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hissy fit with bruschi and ocho


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The expression, "bitter, ex-football player" comes to mind.


Apparently Saint Bruschi is having a hard time transitioning to "civilian life."


Amazing that someone so loved and revered could be so petty and small.


My advice to "Ice Cold Piss Water: You'd better calm down or you'll have another stroke.

That's just wrong bro...not even close to being funny...I'd expect more from such a veteran poster.


Sirius NFL had the writer from Cincinnati on (Dan Lanham, sp?) He said basically that Bruschi had a point. He told the story of the rookie Ochocinco who slept in the training facility to get better and contrasted him with the current one who has a "lot of other things going on". Apparently it was an open secret in Cincy that Chad could only barely learn the "X" receiver position. He once asked a coach why Chad didn't go in motion or move around the formation and the coach looked at him and said "are you kidding me, the guy can barely make the reads where he is".


So he was saying Bruschi was watching practices and talking with his old buddies and they were saying the same thing, and then Chad tweeting about it was the last straw for Bruschi. Bruschi is probably a little out of line, but just a little. I thought the understory was interesting.


Really? Personally, I find it hard to believe that a guy that has put up the #'s that 8 5 has in his career has no idea what he's doing on the field...

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So when Whitner used to go on twitter, he was chastised for too much tweeting and too little production. But when the superstar, under-performer Ochocinco does pretty much the same thing, you guys are going after the media person who called him out for that ?

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ok ok this isnt a bills post but it sure is funny :)




basically mr ocho tweeted

Just waking up after a late arrival,I've never seen a machine operate like that n person,to see video game numbers put up n person was WOW


and this is bruschi response

"Drop the awe factor, OK, Ocho, Chad, drop the awe factor," Bruschi said. "You're not a fan, all right? You're not someone who's on another team or watching TV. You're not an analyst. You're a part of it. They want you to be a part of it.

"So get with the program because obviously you're not getting it and you're tweeting because you're saying, 'It's amazing to see'? It's amazing to see because you don't understand it! You still don't understand it and it's amazing to you because you can't get it."




ok now this is insane. I actually for once am fine with ocho's tweet. It was an awe show by brady. I hope this makes a fight between the team and it effects their play.

I have never been a Chad Johnson/Ocho Stinko fan at all, I guess I am old fashion and don't appreciate the preplanned stupid celebrations that players do nowadays. But in this case, I don't get it? What he said was a compliment, not his usual ego rubbing statements. He has been a Patriot for only a month or so, with no off-season to learn a completely different offense. It is almost like some of these guys think he isn't good enough to be a Patriot for some reason. Maybe they don't like that he gets attention and they never did, it all went to Brady. Then Rodney Harrison chirps in, who the F**K is he? The guy who made a comment about Steve Johnsons hit being dirty on Berry, yet year after year he was voted the dirtiest player in the NFL? Chad Ocho has a fun personality, that sometimes gets out of control, but he did nothing wrong here? Considering what other players have tweeted in the past, and some of the stuff he has tweeted/said/done in the past, this tweet was actually a good thing IMO.


So when Whitner used to go on twitter, he was chastised for too much tweeting and too little production. But when the superstar, under-performer Ochocinco does pretty much the same thing, you guys are going after the media person who called him out for that ?

The only thing wrong with your statement is none of the guys went after him as media personnel, they went after him as former Patriots. Did you ever hear Andre Reed, Jim Kelly, Thurman, Hull, Tasker, etc. go after Whitner? One Tweet is too much tweeting? I don't like him either, but these arrogant former Patriot average players went way too far.


Didn't Bruschi rescue 20 kids from a burning building, single handily foil 20 terrorist plots on his way to finding Osama, write all of Lady Gaga and Aerosmith's hit singles, help 40 underprivileged teens get off of alcohol and drugs, and solve a Rubik's Cube in less than 30 seconds without removing stickers or taking it apart?

And all on top of being the best defender to ever play in the NFL.



