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What a lunatic. Anyone else think this guy just snapped after he blew the election?



btw....has the North Pole completely melted yet? Wasn't that supposed to happen by now?


"Ed, Let's see the board."


"...You'll never walk alone"


Notice how Ed Schultz and Manbearpig are looking a lot alike.


What a lunatic. Anyone else think this guy just snapped after he blew the election?



btw....has the North Pole completely melted yet? Wasn't that supposed to happen by now?

On Sept. 8, 2011 the Arctic sea ice level reached a record low since satellite observations began in 1972, according to researchers at the United States National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado.


The North Pole cap shrank to about half a percent below the prior record low recorded in September 2007, the University Berman's Institute of Environmental Physics discovered.


As Arctic sea ice has continued to decline, it has also become dramatically thinner overall, the scientists noted. The large scale thaw is a major cause for concern and is another wake up call to the effects of global warning, researchers warn.


With ice extent setting records or near records every September during the past decade -- and other indicators suggesting that the floes have lost record amounts of volume -- some scientists fear the polar sea will be virtually ice free during summer decades earlier than once thought possible.


All that open water could accelerate global climate warming because the darker ocean absorbs more solar energy than white floes. The exposed ocean then retains more heat, which slows winter freeze-up or causes even more ice to melt. This warmer, open-water Arctic will influence weather patterns and climate dynamics across the planet in unpredictable ways.



Since 1972?????? What the hell kind of a sample set is that supposed to be? :wallbash:


The one thatgives them the outcome they desire. :wallbash:


It's funny how Al Gore has never dares to mention the role clouds play in his precious climate change models.


And yet, as ignorant as he is, he still knows more about it than you.


"Clouds." You're an idiot.

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