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Still not optimistic...


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I agree. I can't fault anyone for being skeptical at this point. But, there needs to be some rationality. For example, if we lose to the Pats* this week; that doesn't mean we suck. It just means we lost one week to one team. And if we finish 8-8; I'd say that a nice improvement and definitely signs that the team is on the right track.


I guess what bothers me are the posters that only see the negativity. We're not going to go undefeated. We're not going to play perfect games. Players will get burned; they'll make mistakes. Problem is... too many people expect pro bowl caliber players at every position and near flawless execution. Anything less is somehow a sign that the team and/or a player sucks. This team is progressing; I would hope everyone can see that. Is the rebuild complete? No. Are we Play Off bound? Probably not. But, that doesn't mean we need to bail on the one QB in a decade that's looked good. Nor does it mean we will never be able to beat the Pats*.


I'm optimistic we'll win this Sunday. Realistically, I doubt we will. I've thought all along, that I'll wait until this team actually has 8 wins before I consider this a winning season. But, that doesn't mean I'm not optimistic that we can do it. It just means that given past experience.. I'll believe it when I see it. This team has shown a propensity to hang in there and score. If they can score 30+ points... they've got a shot to beat anyone. And that should be reason enough for optimism.

You hit it on the head. Were not going to be perfect but were looking good when we need to so far. The last few years (10 or so) we would have crumbled and lost yesterdays game for sure. This team and this QB brought us back and sealed it together as a unit.


Another point I'd like to make about the Pats game coming up is this:

first of all i'm extremely excited for this game to see how we rank heads up with them. It should give everyone an idea as to where we really are at this point in progression. And that brings me to my 2nd point. Everyone! And I mean Everyone! Knows how good the Pats are. They are considered to be one of the best 4 teams in the league along with the Steelers, Packers, and Eagles. Most teams lose to the Pats. I bet most of us think the Chargers are a really good team and they were destroyed by the Pats last night. If we lose that doesn't mean were a bad team. Even if we get killed it doesn't mean were bad. What I really want out of the Bills this week is to stay with them and make it interesting. If we can't win, so what. Just show us you can hang with the Big Boys.


Fitz is playing out of his mind. Jackson is looking better than ever. The Oline has managed to keep Fitz jersey from going to the laundrymat every Monday morning. Stevie has shown he can do it without the "so called #1" WR with Evans gone. The other WRs have been a pleasant suprise if you were extremely pessemistic about them in the preseason (some of us were not). Chandler has been great, 3 TDs in 2 games and we would have been suprised if he did that over the entire season.

Then the defense, Dareus is just NASTY. Williams is....well Williams. Barnett makes Poz look like a high school player. Florance has been good. Byrd has gotten better especially against the run. Kelsey is even looking decent and not completely incompetant. And Merriman hasn't shown up yet, when he does the opposing QB better watch out cuz he's gonna destroy someone.

And finally the coaching. Gailey has been able to keep this team humble. They didn't get too crazy about thier win last week and came back big after halftime adjustments yesterday. He has been able to keep the gameplan where it needs to be. We faced the first and second running teams in the league from last year and we stopped the run (at least huge upgrades compared to last years run D). The addition to the defense with Wanny has shown as even Kelsey is not being burned at the stake. The play calls with the good descision making of Fitz and his presnap reads has proved to be improved.


I can't complain a bit about what I've seen so far this hear. If you wanna get pessemistic that's fine. I won't say I told you so when we get to mid season, I'll be too busy enjoying the ride.

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Being at the game yesterday, and finally experiencing a win like that, would usually put me in a great mood and optimistic for the season. But, I still can't shake the season we had a few years back when we started off great, and finished 7-9.


Really, how is this season any different. We crushed a team that Lions equally crushed the following week. We barely beat a team that is completely one dimensional. They ran three plays. Draw, Screen, Deep Throw. And we couldn't stop any of them. They only punted 3 times! We rarely ran a safety over the top because we were so stacked against the run, and still couldn't stop them. Our DB's were in man with no support against average WR's and got owned. End of the day, we gave up 35 points at home, against the Raiders. I'm not knocking the Raiders, but 35 points? Even they were surprised they scored that much.