I am certain these are just a few of the things I heard about him on ESPN so maybe the guy knows what he is talking about...




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The only thing wrong with your statement is none of the guys went after him as media personnel, they went after him as former Patriots. Did you ever hear Andre Reed, Jim Kelly, Thurman, Hull, Tasker, etc. go after Whitner? One Tweet is too much tweeting? I don't like him either, but these arrogant former Patriot average players went way too far.


It is the philosophical hypocrisy that I am pointing out. Do we agree with Ochocinco's tweet or not ? And if we do, then disagree with Bruschi but his rant and him as an ex-Pat* has nothing to do with it. If you don't, then why rail on Bruschi. Make no mistake, I am no Bruschi fan. In fact far from it but that does not mean I will disagree with him no matter what he does or says.

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The expression, "bitter, ex-football player" comes to mind.


Apparently Saint Bruschi is having a hard time transitioning to "civilian life."


Amazing that someone so loved and revered could be so petty and small.


My advice to "Ice Cold Piss Water: You'd better calm down or you'll have another stroke.

For more bitter ex football player check out Rodney HGHarrison's comments about Stevie's block on Eric Berry.

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It is the philosophical hypocrisy that I am pointing out. Do we agree with Ochocinco's tweet or not ? And if we do, then disagree with Bruschi but his rant and him as an ex-Pat* has nothing to do with it. If you don't, then why rail on Bruschi. Make no mistake, I am no Bruschi fan. In fact far from it but that does not mean I will disagree with him no matter what he does or says.

So you are saying that the fact that the only three ex-players who said anything were all ex-Patriots, that had nothing to do with it? You are oblivious to reality if you really think that, and your statement isn't just because you don't like Ocho. I wouldn't disagree with Bruschi no matter what he says, in fact I have never had a problem with Bruschi, and actually had respect for him as a player coming back from a stroke and playing like he did. Also, I have never liked Chad either, but this instance here is ridiculous on the Ex-Pats reactions to this.

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So you are saying that the fact that the only three ex-players who said anything were all ex-Patriots, that had nothing to do with it? You are oblivious to reality if you really think that, and your statement isn't just because you don't like Ocho. I wouldn't disagree with Bruschi no matter what he says, in fact I have never had a problem with Bruschi, and actually had respect for him as a player coming back from a stroke and playing like he did. Also, I have never liked Chad either, but this instance here is ridiculous on the Ex-Pats reactions to this.

I am just going to write this one last post on this subject. Me not liking either has nothing to do with it. I did not like Bruschi but he produced. I don't like Brady either but he is one of the best QBs ever to play. I don't like Ochocinco because I think he is a drama queen off the field and an underachiever on the field. Quite unlike, say Deion Sanders, who was a showman but one of the best CBs ever.

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I am just going to write this one last post on this subject. Me not liking either has nothing to do with it. I did not like Bruschi but he produced. I don't like Brady either but he is one of the best QBs ever to play. I don't like Ochocinco because I think he is a drama queen off the field and an underachiever on the field. Quite unlike, say Deion Sanders, who was a showman but one of the best CBs ever.

Listen, I have never liked Chad Ocho, but underacheiver on the field? He has almost 11,000 yards receiving with maybe the worst franchise in professional sports. In the history of the Buffalo Bills, we have one receiver with that many yards-are all the rest underacheivers too? He is also only about 1300 yards or so from having as many as Andre Reed did, when he gets that will Andre be an underachiever also? 66 career TD for the Bengals? If his whole career were on the Patriots he probably would be up there with T.O. in TD numbers. I never cared for him and his mouth, but never cared for Deion either-the only Hall of Famer afraid to hit. But to say Ocho is an underachiever on the field, that makes you look a little clueless when it comes to football. I am sure if it was the Bills who traded for him you would consider him a God-Like player and would run out and buy his jersey.

