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The ignorance in this thread is readily abundant: Yes, as if any Jew would ever discuss the status of their people with DC_Tom. :lol: Imagine: DC_Tom's house...his Jewish uncle over...."hey, that was a great dinner....so Tom, whaddya say we talk Israel?" :rolleyes: Please. Come on man! All of you know how that story turns out.



You might as well ask an Italian to discuss their relationship with the mob....either way, no matter what they say...they lose... in terms of Tom. Now, in terms of phony jackasses like Peace/John Adams, well, that's another story isn't it? When we include a smattering of the truth...then we create the perfect circumstance of Peace/Adams to pass judgment.


The important thing is: Peace/Adams have been haranguing Jews for 100s of years, they either do or don't know that...based on their intelligence and/or self-imposed naivete. The fun part is: they claim they are doing it in terms of the law. Yet more evidence of them being phony. It will take time, but eventually Peace/Adams will live the truth enough times to recognize it.


Jews are the last people to fight, and the first people to pay somebody off so they don't have to fight. I know this, because history knows this. Moreover, I have seen them do it right in front of me. Any Jew would rather give up 5% than have to fight openly. The hard part is: convince them of the threat. They will pay you nothing if they think you aren't relevant.


What Waxman is bitching about: the Jews are hedging their bets. For the longest time the have thought "Well, the Democrats support the minorities....so...." Now, the average Jew is dealing with an entirely new set of parameters = The Democrats no longer support his kind of "little guy". They like a new "little guy" better: the Palestinian. The Jew no longer represents the "downtrodden" the same way...it has been years...and the Jews have prospered under US/UN protection. Billionaire Jews simply do not jive with the broke Jews of the Meyer Lansky-->Mel Brooks era.


Today, the Jews have gained money/power/influence....and they won't forget what happened to them the last time they attained this level.


The Jews, short of Mossad, have always been bandwagon fans. That is why I say enough: you cannot blame the Jews for acting the way they do...any more than you can excuse the stereotype. It is what it is.


The ignorance in this thread is readily abundant: Yes, as if any Jew would ever discuss the status of their people with DC_Tom. :lol: Imagine: DC_Tom's house...his Jewish uncle over...."hey, that was a great dinner....so Tom, whaddya say we talk Israel?" :rolleyes: Please. Come on man! All of you know how that story turns out.


Actually...that has happened. :lol:

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