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Sabres Owner/Management vs. Bills Owner/Management

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Was considering starting a thread myself regarding this. With all the news about low season tickets for the Bills out today, how can Bills management and owners not take full responsibility for the decrease. I doubt that the economy is that much of a factor. Correct me if I'm wrong, but season tickets sales for the Sabres increased dramatically and are probably at the greatest in a long time. Many regular season games are down to single seats already. People obviously have the money to spend. Fans want a superior product. Terry Pegula is doing just that. Not only has he brought in high profile free agents but he has also reached out to the fans (like today's going to season tickets homes or the fan suggestion box). Bills managment should be taking notes!

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I find it ironic on the day the Buffalo News posts an article about the Bills total season tickets sales being down from last year, a picture appears of Sabres Owner Terry Pegula and President Ted Black enjoying a beer with a Sabres Season Ticket Holder after personally delivering his tickets for the upcoming year.




The Pic


Hopefully Pegula is a Bills Fan!!

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Sabres management style:

Announce you're going to do whatever it takes to win a Stanley Cup.

Revamp team facilities to make your team as desirable as possible.

Go out and spend some money to get players that fill the needs of your team.

Ingratiate yourself with fans at every opportunity.

Send players out to deliver season tickets to some fans.


Bills management style:

Bumble!@#$ your way to 11 straight non-playoff seasons, a near impossibility in today's NFL.

Make your franchise so undesirable that most coaches refuse to consider employment by your team.

Announce that you really don't care about winning and aren't willing to do give your all to win.

Make minimal effort to improve the team.

Allow bean counters to make decisions about the roster.

Trade away one of your best offensive players for nothing.

Refuse to pay going rate for one of your best players, a warrior and a locker room leader. (Freddie)


*Note: these are not my feelings about the current Bills team/players, just the ownership.

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So if Mike Grier showed up on their doorstep, they would call 911 and/or shoot? That's what you are REALLY saying by this, right???


POOR taste.


I agree with your sentiment, but do you ever venture to other parts of this board? I don't think he is far off...

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I find it ironic on the day the Buffalo News posts an article about the Bills total season tickets sales being down from last year, a picture appears of Sabres Owner Terry Pegula and President Ted Black enjoying a beer with a Sabres Season Ticket Holder after personally delivering his tickets for the upcoming year.




The Pic


Hopefully Pegula is a Bills Fan!!

That pic is priceless. I'm sure that the STH got a few pics with Pegula & Black, and will have stories to tell for the rest of his life.

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I find it ironic on the day the Buffalo News posts an article about the Bills total season tickets sales being down from last year, a picture appears of Sabres Owner Terry Pegula and President Ted Black enjoying a beer with a Sabres Season Ticket Holder after personally delivering his tickets for the upcoming year.




The Pic


Hopefully Pegula is a Bills Fan!!

Wow.....I love that picture!

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Sabres management style:

Announce you're going to do whatever it takes to win a Stanley Cup.

Revamp team facilities to make your team as desirable as possible.

Go out and spend some money to get players that fill the needs of your team.

Ingratiate yourself with fans at every opportunity.

Send players out to deliver season tickets to some fans.


Bills management style:

Bumble!@#$ your way to 11 straight non-playoff seasons, a near impossibility in today's NFL.

Everything above is undisputed.


Make your franchise so undesirable that most coaches refuse to consider employment by your team.

Announce that you really don't care about winning and aren't willing to do give your all to win.

Make minimal effort to improve the team.

Allow bean counters to make decisions about the roster.

Trade away one of your best offensive players for nothing.

Refuse to pay going rate for one of your best players, a warrior and a locker room leader. (Freddie)


*Note: these are not my feelings about the current Bills team/players, just the ownership.

The rest of this is typical b.s. Amazing what people will allow themselves to believe.

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That pic is priceless. I'm sure that the STH got a few pics with Pegula & Black, and will have stories to tell for the rest of his life.

I just wonder why the guy is wearing a slug shirt. If he can afford season tickets, you'd think he could afford a new shirt, for Pete's sake. After all, it's not like the slug is a beloved part of Sabres' history.

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Pegula- passionate to his favorite team, no guarantees he will win the cup but no one can deny he's supplied any and all resources he can

Wilson- loyal to the area even moving games to Toronto, wants to win but never at the expense of profit, sadly I feel he is longer mentally competent

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Everything above is undisputed.



The rest of this is typical b.s. Amazing what people will allow themselves to believe.


What's BS?


The fact that numerous coaches flat out turned down the Bills for coaching interviews last year?

The fact that the Bills are on record as saying they are not going to be active in free agency (ie-not giving your all to win)

The fact that the Bills are 26 million below the cap?

The fact that they refuse to pay Freddie a decent contract despite all he's done for the team?

The fact that Bills' decisions are always over-reachingly influenced by the accounting side over the football side?

The fact that we traded Lee Evans for a mere pittance?

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most bills fans would call 911 on and/or shoot at most bills players who showed up on their doorstep



So if Mike Grier showed up on their doorstep, they would call 911 and/or shoot? That's what you are REALLY saying by this, right???


POOR taste.


He may be right. There's a lot of fear of non-whites in Buffalo. I'm not sure it was meant in poor taste; it could be an honest (and accurate) criticism of our community.



(If MIke Grier showed up on my doorstep, I'd call AARP and not 911.)

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