Buffett to set an example. Cuban can do the same. Nothing's holding them back from voluntarily sending in as much of their personal wealth to the government with no strings attached.


Waiting... still waiting... waiting. Maybe the left is waiting for a guy like Hugo Chavez to step up and tell it like they want to hear it - "confiscate all the wealth from everyone and let the government pass it out to everyone. That sounds 'fair'."

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It is well documented in my NBA playoff prediction threads who pulls the strings. Cuban became a puppet recently and was rewarded with a trophy. Buftex was the biggest skeptic but now is the biggest believer. Don't think Cuban would have said this stuff without instructions from you know who.

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