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Buffalo News version: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article562172.ece

But the win probably didn't entirely wipe out the bad taste from tailgate parties held under new parking restrictions that greeted fans -- along with more extensive pat-downs -- at the home opener in Ralph Wilson Stadium.


Rochester D&C version: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20110919/SPORTS03/109190303

Change isn't always a bad thing, as a group of Buffalo Bills fans from Gates learned on Sunday.


Season ticket holders — and tailgaters — for eight years, Charlie Brooks, Anthony Danno and Alex and Teddy Tsemperidis were concerned about how the new parking and traffic regulations at Ralph Wilson Stadium would affect their game-day experience.


They like to get to the Ralph early, find a spacious area for their grill, cooler and deep fryer, and then enjoy the atmosphere with fellow fans.


But knowing that the Bills were implementing new traffic patterns to and from the stadium, as well as parking policies for the lots on the west side of Abbott Road, the group left Gates around 7 a.m.


They wanted a prime parking spot in Lot 2.


They got one, too. Life was good. The new policies were OK, too.


I parked in a private lot, so I really didn't get to see how the parking was affected, but I do know that the traffic before the game was a whole lot worse than it usually is. Possibly because of parking or because of the lots opening up later or maybe both, but it was frustrating.


What I did notice; I was sitting in 317 up in the nosebleeds and I looked out at one point to LOT 2, which is usually jammed packed with cars everywhere...but yesterday it was MAYBE half full. I'm not sure if people chose other lots or private lots but it looked nothing like it usually does for a Bills game.


Also, the "extensive security screening" was absolutely nothing different to what it usually is. It may even have been quicker than ever before...although I did enter about 10-15 mins earlier than I usually do but still. They just did the quick pat around the waist and torso and down by the ankles.


I parked in a private lot, so I really didn't get to see how the parking was affected, but I do know that the traffic before the game was a whole lot worse than it usually is. Possibly because of parking or because of the lots opening up later or maybe both, but it was frustrating.


What I did notice; I was sitting in 317 up in the nosebleeds and I looked out at one point to LOT 2, which is usually jammed packed with cars everywhere...but yesterday it was MAYBE half full. I'm not sure if people chose other lots or private lots but it looked nothing like it usually does for a Bills game.


Also, the "extensive security screening" was absolutely nothing different to what it usually is. It may even have been quicker than ever before...although I did enter about 10-15 mins earlier than I usually do but still. They just did the quick pat around the waist and torso and down by the ankles.

Half full is generous. Also I went in gate one and they didn't even do the pat down on my knees/ankles.

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