Yes, our O-Line has been a pleasant surprise and we have been able to move the ball passing. But we also are very transparent with our plays. We pass with empty backfields and overstack runs. Good defenses are going to be able to beat that.


I fully expect us to get pounded against the Patriots, beat the Bengals, and watch everyone talk about the surprise Bills at 3-1. But even then, who will we have beaten.


We have an easy schedule right now, our O is doing good, but not good enough to offset our crap D. We are still a .500 team at best. I'm still predicting an 8-8 record for this season.


Also, anyone else nervous about all the Fitx extension talk? Remember last time we had this start and we extended Jauron....


Flame away.



You have some very valid points, we have all seen this before under Jauron in 08 with Turk Schonert as OC, the Bills started the 08 season 5-1, and then fell on their face the rest of the year. The Bills looked great in comeback wins over the Jags, Raiders and Chargers and, most everyone was anointing Trent Edwards as the next Joe Montana....(don't lie about this) ...I remember reading post after post from fans gushing about how great this QB played in those first 5 games.


We all saw great QB play for awhile in Drew Bledsoe in 2004, and the team going 8-8 and owning the weaker teams with blowouts by the Bills much like this years Chiefs game. But then both those teams imploded on their own, Edwards with several concussions, no running game, Bledsoe couldn't escape a good pass rush.... meanwhile those coaches wanted Bledsoe to get rid of the ball quicker and throw deep at the same time...



Now, you wanna talk skeptics... I think I rank right up there with the best of them, just ask SJBF. BUT! This team has shown definite improvement from last season even against a bad team (chiefs) and not such a bad team(raiders). Chan Gailey had me fooled to a degree, I had thought by bringing in Brad Smith and neglecting the O line in the draft that he would constantly run gadget- trick plays with the "Wildcat" and "pistol" offense. Instead the team has shown remarkable balance with an ability to run the ball when needed (25 rushes last game) instead of just constantly trying to throw on every down. Plus he is spreading out the offense just like ole Ted Marchibroda did back in the day with Jim Kelly.


I knew from Fitzbeardys play from last season that he had the ability to lead this team to wins, his play so far this year has been remarkable 4 TD's while only throwing for 208 yards against the Chiefs. 3 TD's 264 yards against a decent Raider defense., 7 TD's in 2 games. I knew Fred Jackson was a beast, and if that O line had been upgraded 2 years ago he would be getting 1500+ yards a season.



Now, is that O line very thin in depth, yep! shoot the entire team seems to be paper thin in depth, but all the starters are playing pretty good so far. Is Fitzbeardy the only decent QB who can run this offense on the roster, yep! Lets hope the line can keep protecting him and not allow a blitzer to concuss or injure him. Do the Bills miss Lee Evans, not from what I've seen so far. Fitzbeardy has managed to spread the ball around and the Bills have even found a huge target at TE that can actually be a red zone threat! Starting to look like that k-gun / no huddle offense of the Kelly days.


I gotta tell you... I'm very impressed from what I've seen offensively so far this year. Play calling-game planning-blocking schemes and the overall play from the players shows that they actually know what the are doing out there on the field...huge difference from the start of last season.




Anyway the biggest test of this new team with be this week against the Patriots who we all know are a playoff caliber team and have been for the last decade under Belichick. A team the Bills haven't beaten since Lawyer Milloy was a Bill in 2003 and even that win was a fluke as Milloy gave us the Patriots game plan. Lets face it, the Bills haven't honestly straight up outright beaten the Patriots since Wade Phillips was HC in 2000.


Do i expect this newly formed Bills team to go out next Sunday and beat a team Belichick has been refining and upgrading for a decade, with 3 time SB winning Tom Brady at the helm? Not really, but if they show that they at least can compete with the division leader... then they will show that they have a definite future chance to beat them under this HC and staff.



Now...imagine what will happen if the Bills do beat the Patriots in Buffalo Sunday, the curse will be broken and those goal posts had better come down just like they did in big games during the golden era. :thumbsup:

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I think this is an excellent post and pretty much sums up how I feel right now. I am going to enjoy the games where the team looks like they are progressing nicely, and I am going to be frustrated at those "back to earth" moments that I know are going to come at some point (probably next week). Either way its looking like another exciting season and I'm sure there are going to be twists and turns, and ups and downs. But I like our coach, I love our QB, and these guys make it really easy to root for them...



