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Statement Game


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I agree with the OP, not because of how the media will or won't react, but because the Bills have a chance here to establish to THEMSELVES that they can play and win the tough games they need to win. If the culture is going to truly change for this team, they need to win in situations like this. A tough opponent, especially one that seems strongest where the Bills have been weakest.


The Bills' defense needs to stop the run, and the Bills' o-line needs to open holes and protect Fitzpatrick. There's a lot more that goes into a win of course, but it's very interesting to me that the team will be tested in exactly those areas were they have been legitimately questioned.


If they win, they take a huge step forward, IMHO.

Yep, perhaps you said what I meant better than I did...+1

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This will be my 22nd consecutive home opener tomorrow. These games are always special. There's extra energy in the air, the Ralph will be electric. I expect our guys to be jacked, of course. But there's a new element in the team that I saw last week, and it really gives me hope for the year. I saw a disciplined team that played methodically and business-like. No costly mental mistakes from the players or the coaches. How vastly different from the Jauron years. Make no mistake, this is the first year the team is fully Chan's and Buddy's...and I think it shows. I'm in agreement with Chan about tomorrow. I don't hope to win, I expect to win. GO BILLS!

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lol week 2 is a "must win"?

go back to raider land and lick those wounds. this is what i meant by a statement game...we were up against the ropes early but battled back and got it done. A fierce heart beats inside the heart of the 2011 Bills and I like it. :thumbsup:

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Ok I know most of you have thought this. This game is a huge statement game. We all know Oakland has a potent rushing attack. Stats don't lie. If this team wants to take the next step, this is the game. Our Defense has to make a statement because believe it or not the national media has on eye on what the Bills do this weekend. They gave us some love and have said maybe we are starting to become relevant again. If we don't shut down Oakland and win this game, the "same old Bills" comments and talk will come back again. Now is the time right now....Let's see what this squad is made of. I will learn alot after Sunday. In my heart of hearts I think they can make a statement on Sunday...now more than ever I wanna see what kind of heart we have.


Coming back to win after being WAAAYY down at halftime shows this team has character. I love how Fitz didn't seem phased at all by being down 21-3 at halftime. Next week we find out what this team is made of.

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