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Could This Be Obama's Real Agenda?


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I've posted on this before. As much as it seems like just another outrageous conspiracy theory, to me there is some merit. While I don't think Obama is particularly bright, I don't think he's mental either. That said only a complete dumb ass or maniac would be forcing this kind of spending. Putting so much strain on both government and the economy he and his comrades have to know it can't be sustained. Might be possible that they want to destroy the system to rebuild it to represent their/his own nirvana. A socialist state built from the ground up. Who knows with this guy.

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Can you be more specific?


He makes a decent case for the administration instituting programs to keep the Democrats in power (which is just par for the course - pretty much all modern politics amounts to redistributing money to you base electorate to buy their votes). But there's a huge gulf between "keeping Democrats in power" and "socialist revolution", and he doesn't bridge it...


...or, more accurately, he tries to bridge it by citing "Cloward Piven", and associating that with Obama via Columbia, "so there! It's proof!" Except that Cloward and Piven, according to the link you provided, theorized starving the welfare class of government support to foster a grassroots revolution by them, after which they'd be taken seriously. His "evidence" of Obama's grand socialist plan is a bunch of legislative actions that are the complete antithesis of the Cloward/Piven plan that he claims the grand socialist plan is.


Or, in other words: he's a !@#$ing moron.

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He makes a decent case for the administration instituting programs to keep the Democrats in power (which is just par for the course - pretty much all modern politics amounts to redistributing money to you base electorate to buy their votes). But there's a huge gulf between "keeping Democrats in power" and "socialist revolution", and he doesn't bridge it...


...or, more accurately, he tries to bridge it by citing "Cloward Piven", and associating that with Obama via Columbia, "so there! It's proof!" Except that Cloward and Piven, according to the link you provided, theorized starving the welfare class of government support to foster a grassroots revolution by them, after which they'd be taken seriously. His "evidence" of Obama's grand socialist plan is a bunch of legislative actions that are the complete antithesis of the Cloward/Piven plan that he claims the grand socialist plan is.


Or, in other words: he's a !@#$ing moron.



My take on it is that Cloward/Piven's goal was to overwhelm the government with demands so that it would fail. I think one of the points that Root was making is Obama is the one overwhelming the government with promises and programs so that it will fail.

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Interesting. I've read that the republicans' grand strategy was to run large deficits and run up the debt in order to force future administrations to contract government. Now we have the democrats' grand strategy which is to use large deficits to bring about socialism/marxism? I'm torn...

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Interesting. I've read that the republicans' grand strategy was to run large deficits and run up the debt in order to force future administrations to contract government. Now we have the democrats' grand strategy which is to use large deficits to bring about socialism/marxism? I'm torn...



Some Republicans may feel that way but it was conservatism vis Ronald Reagan that believed you should starve the government to reduce the spending. deficit.

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Now we have the democrats' grand strategy which is to use large deficits to bring about socialism/marxism? I'm torn...


Technically that is marxism, as private enterprise exists only to redistribute the spoils among the population

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