You hit it on the head. Were not going to be perfect but were looking good when we need to so far. The last few years (10 or so) we would have crumbled and lost yesterdays game for sure. This team and this QB brought us back and sealed it together as a unit.


Another point I'd like to make about the Pats game coming up is this:

first of all i'm extremely excited for this game to see how we rank heads up with them. It should give everyone an idea as to where we really are at this point in progression. And that brings me to my 2nd point. Everyone! And I mean Everyone! Knows how good the Pats are. They are considered to be one of the best 4 teams in the league along with the Steelers, Packers, and Eagles. Most teams lose to the Pats. I bet most of us think the Chargers are a really good team and they were destroyed by the Pats last night. If we lose that doesn't mean were a bad team. Even if we get killed it doesn't mean were bad. What I really want out of the Bills this week is to stay with them and make it interesting. If we can't win, so what. Just show us you can hang with the Big Boys.


Fitz is playing out of his mind. Jackson is looking better than ever. The Oline has managed to keep Fitz jersey from going to the laundrymat every Monday morning. Stevie has shown he can do it without the "so called #1" WR with Evans gone. The other WRs have been a pleasant suprise if you were extremely pessemistic about them in the preseason (some of us were not). Chandler has been great, 3 TDs in 2 games and we would have been suprised if he did that over the entire season.

Then the defense, Dareus is just NASTY. Williams is....well Williams. Barnett makes Poz look like a high school player. Florance has been good. Byrd has gotten better especially against the run. Kelsey is even looking decent and not completely incompetant. And Merriman hasn't shown up yet, when he does the opposing QB better watch out cuz he's gonna destroy someone.

And finally the coaching. Gailey has been able to keep this team humble. They didn't get too crazy about thier win last week and came back big after halftime adjustments yesterday. He has been able to keep the gameplan where it needs to be. We faced the first and second running teams in the league from last year and we stopped the run (at least huge upgrades compared to last years run D). The addition to the defense with Wanny has shown as even Kelsey is not being burned at the stake. The play calls with the good descision making of Fitz and his presnap reads has proved to be improved.


I can't complain a bit about what I've seen so far this hear. If you wanna get pessemistic that's fine. I won't say I told you so when we get to mid season, I'll be too busy enjoying the ride.

Exactly. It's important to remember we're still a young team. Still learning how to win. Still in the rebuilding process. Still going to hit some pot holes. But, wow, how can you really complain too much about the way this team started the season! I just can't. "Enjoy the ride" pretty well sums it up. This team may come crashing back down. It may not, but for at least one more week, we're undefeated and in the mix! Which is more than the Dolphins can say.

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i pretty much agree with the OP at this point. there's a lot to be excited about, but expectations are ALREADY getting out of control. for me, i'll be able to access things better at the bye week. if we're 4-2 or better, i think it'll be much easier to buy in. new england, philly, and @ NYG are TOUGH games - the old bills would lose all 3, let's see how this squad does.

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I think we are slightly ahead of my preseason assessment, but I stated that I think we are a 7-9 team, and 7-9 teams can get on a roll or get some bounces and finish 9-7, or they can have things go wrong and get some injuries and finish 5-11, and anywhere in between. I think 10-6 or 4-12 would be a shock, but I sure am rooting for the double digit win shock.


I think we are much better than the 2008 season you will see so many differences in character from the QB to the Head Coach on down, that it would take a lot for this team to fall flat on its face after already winning one of the toss up games on Sunday. I put us right now at 9-7 (two games above my projection), because we have one toss up game finishing in our favor, and because I think we have enough momentum to outperform by another game. So I'm hoping we find another win with a luck bounce or an injury to an key opponent, etc to get to 10-6 and if we somehow win number 10 before the final week, I will root for us to way outperform our realistic range.

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Exactly. It's important to remember we're still a young team. Still learning how to win. Still in the rebuilding process. Still going to hit some pot holes. But, wow, how can you really complain too much about the way this team started the season! I just can't. "Enjoy the ride" pretty well sums it up. This team may come crashing back down. It may not, but for at least one more week, we're undefeated and in the mix! Which is more than the Dolphins can say.