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Listen, I have never liked Chad Ocho, but underacheiver on the field? He has almost 11,000 yards receiving with maybe the worst franchise in professional sports. In the history of the Buffalo Bills, we have one receiver with that many yards-are all the rest underacheivers too? He is also only about 1300 yards or so from having as many as Andre Reed did, when he gets that will Andre be an underachiever also? 66 career TD for the Bengals? If his whole career were on the Patriots he probably would be up there with T.O. in TD numbers. I never cared for him and his mouth, but never cared for Deion either-the only Hall of Famer afraid to hit. But to say Ocho is an underachiever on the field, that makes you look a little clueless when it comes to football. I am sure if it was the Bills who traded for him you would consider him a God-Like player and would run out and buy his jersey.

Actually, on this point I will back off a bit. Overall, his career has been a successful one. I saw some of his games last year and came up with the feeling that he talks more than he produces. Maybe what I should have said is that his production has tapered off lately. But I still stick with the part that he is a drama queen and also to my other point that tweeting and playing are two mutually different things. IN the past, people went off on Whitner's penchant to tweet which had nothing to do with his performance on the field. Its not like he was smoking crack off the field. And if people were against Whitner then for tweeting, then there is no reason to support Ochocinco esp coming off a 1 catch performance on an offense where the QB passed for 500+ yards.

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Actually, on this point I will back off a bit. Overall, his career has been a successful one. I saw some of his games last year and came up with the feeling that he talks more than he produces. Maybe what I should have said is that his production has tapered off lately. But I still stick with the part that he is a drama queen and also to my other point that tweeting and playing are two mutually different things. IN the past, people went off on Whitner's penchant to tweet which had nothing to do with his performance on the field. Its not like he was smoking crack off the field. And if people were against Whitner then for tweeting, then there is no reason to support Ochocinco esp coming off a 1 catch performance on an offense where the QB passed for 500+ yards.

I have no argument that he isn't a drama queen, but so was Deion. My biggest memory of Deion was when he was with the Falcons against the Bills, and we were winning by about 50 points when he picked off a pass and ran for a TD, before he got to the endzone he did his retarded dance and held the ball out in the face of the defender. I was thinking, "Hey Retard you are getting your asses kicked and you are gonna do that?" That was the early stages of the "Me" players in the league, that put themselves before the team. I am sure Chad and Belicheat had a long talk when he joined the Pats about Chad's extracurricular things, but I am also quite sure that Chad meant only positive with that tweet and nothing about himself or anyone else-nothing controversial at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and in my opinion these Ex-Pats went way overboard over what was really nothing.

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Given the innocent content of the tweet Bruschi's reaction can easily be regarded as a blind sided cheap shot. But Bruschi has a point and probably a purpose. 85's penchant for the spotlight, his clowning around and his interfacing with the football public at large is completely inconsistent with the Patriot way since BB has been running the show there and ruling with an iron hand. In NE you are a professional football player not an entertainer. You focus on your job and nothing else. Above all, you don't provide distractions. Whoever you are, even TB, you are just a cog in a wheel, being the Pat's system, just another team player. This discipline and dedication largely accounts for their success. And Pats players, including retired alumni, are typically pitiless in their treatment of guys wearing a Pats uni who don't quite fit the mold, including where they underperform relative to expectations- remember TB's open and public disdain for Joey Galloway who just couldn't suck it up anymore after a great career.

It will be interesting to how 85 reacts to this public humiliation. Will he become more disciplined, or will this type of environment break his spirit? Maybe Bruschi did him a favour.

BTW Rodney Harrison is a scumbag.

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Ocho praises his teammate, former player gets pissed off... how nice.


I've never had an issue with Ocho, he has flare on the field, but he's never been a jerk, always does things for the community. I don't necessarily like his style, but he comes off as a fine guy, if flashy.


Bruschi though... that dude is a twat.

