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fandemonium part 2!!!


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If they beat Brady and the Pats in the AFC championship in Buffalo, then maybe that would be cause to storm the field. Even then, it is iffy. Next weekend is certainly not the time to do it.


i would drive the 10 hours, watch the game from the parking lot, hop the fence, heisman the security guards, storm the field myself, rip the goal posts from the ground, carry them out the ambulance tunnel, and run all the way back home barefoot if we beat the pats in buffalo to win the afc championship my friend.


storming the field then would be the thing that makes announcers say "and these fans have waited so long. *silence*

a well deserved moment in buffalo new york."


storming the field this weekend would result in a "OH THE HUMANITY" type radio broadcast.

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IF the Bills...end 'the streak' and beat New England...after the game...could it be similar to the famous 1980's Phins game!


I'm looking to be present at this game...as I was for the Phin's game and Jets OT 11/20/88 game...when the posts came down!


granted both games clinched the AFC East crown, but does this game of defeating New England and going 3-0, push us to a point of fandamonium?





The last time the fans stormed the field was in 1991 after a playoff win. Fans came on the field with knives & cut part of the field out since the team was replacing the turf for the 1991 season. Unfortunately, they still had the AFC Championship game to play & the team had to patch the turf. After that incident, the team has made sure that the fans don't go on the field and enough intelligent fans know that. Now only the real crazies try and it's not pretty the abuse they get by security.

I was there for the 1980 Miami game-it was a totally different era in stadium security. If you want a billy club upside your head, feel free to go on the field Sunday.

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If I am not mistaken, the tearing down of the goalposts in 1980 was after the season opener!

the post came down twice that year game 1 and the game against rams at end of season. First game was beautiful day game against rams was pouring rain, sleet and maybe even a little freezing rain. At end of the rams game the players came out and did a dance to "Talking Proud" and i had my hand on goal post right before it exited Rich Stadium. I also have a piece of the turf from the oarty after beating the fish

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I agree with everybody that understands that the NFL and gameday atmosphere is a whole other creature than what it was in the 80s and 90s but believe me I would love to see the goalposts come down again someday. Now is just NOT the time. Having a long losing streak is not the same as losing to a team for an entire decade(0-20 against Miami throughout the 70s)and it was just a different atmosphere in 1980. Once we finally clinch a playoff birth and especially if it were a scenario where we also won our division and clinched a home playoff game I would absolutely join the crowd that says yeah lets do it. It would be a terrible, terrible idea to do it next week though. I agree with the other people it would be cool if everybody stays in their seat after the clock ticks down to 0 and just celebrates in the stands for an extended period of time.

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Because you don't rip the posts down week 3 of the season. Maybe AFC championship vs. the Patsies, maybe. Storming the field/court doesn't mean the same thing now that its premeditated before every other college hoops game. With heightened security, people getting tasered, nutjobs mingling with players, it would all end very badly. Society has changed, and I don't think we will see any truly organic moments like that again.


Yea, week 3....just like in the home opener in 1980 when the Bills beat the Miami Dolphins for the first time since the 60's... that's right, they didn't win against Don Schula's Dolphins the entire decade of the 70's! Those goal posts came down the very first game of the 1980 season under Chuck Knox.


This game would be almost similar to that 1980 Miami game as the Bills haven't won against the Patriots since 2000. I don't count the 2003 game where the Pats had just released safety Lawyer Milloy and he was picked up a week before the season opener to give the Bills the Patriots game plan, the result was 31-0 Bills win.


I remember those post coming down during that (fandemonium) Jets game, the goal posts were passed right around the stadium all the way up to Ralph Wilsons box.



Bills fans are accustomed to high levels of frustration, and venting. NFN, but 1500 security guards with dogs, tasers, night sticks, and riot gear won't be able to stop 80,000 fans ...if they want those goalposts :P

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I don't honestly believe we'll win this game. Their passing attack totally outmatches our secondary (more specifically McKelvin). But If there were ever a time to beat the Patriots it's this Sunday. 2-0, new uniforms, new found efficiency on the offensive side of the ball. It's just a new atmosphere with this team than in year's past. Either way, let's just give them hell, play em hard because I'll take any positive I can get out of this game, and I'm sure Gailey and Co. would too.

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i live in new england. for the love of god, please DONT storm the field if we win.


you think i want to go to work on monday and hear about how you jabronis got liqoured up and ran on the field to celebrate our THRIRD win of the season.


it's a different day and age. everyone on every network has a take on everything that happens in every game on every day. bills players would have to answer questions about it for the rest of the season.


not to mention how PC this country is. it could literally lead to sweeping NFL rule changes - see the palace at auburn hills brawl. imagine if someone threw a bottle at brady at field level.


best case scenario - we win, storm the field, and look like complete tools on a nation wide scale for tearing down goal posts after our 3rd win.


worst case scenario - we win, storm the field, and NFL tightens security league wide, alcohol is banned at the stadium for a year or god only knows what in this day and age.


maybe if we win the afc championship, but christ almighty. talk about embarassing. pats win the division every year. if you guys rip out goal posts because we beat them at home, it would just be pathetic. browns beat them last year at home, their more down trodden than us. didn't see them ripping out goal posts.



Jabronis - where did you get that? Been on Bahston to long? :lol:


Ok everybody, let's not embarrass this guy at work on Monday. Too funny. :lol:

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Not for going on the field this time around, for all the reasons already stated. Seriously.


However, if we win, an encore would be good. IF the fans could all get a "Let's Go Buffalo" going, using bleacher-slapping, in unison....and keep it going...perhaps we could get the players back on the field to take a bow/dance around/whatever? That would be cool, classy, and nobody would get hurt.


But, then again, if you pay to go, and you honestly believe that going on the field is in order, then...who the F am I to tell you no?

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