I am probably regarded by many as something of a 'complainer," but these first 2 games were a lot of fun, to say the least. The rest of the season? I understand why the OP is pessimistic. There has been plenty of pain for Bills fans for a long time.

That said, Gailey makes a very big difference imo. I view him as a teacher, an intellectual type of coach. And, the team is bigger and stronger, and Fitz is a perfect fit. They just aren't getting pushed around like the Levy/Jauron Bills. If they are good enough to finish at 8-8, they really might be a playoff team next year.

They should probably go right back to Leigon Field and grab another solid, well coached player from Alabama. :thumbsup:

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We all saw great QB play for awhile in Drew Bledsoe in 2004, and the team going 8-8 and owning the weaker teams with blowouts by the Bills much like this years Chiefs game. But then both those teams imploded on their own, Edwards with several concussions, no running game, Bledsoe couldn't escape a good pass rush.... meanwhile those coaches wanted Bledsoe to get rid of the ball quicker and throw deep at the same time...

The Bills were 9-7 in 2004 and they got totally robbed in the first game vs Jacksonville with the "push out" TD. That was a pretty darn good team. Best Bills team this century.

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As I had the Bills as a 6-10 team, this fast start makes me think this may be the first time in 11 years where I'll miss my prediction by more than 1 game- dead on 4 times off by one the rest- so I'm optimistic that by the end of the season the board can call me a nattering nabob of negativity.

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also, the OP says, "i expect to get pounded by the Pats", and then gets ripped a new !@#$. why? i know this is a bills board, and 95% of the people here are raging homers, but what evidence to we have to the contrary? yes this is a different, new, fun team - but i'll believe we can beat the pats, after we beat the !@#$ing pats. there's really no gray area here.

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I am probably regarded by many as something of a 'complainer," but these first 2 games were a lot of fun, to say the least. The rest of the season? I understand why the OP is pessimistic. There has been plenty of pain for Bills fans for a long time.

That said, Gailey makes a very big difference imo. I view him as a teacher, an intellectual type of coach. And, the team is bigger and stronger, and Fitz is a perfect fit. They just aren't getting pushed around like the Levy/Jauron Bills. If they are good enough to finish at 8-8, they really might be a playoff team next year.

They should probably go right back to Leigon Field and grab another solid, well coached player from Alabama. :thumbsup:

Perhaps, I'm in the minority, but I don't see your "complaints" as unnecessarily negative. You don't normally go out of your way to pick out the bad, when there's a plethora of good to talk about. I think everyone can live with that. :thumbsup:


I agree. this team just isn't getting pushed around as much. Maybe they will by a few teams. But, heck, the Steelers got beat up pretty good in week 1. It happens. And, for the record, I don't fault the OP at all. Lord knows the Bills have found more ways to crush our hearts than any of us can count. Myself, and others, are just suggesting that he look to the positive, enjoy the fun for the time being and let the season's chips fall where they may. As long time, die hard, Bills' fans.... we all deserve it!!

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We don't need to beat the Patriots to make the playoffs. I certainly want to beat them one day but if it's not Sunday, won't be the end of the world.


a point that needs to be echoed over and over and over again this week on this board. because goddamn, if we lose convincingly, it's gunna feel like the end of the world on here.

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also, the OP says, "i expect to get pounded by the Pats", and then gets ripped a new !@#$. why? i know this is a bills board, and 95% of the people here are raging homers, but what evidence to we have to the contrary? yes this is a different, new, fun team - but i'll believe we can beat the pats, after we beat the !@#$ing pats. there's really no gray area here.


I don't get where anyone ripped him a new ass. One person said he sucks. almost every other post was understanding where he's coming from. And I'd have to disagree with 95% of the board are raging homers. It seems to me the negative nancies rule the board . Maybe they are just more vocal. Or just repeat the same crap that it seems like there are more of them.


Call me a homer if you like, but I believe we can beat the Patricheats now. Before we play them. am I guaranteeing a victory? no. am I claiming we are going to the playoffs. no. But I do believe we are a different team than in years past and I for one say we beat the cheaters this week.

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