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Given the innocent content of the tweet Bruschi's reaction can easily be regarded as a blind sided cheap shot. But Bruschi has a point and probably a purpose. 85's penchant for the spotlight, his clowning around and his interfacing with the football public at large is completely inconsistent with the Patriot way since BB has been running the show there and ruling with an iron hand. In NE you are a professional football player not an entertainer. You focus on your job and nothing else. Above all, you don't provide distractions. Whoever you are, even TB, you are just a cog in a wheel, being the Pat's system, just another team player. This discipline and dedication largely accounts for their success. And Pats players, including retired alumni, are typically pitiless in their treatment of guys wearing a Pats uni who don't quite fit the mold, including where they underperform relative to expectations- remember TB's open and public disdain for Joey Galloway who just couldn't suck it up anymore after a great career.

It will be interesting to how 85 reacts to this public humiliation. Will he become more disciplined, or will this type of environment break his spirit? Maybe Bruschi did him a favour.

BTW Rodney Harrison is a scumbag.

And 85 has done none of that since he has been in NE, which I am sure Belicheat discussed with him as soon as he arrived, if not earlier. His tweet that got Bruschi's panties in a wad, was in no way a tweet that Ocho might have sent last year. I don't care for him, but I truly believe he had none of his usual "bring attention to me" intent that he always did in Cincy.

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So when Whitner used to go on twitter, he was chastised for too much tweeting and too little production. But when the superstar, under-performer Ochocinco does pretty much the same thing, you guys are going after the media person who called him out for that ?

No, not at all - we're raggin' on Tedy* Bruschi* B-)




(Oops - almost forgot the asterisks...sorry, eball!!!)

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Given the innocent content of the tweet Bruschi's reaction can easily be regarded as a blind sided cheap shot. But Bruschi has a point and probably a purpose. 85's penchant for the spotlight, his clowning around and his interfacing with the football public at large is completely inconsistent with the Patriot way since BB has been running the show there and ruling with an iron hand. In NE you are a professional football player not an entertainer. You focus on your job and nothing else. Above all, you don't provide distractions. Whoever you are, even TB, you are just a cog in a wheel, being the Pat's system, just another team player. This discipline and dedication largely accounts for their success. And Pats players, including retired alumni, are typically pitiless in their treatment of guys wearing a Pats uni who don't quite fit the mold, including where they underperform relative to expectations- remember TB's open and public disdain for Joey Galloway who just couldn't suck it up anymore after a great career.

It will be interesting to how 85 reacts to this public humiliation. Will he become more disciplined, or will this type of environment break his spirit? Maybe Bruschi did him a favour.

BTW Rodney Harrison is a scumbag.

I'm that case Bruschi ought to be blasting himself for hanging around past his prime and getting buried on rookie addai's 4th qtr running play up the middle that sent colts to super bowl vs bears and pats home packing.

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And 85 has done none of that since he has been in NE, which I am sure Belicheat discussed with him as soon as he arrived, if not earlier. His tweet that got Bruschi's panties in a wad, was in no way a tweet that Ocho might have sent last year. I don't care for him, but I truly believe he had none of his usual "bring attention to me" intent that he always did in Cincy.

You are exactly right and thats why it seems so unfair and ungenerous on Bruschi's part. But tweets are the road that 85 has travelled in the past when he was an entertainer. Thats enuf to attract attention from a crew that is totally intolerant of even the possibility of deviation from the template. The message is simple - you don't even tweet "nice" things here. You don't tweet at all. You shut the $% up and stick your noise in the playbook. I actualy don't think Bruschi was being mean. He was just being a Pat. Personally I like and admire the way they do things in NE. When the day comes that the Marcellosaurus grinds TBs face in the dirt their insufferable arrogance will only make it more appealing to me.

Unlike you, I like 85. Hes a lot like our guy. A joker, a decent guy, and a very good football player (though I think he may have lost a step). I just don't know how things will work out in NE.

As for Bruschi, I can understand people outside NE not liking him. But I'd love to have a guy like him in his prime wearing a Bills uni.

And Rodney Harrison is a scumbag.

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